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Everyone is saying OH WOW AWESOME BEST EVAR!

Indeed they are awesome, better than i could ever do, but i'd like to point those of you who said "best evar" to dog houses true scale. they are by far the best evar.

I'm not belittling these in any way though. they are exceptional.


I've only seen Doghouse's true scale marines in his tutorial thread and I have to say that Lamenter's look better in my opinion. These are less plain. but doghouse does make some awesome true scale marines.


The greenstuff looks a bit rough in places though, like for example the neck guard on the tactical marine.

really nice true scaling.

only thing i dunt really like is the fatness of the power backpack. the lower half could be slightly thinner and maybe a bit longer towards the bum slightly.


but u HAVE TO paint one soon! i think they would looks really awesome.

The issue of the back pack size seems to have divided opinion, but I like the bigger packs. I wish I didn't cause they're a pain to do, but still. I like the bottom heavy look as it implies a certain weight/stability.


I think with something like this you have to decide on a compromise between accuracy of proportion and practicality in producing them en-masse. Sure the shoulder pads aren't perfect, they're still posed unnaturally (like most marines) and the greenstuff will be a bit dodgy in some areas, but I'm gonna forge ahead anyway.


I'm hoping the greenstuff work will improve with practise. I think I've been using too much blue and not had the mix soft enough to get a really smooth finish. We'll see how things go as I make more of them.


Difficulties are no doubt going to arise with having varied poses and the heavy weapons marines, but I'll be trying to make these one at a time and I think that'll help. My current marine will be carrying the tac squad's missile launcher. There aren't a great variety of terminator arms that'll be suitable, so I think this'll be quite difficult.


To keep everyone happy, I'll try and have at least one painted by the end of the week.

I've found that the storm shield arms are probably one of the most useful pieces for this type of truescaling and the hands from a regular plastic marine (the left one that grips the main body of the bolter) fit onto it really well quite easily.


You could have him carrying the missile launcher by a handle on top.

Couple of bits to show.


First up, the hand sculpt on the bolter carrying tactical marine. It's not perfect, I think the fingers are a little flat, but otherwise I'm happy with this. Also proved to myself that I can sculpt hands (at least armoured hands) and I won't have to rely solely on terminator bits.




Secondly, here's the not far from completion missile launcher marine for the same squad.

Still need to sort out his sidearm, pads, hand and do some work on the launcher itself. When I looked at the regular launcher it just didn't seem big enough(plus I only had one) so I decided to try scratch building it instead.





Comments & criticisms welcome. I might see if I can start painting one of these today.

Thanks guys.


nurglepuss: I'd say if you're just doing one or two they not difficult at all. Very time consuming and the more you aim to do the harder it'll be to create variation. I'd imagine Space Wolves would be a perfect choice. Lots of details, chance to add furs to cover dodgy areas. Give it a go.



The idea of doing forty more of these is becoming a little less likely as time goes on :D . But for now I'll stick to the plan. I've been considering what allies to add to this army. I want to include regular human sized minis to highlight the marine's stature. My options include =I= stormtroopers, sisters, or perhaps ad mech (using WH codex). Plenty of time to think about this though.


Next up: RED PAINT!

oh my gosh!!! *screams like a little girl*


looks awesome!! esp like the missle launcher dude. has a really nice pose and expression.


it would be really awesome to see some paint getting slapped on these guys. with the look at your yellow armor goodness, i think it will come awesome with the red.


keep up the good work

Once again, awesome job. You've really done great at scaling them up in every way and don't sell yurself short on the hand sculpt. Hands are the hardest part to scuplt and you did great.


Looking forward to seeing paint on these models!

Very nice! It's all fantastic looking work. While I really like the great work you did on the wide backpack, I think it's unnecessary. Look at the TS marines DH does with big burly chests and the normal packs look fine.


Again I do think they look great.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well here's my first painted truescale marine. I still need to add transfers. I also forgot how difficult painting red over black can be.






I'm hoping to finish a 5 man squad of these by the end of the week.


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