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Started Painting Converted Terminator... Black Wings


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Update 2 (before bed):






OK, still need to work on the chips in the paint (any tips appreciated!!). Am probably going to go over the purity seals again I think.


After I'm happy, next step will be green glowy eyes, lights, thunderhammer head and rear lights (oh and also the thunder hammer handle, somehow missed it :lol:).


As stated any tips/help/critique much appreciated!! I realise the proper black wings scheme is navy blue/red with yellow trim (ew! IMO) but as the GW model in my 'space marines collectors guide' is a bit mis-printed, I thought it was red and black! ande decided to leave off the yellow trim.




Hi again all :> Still a lot of work to do, but getting there!






Going to paint a 'black wing' symbol on the modified leg, thinking of doing the hammer head and eyes bright/glowy green, add more weathering etc. Before I work on his base. Cheers all! comments much appreciated!!


Previous: Hi all, some of you may have already seen the conversion, well I started to add some paint in my break earlier today:




Just started weathering the metal (a new thing for me, I hate painting metal!!).


Im trying to decide what colour the well worn armour will be. I'm tempted by yellow (hazzard stripes), but I paint a lot of things yellow already, and find that this can sometimes not stand out on a weathered model.


I have been considering red (a bright red) painted so as to look like its well chipped and rubbed, but still bright. I may even try a split scheme (down the middle) but would have to think very carefully as to colour choice so that the over armoured side doesn't look too OTT.


Right, now I'm off to look up some more weathering techniques! cheers!! and thanks I really do find you very helpful!!

Cheers Phil :>


Hmmm I think your right with rust and red, it could be great or terrible (i.e. it could compliment or just create a big mound of rust).


The reason I've gone for such a weathered approach is (A) its high time (:lol: I painted it silver, and, blow me, it looked like a bloomin grey knight!!


The only colours I want to avoid (if possible) are blue and green. I may even have a go at using adeptus battle grey, or fenris grey, as this could compliment the scheme.... hmmm



@ aioannou : Cheers :> I'm a long term fist :P I have an Imperial fists army as it stands, but great idea! Unfortunately I never field special/named characters (although this may change (shock horror first time since RT!!) with the new codex....).


@ L-Bunny : thanks for the compliment! I find metal the most difficult to be honest. I'm now just waiting for the latest paint wash to dry (thank you vallejo paints!!), a bit of specific weathering to do, the hammer and he's done.


As a hint, I went with the red and another colour after looking through the space marine painting guide.... guess what chapter I picked... ;)

Yes, I think I must have been subliminally influenced there! Ha! hmmmm however, that does mean a rather attractive dreadnought conversion has just come to mind..... hmmmmmm


Cheers for that, my cup runneth over!!


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