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Ultramarines, semi-fast way

Keyan Sark

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Hi all:


Although I've been a long-time lurker this is my first post in the B&C. So first of all, hi everyone. I live in Madrid, Spain; so sorry if my English is not Emperor-sanctioned sometimes... :lol:


Well, here I go. I started gaming with the 40K universe back in the times of Rogue Trader, so I've amassed a great amount of minis since then, and most of them Ultramarines. I was somehow annoyed by the changes in tone that GW has been using in Ultras during the years, so back in 3rd-4th edition I sticked to the colour schema I am showing here (sorry, no WIP pics)




My method is:


- Spray the minis in the sprue with Chaos Black

- Assemble without guns and spray with Ultramarine Blue

- Drybrush gently with Space Wolves Grey to get a fine highlight in all borders

- When finished, use a fine brush and blue ink to fill all joints and deep areas (it is not a wash, but I don't the proper term in english. In spanish it would be "perfilado")

- Then, correct any mistake using Ultramarine Blue.


Of course, that goes for the armour only, and produces what I like to consider high-class tabletop models (never Golden Demon winners, of course)


I need better pics, but here is a couple more




As you can see, I still remain with the old-school red bolters. I had no intention to repaint all my old minis when GW decided to paint bolters black.


The same method applies for vehicles as can be seen here:






With the coming of Assault on Black Reach, I think the time has come to make proper photos of my army, so, if interested, more coming soon.

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  • 2 months later...
Where do you get ultramarines blue in spray form? It's not on the gw website as far as i know...


GW used to make different-colored spray paints (Ultramarines Blue, Blood Angels Red, Dark Angels Green) for their more popular armies.

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nice ultramarines you have there, matey!


For a slightly darker version, you could go Foundation Mordian Blue > Asurmen Blue Wash > Ultramarines Blue Highlight.


Incidentally, Keyan, your metallics look very dark. Do you not water down your black ink?


That's pretty much how i paint mine, although i don't wash with ink, and i highlight with Ice Blue ^_^

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