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World Eaters Warband! Oh my!


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SO along with my Crimson Guard DIY chapter Crimson Guard WIP log, I have fallen in love with the Forge World World Eaters models. They are absolutley what I have invisioned them to look like.


I must also tell you I think the GW Berserkers are about the ugliest models I have ever seen. It is my intention to not use any of the existing GW plastic berserkers, with the exception of the chain axes.


That being said, I as in LA for Gamesday and took the opportunity to pick up a decetn amount of stuf for this project.


It will be a two fold project here.


1) a non traditional Khorne warband ( or at least non traditional from what I have seen typically) in that I intend to have several units of marked CSM that belong to the Worldeaters legion. So there will be some units with bolters and such. Then there will be a unit or two of true berserkers of Khorne. I like this idea a lot as it gives me a lot of flexibility with no real downside. I have picked up 3 FW CSM conversion sets toward this end.


2) part 2 will be to build my " Blood Wing" army. I have always liked the Deathwing, but when I saw the FW conversion kits I thought a Worldeaters terminator army would be an awesome sight on the table. SO I picked up 6 terminator conversion sets. I can bounce back and forth between true Chaos terminators or run them as Deathwing. Either way I think it will be a lot of fun and make for an awesome looking army.


In additon to this I picked up some WE Landraider doors and a WE dread with a multimelta and a CC arm. I know all about dread going crazy and killing my own guys and yadda yadda. The dread is cool looking and whether is goes bonkers or not is secondary to the visual appeal. That and I like multimeltas. At most he will off opne of my own guys and that makes khorne happy so it is a win -win. ;)


I still need to get a FW MK1 landraider and probably another couple sets of WE CSM conversion kits as well as some doors for rhinos/predators etc...


Pic of FW conversion sets. Sorry, I have not assembled anything yet so this will have to do for now.


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