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WIP Invader...more green marines.


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Here's a couple of scale shots to give you some idea of the size of him.


Alongside original prototype


I won't be using the prototype guy in the army but he will be used for testing out painting techniques.




With AoBR push-fix Terminator


The original model which makes this model possible and the starting point of all the actual scale guys in the army.




With BoM push-fix marine


I was thinking I could use these regular marines as SoB proxies to represent Power Armoured Chapter Serfs! ^_^



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Thanks guys! :ph34r:


Brother Captain Aruis: The tutorial is coming sometime over the next few weeks. I'm doing a lot of phot editing for it right now and it's quite indepth. The green is good old snot green. ;)


LuNCHBiZZLe: Don't worry mate I haven't missed it. I'll either be painting it white or green to blend in with the armour, just haven't got that far with the painting just yet. ;)

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As the army is themed for a campaign that I will be taking part in here's a piece of accompanying background story to go with the army.



The attack had been swift and unexpected, the Scion had barely time to raise its void shields. The first shots tore into it hull as it emerged from the warp space in an explosion of light as it forced its presence back upon the material universe.

The Eldar had caught them completely by surprise, the enemy Farseers scouring every possible thread of the future had pinpointed the exact moment that the Astartes Strike Cruiser would arrive on the edge of the sector and the optimum moment to attack.


The Scion limped onwards seeking the refuge of a nearby asteroid cluster, a single lance struck the void shield of the heavily damaged vessel as its shields flickered and died. A bright beam of energy pierced its side, a perfect hit that melted through the outer armoured plates with ease and precision, a surgical strike to cut the heart from the beast.

The engines of the Strike Cruiser fell silent as they burned out, secondary explosions rippled along the port side of the Astartes vessel before the side of the prow ruptured in a brief explosion of fire, the flames burning only briefly as they were extinguished by the cold void of space.

A second beam reached out but the explosive decompression had blown the Cruiser off course as it drifted into the asteroid cluster.


The Eldar ship made its way deep into the field seeking to deliver the killing blow to its prey. It gracefully wove its way through the debris of rocks that slowly drifted in unpredictable paths, colliding with each other to create a cloud of metallic dust particles that disrupted their sensors and left them blind.


The Scion lay dead in space as they approached visual range but they would need to be close to gain a clean shot. The Strike Cruiser drifted, slowly rotating on its axis devoid of any signs of life. The inner decks now exposed to space like the blackened ribs of a slain beast.

By the time the starboard side of the Scion had drifted into view it was too late.


At such close range the boarding torpedoes closed on their quarry with frightening speed, the Eldar had little time to react as they smashed into the side of their vessel.

The trap had been sprung. The Astartes would turn certain death into a fighting chance as they disembarked their transports, spilling into the outer hull of the Xenos craft screaming litanies of vengeance and slaying all before them.

The Invaders would have their revenge.

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verpine: There will be shots of the Landraider but I'm keeping it under wraps for now because the moment I show unfinished stuff I end up moving onto something else. It'll hopefully be up in a few weeks time, I'm waiting on getting the cash together for the new landraider kit when ut comes out.


Traitor in Jeans: Thanks mate, don't worry it's on it's way. It's taking so long because I need to do it so anyone of any skill level can do it.


Pulse: And what happens when I complete the army then? <_<

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Pulse: Hmm, well maybe when I get the time I can sort something out then. ;)


ImperialTemplari: Thanks mate! :huh:


Right this is an update of sorts, mainly because I've recieved various PMs about how big they are but also to show a regular guy at their current level of development.

This isn't the finished article by the way, this guy is the product of speed sculpting so is really rough at the moment. I'll be going over them now that the three tacticals are finished and tiidying up the rough areas, adding the details, etc, so don;t get disheartened by the lack of quality. ;)

Although I've included a really old stormtrooper conversion as an example I fully intend the scale to be compared to FW models because they are better proportioned. I may at some point invest in some to make WH Stormtrooper allies to represent Chapter Serfs.

This marine is fairly static but I have worked some more dynamic marines into the mix which I'll show later.








This guy is more like what I would normally make truescalers as as a comparison to demonstrate that this is just a gaming army as opposed to a full blown modeling project. ;)



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Quick update...


Well the pictures aren't great but the first tactical marine is basecoated and I've begun highlighting and shading. I've still got to go back and clean up some of the GS work but can't spend too much time on him as his twenty eight battle brothers and Captain are begining to gather dust.

Blasted spray went powery on me and I need to clean him up a bit. :P







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Thanks guys! ;)


Ardus: Yeah it bugs me too, I might have to spend a bit more time sanding the pads with the others I have sat in front of me.

I'd really like to do the shoulder trims as well but it all adds to the time I need to spend on each of them. :P


Nathanial91: I seriously can't wait to get gaming with this army but boy am I going to suffer with the new true line of sight rules! :)

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metcalfedan:Yeah. :confused:

I might try and rescue the first test guy if need be, never hurts to have another marine for the army.


Nathanial91: Hopefully I can convince them that these guys have an AV of 14! :(



Here's another update but you can see the fuzzy effect created when the spray went powered. :(

I should be able to salvage him though. Once I've a few under my belt I'll start bulk painting them in combat squads.

The GS work looks a little rough still but the camera seems to enchance the flaws.







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