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Sculpt no. 5: Terminator Thunder Hammer


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Hi all,


Well here is terminator no.5 (just the serg to go now!). Unfortunately GW failed to provide me with a couple of shoulder pads, so I had to attempt to sculpt a crux. Looks like it was made with a power fist, but I havent done anything like that before, so maybe its ok. Please let me know wht you think!



Well, although the crux seems perfectly ok for me, and especially for a first attempt, the shield looks very weird.

The pic makes details hard to see, so maybe that's the problem.


The loin cloth, though pretty good, seems weird too. Since he has a tabard, the loin clothe should totally be coming out form under the blet, and not only hang by the corners. At least, that's the only thing that seem weird for me!

Top hat LOL!


@ Tiriel: Cheers :> I can see what you mean about the loing cloth, I'll have to study some clothing some more, I was going for something more akin to a Mexican poncho type thing. The shield is meant for scaring opponents by looking vicious/dead heads etc. I has a swing niche on the side and a viewing portal (a bit OTT but I like it) so he can advance behind the big shield, be able to see, and swing his hammer at the same time :>

I like the idea of viewing portals in shields. The Myrmidons in Troy used them to excellent effect, not only for viewing the enemy, but also for locking their spears in, to force the enemy back. I'll have to check out that link Nurglepuss, I really should get to grips with the GS and see what it can do!

No, its a slightly bad angle, its a romanesque horse hair crest (metal rim, square fuft of hair), same as this one:




Just a bit chunkier to suit the larger helmet.



the belt thing on the shield looks lie you pressed in beads to the GS before it cured and thats why its not a straight line, i suggest redoing that portion to make it as even and smooth as possible(get colour shapers!) and then apply the beads or rivets after, to prevent a squishing effect


the robe needs work, definitely a redo..the chunks of uncured GS is never a good thing...for robes i suggest milliput(as you can shape while dries then break it off sand it smooth and reattach for a smoother piece), but if you like GS, then definetly try doing some of the work off the model...and when you attach use a piece of stiff card with talc rubbed on it as a backing, so when you press nto the robe, you press against something instead of pushign the GS all over the place


dont be afraid to try things over and over...sculpting is a result of practice and technique...if it looks bad try again eventually you will get it if you think of it in enough ways and try it differently(even slight differences) each time



keep it up!




Cheers Alex, I'll keep that in mind :>


The cloth was sculpted 'off model' on plasticard, and left to cure before being attached, and was made with clay shapers (colour schapers). Unfortunately I recieved a bad batch of greenstuff, and so am ahving to pick out the bits of bad stuff, luckily, what you see is 'smooth' so won't show up when painted. Sorry, should have said, the shield isn't finished yet :> eed to add edges etc to that cloth and finish the bottom of the shield.




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