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WIP Ultras(!)

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Right so, this is to motivate me to paint up a ton of WIP/Unstarted marines in the hopes of actually having a finished army for a change. Ultras were picked because:

A: I've already got a test mini done(so I know what exactly I'm doing with them for a change)


B: I've 10 WIP blue termies atm


C: I decided I wanted the Marneus Calgar box for some unknown reason today


So, to start, Pics of what I have done/have yet to do(the difference is unreal lol)



This is what I've done



And what I have yet to do lol.


And what that is exactly:

Marneus Calgar and Honour guard

Captain and Command Squad

5 sternguard

3 5 man terminator squads

2 10 man tactical squads

5 sniper scouts

2 5 man devastator squads

3 Vindicators

A random Rhino


That totals to 16 termies, 5 scouts, 44 marines(one's done), and 4 tanks, or 69 models(it's a coincidence I swear lol). I'm going to work one squad at a time, with pics posted once a week or so. But here comes the point of this thread(the real one anway)-You lot are the ones cracking the whip, and I will rely on you to do so as I get distracted, forget things, that kinda stuff. Not much to comment on so far I know, but this really is the start of this army, and IF I manage it it really will be only from you're abuse/help hence my starting this thread. And if you see mouldlines on a mini, don't comment, I tend to crack over backlogs and I've enough pressure atm as-is because I'm after moving to a really good school that costs an obscene amount to go to AND I'm starting my leaving cert this year as well, so time on the army will be limited and so I'm not going to spend too much time doing stuff like removing mouldlines and touching up small mistakes in the painting, but rather get a coherent army on the table.


First thing I'll be working on is a captain, pics once he's built.

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you have lots of nice models...


I may have to visit yours and, um aquire them :(


and from what I can make out from the photo painting looks good. Then again it could be GD winning, but its hard to see... ;)

Yeah, I've a better photo of him, I'll look for it and post it(or a new one) with the captain's picture.


And Metcalfedan-Yes it is a silver PS2, there's also a Halo3 x-box and the vindies were a birthday pressy off the grandparent's lol

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Right, first of all sorry for the double post, but here's somehing new:



Better test guy pic(EDIT: Or maybe not)



Mini 1



Mini 2


I'm not sure who to use as captain, and who'll be the command squad sergeant. I've also built calgar's squad, but they're stock minis, so no pics till they've got paint on

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Captain should definitely the 2nd mini out of the 2 metal ones.


The painting I would comment on but as you said the pics aren't the best. Try working with the flower icon on the camera if there is one :P

It did get used lol, those 3 pics were taken at the same time, I'll take(another) one tomorrow in the day-time to see how It turns out


{edit} Third times a charm(if it's full size anyway)


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Right, an update: Blues are done on the command squad, reds and whites are in varying stages, depends on the marine. I picked the second marine to be captain btw.


Also have this to show:



And all great threads have a picture of the starters workspace, here's hoping it'll rub off on this too lol



More pics will be tomorrow when I get home from school so they can be taken during the day

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