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Test Mini


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Haven't posted in AGES. Played from 2nd Edition Launch till the release of 4th Ed, and had to drop it for a bit (thesis). Now Im getting back into the game, thinking about what army to play. Picked up the newest WD and tested a scheme on the free terminator. Note, there will be no terminators in this army cause I cant stand their helmets.

I always loved the Legion of the Damned and figured Id give it a go. So heres a test fig, Ive already learned some no nos, like not putting fire on the lower half of the body as there is not enough contrast with the base. Im still not sure if Im going to stick with the bone weapon, or just go with a black gun. Also I dont really like the look of "mascara marines", ie, dark coloured marines with extreme highlights picking out the edges. I tried something different with this fig, it didnt come out well in the photos, because its 2am here and im in a room with yellow lights (had to Photoshop the pix a bit). Basically what I had tried with the black coat was to start with a 1:1 mix of chaos black and codex grey, and then go 2:1 codex grey to chaos black for a highlight and then wash with black wash. The shading is really subtle, you have too hold the fig up to the light to see it. Going to try a base coat of straight codex grey followed a pretty heavy wet brushing of codex grey 3:1 with bleached bone and then giving the whole thing a heavy wash or 2 of black wash, then a quick clean up.

Im pretty happy with the fire, not sure if I should pick out the ends of the flames a bit more with a deep maroon/brown/black. I also toyed with the idea of doing the base in negative colour, (ie blue flames.) I'll post a photoshopped pic at the bottom, not sure about it.

So what Im essentially looking for is some good advice.





And here's the inverted flames.


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Well he's on fire because the original Legion of the Damned are supposed to look like this.


I said to myself, "Self, if they really come out of the Warp from some fiery domain, maybe the stylized flames on them should be actual flames." And thus I sculpted them.

Here's a link to some fluff that Im basing them on.


"Of all the legends of the Imperium, one of the strangest is that of the Legion of the Damned. The Inquisitors of Terra have amassed dozens of reports describing the inexplicable manifestation of these otherworldly warriors upon battlefields were the warriors of Mankind battle without hope against impossible odds. By all accounts their aspect is frightening and bizarre, a ghostly apparition of warriors from some bygone era or a time yet to come when all is lost.

"They appear in the guise of the Emperor's finest, Space Marines, like and yet unlike the proud chapters which guard Humanity from the ravages of heretics and alien invaders.

"Their armour is black as midnight and marked with symbols of death and damnation; skulls grin cheerlessly from helm and boltgun, bones twist amidst the flames of purgatory.: (http://uk.games-workshop.com/spacemarines/legionofthedamned/)

The Cursed Fouding Chapters (From the GW UK site)

"The Legion of the Damned is a legend amongst the Adeptus Astartes. Appearing as ghostly apparitions to aid beleaguered Space Marines, this mysterious force has intervened in desperate battles on numerous occasions. The legionnaires reportedly wear power armour painted black and adorned with symbols of death, skeletons writhing in the flames of purgatory being a dominant theme. Eyewitnesses report the visible areas of the Space Marines' flesh are in a state of decay, lending the legionnaires a horrific, charnel aspect.

"The examination of starship debris recovered in the Maran sub-sector suggests a link between the Legion of the Damned and the fate of the Fire Hawks Chapter. The Fire Hawks were declared Lost in the Warp in 983.M41, twenty years after the entire chapter set out for Crow's World on a counter-invasion mission against the Eldar. The Inquisition are unsurprisingly keen to discover if the Legion of the Damned and the Fire Hawks are in fact one and the same chapter, and if so, how they gained their mysterious and deadly abilities." (http://uk.games-workshop.com/spacemarines/cursed/2/)

Wow, Ive reverted to putting citations into a forum posting... as a natural habit... DAMN YOU EDUCATION YOU HAVE BROKEN ME!

I did a bit more GSing last night as I couldnt sleep. Here are two more, their WIP, havent decided if I want to add more GS to them or not.






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Sure, Ill do the Vertebrae tut tomorrow, as Im throwing a BBQ party for my wife's bday in 3 hours. :) Taking a break from vaccuuming.


Its pretty easy. Here is a rough description.


1) Roll GS in a thin strip.

2) Cut to desired length.

3) Wait 20 min for it to harden a bit or it will flop everywhere.

4) Apply to where you want the vertebrae to go

5) Once it is stuck to the model (you might have to micro dot some super glue which will insta-cure the GS, be careful) use an exacto-knife to make the vertebrae. Make sure you start with a large bit, then small piece, then large. Always end on a large. You can taper the end also.


Should look like this


(____| |____| |____| |____| |____)


Thin spaces are to create the effect of cartilage.


6) Once you have created the vertebrae and cartilage, I use the chuck side of a small drill bit in my broken pin vise to push small indents on either side of the vertebrae section.


Ill post pictures tomorrow.




Im actually looking for a Tut on GSing a skull. As Im going to GS the chapter symbol, which Im thinking should be a flaming skull ala ghost rider.

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bamf= Bad A** M****r F****r


Which is what these minis are.


I like the idea of the flames. I think I'll steal the concept (not using flames, some other element of nature or unholiness) for a series of minis I wanna do that'll be based off of Ensiferum's songs. But I digress...

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