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Dread Lords Chapter Fluff


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First off let me say that I thought I was posting this in the fluff section, sorry about that.


There is some great stuff here, this is mine. Although not as comrehensive as many I wrote this at work today whil dreaming about how my chapter went renegade.


The Emperor’s Sons chapter was created during the age of apostacy to deal with the rising threat to the Imperium when it looked as if civil war would tear it apart. The sons were recruited from the feral world of Arthurius from amongst the warring tribes that were scattered across the planet.

Arthurius was a verdant world thick with primordial forests and vast mountain ranges. The tribes lived in seclusion led by tribal leaders and shamans only coming into contact with other tribes during times of war. Explorators found the population were perfect initiates for marine gene-seed, strong willed warriors with a belief in a caste system and superstitious enough to believe the outworlders as some form of savior. Soon the various tribes were competing for dominance of the outworlders recruiters so that their tribe had the most warriors making the journey to the stars.

The Emperor’s sons kept close ties to their roots, always returning to their respective tribes after their transformation into space marines. It was a great honor to have a family member within the tribe who was now a warrior from the stars.

The Emperors Sons were thrown into the fighting as soon as they were created, sent on missions across the Imperium where help was needed, the warrior marines would never shy from a fight or a mission as it went against their warrior code. This caused them to be gone for long periods of time from the home world and the lives that they all cherished.

During the Age of Apostacy it was common for Imperial inquisitors to monitor the well being of many of the newest chapters. It was during a rather protracted campaign that nearly the entire chapter was involved in that an Imperial Inquisitor visited Arthurius in an attempt to monitor the well being of the Emperors Sons to ensure that they were not succumbing to the lures of chaos or being led astray from the Emperors light with traitorous thoughts.

Nearly the entire chapter was absent and Inquisitor Bernhard and his small contingent of Gray Knights began the investigation. Bernhard soon discovered many varied rituals that included totem worship and the ritualistic drinking of animal blood. The Inquisitor deemed this heretical, especially in light of the current state of the Imperium. Bernhard called for the aid of the Imperial Guard and soon the planet of Arthurius had been cleansed.

The Emperors Sons kept They’re chapters headquarters on the planet and had received urgent word to return as soon as Bernhard had began the cleansing. The chapter had been at war for several years in a desperate struggle against several traitorous battalions of Imperial Guard but as soon as word reached them they broke off from the conflict and returned home. This drew the ire of several loyalist guard commanders and a few Chapter commanders also.

Upon return to Arthurius the Emperors Sons took up orbit around their beloved planet and when no contact could be made they feared the worst. Nearly the entire chapter awaited anxiously in the armada orbiting Arthurius. A small force was sent to the planet to report back their findings. To the Emperors Sons horror they soon realized the extent of the cleansing, nearly all of the tribes had been wiped out. Only a few scattered survivors had managed to hide away.

Soon after Coriyan, chapter master of the Emperors Sons was contacted aboard his ship, The Glorious Salvation, by Bernhard who informed him that he was severely outmanned and outgunned and that Coriyan should turn himself along with his company commanders over to the inquisition for testing of gene-seed stability.

Bernhard was right, the Emperors sons were outnumbered. The entire remains of the chapter now orbited their beleaguered home world. They were surrounded soon by several battle barges of Imperial Guard and companies from the Angels of Absolution and Nova Marines chapters. The Emperors Sons were tired and wounded from the prolonged campaign of the past several years and now had found their home world laid to waste.

Coriyan contacted Inquisitor Bernhard about his conditions for surrender. Bernhard explained that if the gene-seed of the Emperors Sons was found to be pure they would only suffer a centuries long crusade to redeem themselves and return to the Emperors light instead of being eradicated. Coriyan accepted the terms and he and his remaining company commanders were taken aboard the inquisitors barge…

What followed isn’t completely clear but according to data slates returned from several of the battle barges of the Guard and loyalist Marines present and partial images saved from the inquisitorial barge it is known that Coriyan and his remaining company commanders slew the entire receiving party onboard the inquisitorial barge and then allowed the remaining marines from their chapter to board the vessel and slaughter the entire barges compliment except for the few needed to return the vessel to Terra.

All information about this catastrophe was learned from the terrified survivors of Inquisitor Bernhard’s barge. A large battle then ensued amongst the remaining Emperors Sons and the loyalist ships. The Emperors Sons escaped the blockade although at heavy losses and fled into the unknown. Not long after the battle a planetary Guard force was massacred on Arthurian and the remaining tribes people were taken by a force known as the Dread Lords.

It is assumed that these Dread Lords are the remnants of the formerly loyal Emperors Sons. No Gene-seed was ever harvested to prove or disprove Inquisitor Bernhard’s original assumption that the Emperor’s Sons had been tainted.

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First of all most chapter durning the age of apostathy , were more independed then any chapter right now



The Inquisitor deemed this heretical, especially in light of the current state of the Imperium. Bernhard called for the aid of the Imperial Guard and soon the planet of Arthurius had been cleansed.

But IG was mostlly under the control of Bucharius and the Inq before the coming of Sebastian Thor was keeping a low profile or openlly worked with the traitor bucharius .


As the rituals go . Other chapters have ones that are the same or even more extrem .

blood drinking would not have been enough to call a chapter heretical . Now human sacriffice or worship of the emperor as the 4 headed god now , would be something more extrem .


The were chapters destroy or that went MIN durning the times of Bucharius , but most of it was because Bucharius wanted to make an example of the sm . If he could break them no one would oppose him . He tried with some successor chapters and then with SW . And that was his doom.


Also gene mutation , different kind of worship is not equal to worshiping chaos.


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