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WIP Invader...more green marines.


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Before anyone says anything...the tutorial is being updated soon. :P


This is a completely different approach to an army for me. Normally I post the army in bits as I make them and it hasn't worked out too well in the past.

So I made the army first and will be showing it as I paint it. Yup that's right the army is built, I've got a Captain, three tactical squads, two true scale dreads and a truescale landraider (minus sponsons) awaiting a coat of paint with some truescale scouts underway.


What I have here is the test mini for the colour scheme. It's a Mk III that I furiously put together to try out a simpler way of making the torsos for the tutorial (see I said there was an update coming...) so the sculpting is a bit slap dash.


I decide that I'd go for one of the more obscure chapters and settled on the Invaders...only to find out today they have fluff in the new codex. :rolleyes:


Sorry about the poor picture quality but my camera is on it's last legs.


WIP Invader test model




I'll finish this guy then start posting picture of the first tactical squad as I paint it. ^_^

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Here are few more dodgey WIP shots to show the rear and chapter icon, the idea is to keep the model as simple as possible for the tutorial so that other can follow the process without being a master sculptor.







It's pretty great and I could never manage anything as good, but in an attempt at constructive criticism there's something nagging me about it, looks a bit top heavy but I'm not sure whether it's the shoulder pads being too thick, the head being too high (not indented into the armour) or the hips being too thin and/or low down.

I kinda see what lucifer means, too, but I think that the top-heaviness (with the exception of the feet that look a bit short and thin) adds to the whole perception of truescale. While I agree that it's probably the shoulerpads being thick, I think that a marine would look like that because there's a truescale marine being armored with thick plates of whatchumacallits. Seriously, if the armor's to shrug off bullets as it's told in the fluff, I'd imagine the armor to be pretty shizzin thick. Adding thick armor onto an already big marine isn't gonna look too glamorous or proportional.


So yeah, I think the marine looks pretty sweet. And true to scale. :)

So is this an upscaled marine by conversion or by sculpting? It kinda looks like you've used a termie as a basis, but I can't be sure. Maybe I missed something in your post - it is very late...


WIP Invader...more green marines., Or what I did with my free BfBR Terminator


I think it's converting the terminator as a base with lots of sculpting to make them fit power armour proportions.

another chapter? oh dear... you are soooo talented but why dont you just finish the mantis warriors first? they have almost the same color!!!!!!! if you want the Invaders so bad then just change the mantis warriors badge on the shoulderpad!!!!


no offence intended btw. always loved your work

Lucifer Fellblade: I feel the same way about it mate, it's a little bit top heavy to be fair and the camera I have isn't really doing it any favours either.

The main problem is that the shoulder pads are too large, it was a bit of an experiment but didn't really pay off. The other point is that the thigh armour makes the greeves look smaller, there's very little difference in size which throws the proportions off from the front.

The head could be sunk a little further into the chest as well like you say as it gives the impression of an elongated neck which also throws it off.

The proper ones are alot nicer though. :)


shadowfire: Totally agree about the power armour comment. The main problem to overcome is the bulk of the power armour itself. If you look at the regular plastics the arms and the thighs are too thin to house an Astarte so when it's bulked out to a more realistic size it looks a bit odd if not just down right ugly.


Lemmingsbro: Yeah it's a technique called truescaling where you make the marines more proportionate to regular humans figures like guardsmen. It's based on a terminator model with greenstuff for the parts that are sculpted to resemble power armour. :)


tagsta: Thanks mate, I appreciate the compliment and don;t worry I never take offence at critism! :)

I had a bit of a disaster with the Mantis Warriors, midway through painting at some point a glass of coke was spilt over them and ruined two squads before I found out which kind of put a dampener on it. I've cleaned them up but have to redo the paint work on those that weren't varnished. :(

I'm doing these guys mainly because of the number of requests that I get to finish the tutorial and wanted to demonstrate how easy it si to make them and what an army of them looks like.

I decided on a more modern chapter as most of these guys are done as pre-heresy which is my fault really and I'm hoping to break the trend where truescaling is associated with pre-heresy.


I've only just undercoated the first squad so if anyone has any suggestions for a different but fairl obscure chapter then I'm open to suggestions. :)

tagsta: Thanks mate, I appreciate the compliment and don;t worry I never take offence at critism! :)

I had a bit of a disaster with the Mantis Warriors, midway through painting at some point a glass of coke was spilt over them and ruined two squads before I found out which kind of put a dampener on it. I've cleaned them up but have to redo the paint work on those that weren't varnished. :(

I'm doing these guys mainly because of the number of requests that I get to finish the tutorial and wanted to demonstrate how easy it si to make them and what an army of them looks like.

I decided on a more modern chapter as most of these guys are done as pre-heresy which is my fault really and I'm hoping to break the trend where truescaling is associated with pre-heresy.


