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Guardians of Asgaard


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Okay, first off, I have that nagging little feeling in the back of my head that I've seen this scheme before and have copied it. If this is anyone elses color scheme, just let me know.

With that out of the way, this is will be a space marine army I'm going to start (sooner or later) called the Guardians of Asgaard. Asgaard is, according to Norse Mythology, is the capitol city of the gods, and Valhalla is located there. The new army will be Norse themed (obviously), although I doubt I'll be using the Space Wolf codex to represent them, or atleast not until the new one comes out. They will be primarily a foot-slogging army, led by terminators, and using lots of dreads. I dont really have any other fluff than that (Im no author) so bear with me. Also, I'll probably make any hand weapons axes, for the extra viking theme

Here is a tactical marine


A Sergeant


and a Captain


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Very cool scheme! Very original, looking forward to seeing some painted minis.


A little correction though... Asgaard is not a city, but the realm of the gods. Valhalla is there along with Thor's house Bliskirner, Freja's house Folkvang, Yggdrasil (the tree of life) and all the other houses of the gods.

The three other realms of the world are Midgaard (the realm of men), Udgaard (the realm of the Jætter - or Giants) and Hel (the realm of the dead). Valhalla was only for men who died in combat. Hel was for men who died in their beds and women (unfair I know...).


Anyhoo... Perhaps you should have some kind of sergeant marking? Like the Ultramarine sergeants have red helmets. Maybe you could think of something cool?

Thats totally not copied of the new Amon Amarth song right :tu: hahahahahah



*clears throat*


Amon Amarth is a "Viking Metal" band, all of their stuff is based off norse mythology. Srsly, you insult my heritage(sp?).


Very cool scheme! Very original, looking forward to seeing some painted minis.


A little correction though... Asgaard is not a city, but the realm of the gods. Valhalla is there along with Thor's house Bliskirner, Freja's house Folkvang, Yggdrasil (the tree of life) and all the other houses of the gods.

The three other realms of the world are Midgaard (the realm of men), Udgaard (the realm of the Jætter - or Giants) and Hel (the realm of the dead). Valhalla was only for men who died in combat. Hel was for men who died in their beds and women (unfair I know...).


Anyhoo... Perhaps you should have some kind of sergeant marking? Like the Ultramarine sergeants have red helmets. Maybe you could think of something cool?



Errr... hel is also considered to be a person/being/lady that is the lord(ess) of the dead. Half her body is dead, half is live.


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