I've only just undercoated the first squad so if anyone has any suggestions for a different but fairl obscure chapter then I'm open to suggestions. :P

wow that sucks about the mantis warriors.. always painful to hear when miniatures are getting destroyed...

well me being a big pre heresy fan I would have loved to see you doing alpha legion (saw ur discussion thread over at horusheresy.co.uk) but it's your choice.. i havent heard of the invaders yet but if they are getting some fluff in the new codex you might start another trend

anyways good luck with the project and try to finish those buggers :mellow:




tagsta: Alpha Legion are a definate possibilty still but in another form. I'd love to do these truescale guys as pre-heresy but I'm not sure enough about the Alpha Legion colour scheme to risk doing them with these guys as them only to get them wrong.

I do however have a new technique for making marines that I might be doing as Alpha Legion yet though...need more minis first though.

Maybe I could do these as Mantis Warriors instead?


aioannou:@ That's not a bad idea actually mate as the All Hallows Guard are really nice army, Alpha did a fantastic job on them.

Thanks mate! :rolleyes:


WIP Sergeant


Here's a shot to give you what the actual models look like in my army. This is a WIP sergeant but the rest are at a slightly more advanced stage of sculpting than this at the moment.

Basically the idea is to create actual scale marines that anyone can make using as many plastic parts as possible then enhance them with GS.

The idea is that if you are of limited ability you should be able to manage the basics, if you are slightly more ambitious then there ideas there to push your skills.

This guys is part of the intermediate level and is made mostly from a AoBR terminator and some marines bits.





EDIT: Forgot to mention that I'm also going to be adding the tutorial for actual/true scaling the dreadnought from AoBR as well. ;)

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I'm also going to be adding the tutorial for actual/true scaling the dreadnought from AoBR as well. ;)


Awesome, it'd be intersting to see what you come up with :)


as always, your work looks stunning - and i think i know how you do the actual scale models...after all this time of wondering, your last pic seems to tell me lots :o


keep up the great work, i'll be keeping an eye here :)



Thanks guys! :)


Reyner: It depends on experience and practice really. I put together a squad in an afternoon using the techniques I've developed so far.


I'm doing the tutorial in three skill levels.


Basic level with a little GS work you're looking at about an hour each.


Intermediate level probably about two hours each and Advanced probably around two or three hours depending on how far you want to take the model.


In all cases you can save time by making several at once.


To make each ten man squad I'm using ten terminator models with parts from a tactical boxed set. If you use the AoBR terminators you are probably looking at thirty odd quid for a full tactical squad (less than that if you use bits services for the tactical marine parts) which will save you a bucket load of cash compared to other methods that use my actual scale method with the GSed terminator legs as a basis.

The idea for my finished tutorial will be to make them as cheaply as possible and tailor them to your own skill level and give myself a tourney army at the same time.


The two dreads that I'll be showing later cost me about twelve quid each which saved me enough cash to buy the parts for the Land Raider which was about sixty five quid!!! :o


To be honest though it's been well worth the effort, finally having an army of these guys sat in front of me on my desk is pretty amazing and something that I have been striving towards for ages and the scouts are coming together nicely as well.


BrotherDamascus: Yeah the the torso is pretty simple compared to what I normally do and means that not a lot of the terminator parts are wasted. Normally I sculpt the torso from scratch but figured that it'd be better to come up with something everyone can do. :)

Outstanding as ever! I'm gonna try my hand at the true scale thing as soon as you finish the tutorial! If it works out ok I won't be doing do a complete army of Marines, but I'll do two small opposing forces Loyal and Chaos to be used in "Inquisitor style" kill team scenarios.

Cheers guys! ;)


Aquila:: Like the marines it's a pretty simple technique but looks great. I built one for my Heresy Era Nightlords ages ago and have modified the technique to suit the AoBR push fix dread.


Megalodon: I think I've got it down to a level where anyone can now make one so you should be able to knock them together fairly easily.

They'd be great for Kill teams.

Megalodon: I think I've got it down to a level where anyone can now make one so you should be able to knock them together fairly easily.

They'd be great for Kill teams.

Very cool, I can't wait. Kill teams were exactly what I was thinking! The other nice thing about doing them for kill teams means I won't have to squeeze then on 25mm bases.

Thanks guys!


Nathanial91: I'll be adding a picture soon so stay tuned. I've found that the moment I shift my focus from one model to the next I lose interest and move onto something else and the project dies so I have to be strict on myself and post shots in some sort of order. ^_^

Like the Astartes there are several levels of conversion for the dreadnought from the simple biggerising technique to adding all the detailing so anyone should be able to make one.


Right small update time...


WIP Sergeant


This guy is basically a tester for the rest of the army to try out the colour scheme although he will feature in one of the tactical squads.

To be honest he's ok but I feel that I could have done a better job of the conversion work but at the end of the day this is about building an army so he'll do.

I've just started to paint the model and will be adding the bling afterwards, this is mainly due to me wanting to see how they look painted.








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