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The Emperor's Word Space Marines


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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally managed to finish the jump packs for my vanguard. It's only taken about 2 weeks off and on.










I'm sure they could be better but I think they're good enough for now anyway.



  • 1 month later...

I've just about finished converting my Master of the Forge with Conversion Beamer and thought I'd share.






And the beamer itself:




I still have some green stuffing to do but other than that, he's finished.



  • 3 weeks later...

I managed to get the legs of my Venerable Dread done tonight.






Hope to get the torso at least mostly finished tomorrow.



I managed to finish the torso of the dread. I also seem to have misplaced his head, so I'll have to look again for it.




Hope to have an arm done by tomorrow or Saturday.



I've been watching this for a while and it's really good, in concept and execution. The purple just screams 'Imperial elite' and the bone looks fantastic.

I still think there's space for holy script writen on their armour though - maybe before a campaign each warrior picks a passage of the Imperial Creed he likes and paints it onto his armour. A while back someone also mentioned books: you could always use the DA book on vehicles (so long as it's not too busy - i.e. it might look 'too much' on your venerable, which already looks good enough, maybe just a bit more attention drawn to the vox caster?), anyway, that's just some random suggestions.

@MNONE: Cheers. I might add some books to them later on but don't want anything too huge. I was thinking something about the size of Chaplain Cassius's book or smaller would be a good size, but I'll decide on that when the army is more finished. As for the vox caster bit; I hadn't actually thought of it like that, it was more of a vent similar to the Mk5 armour. I suppose it could blare the Word of the Emperor.


@Terminatorinhell: The beamer is actually really easy to do. You need a Necron Gauss Cannon, a piece from the Bastion upgrade sprue, and a fence from the BfM box.


I should have more updates and a better pic of the conversion beamer tonight.



I managed to finish the head of the dread today after converting it from another FW dread head. I'm not entirely pleased with it but from a distance it'll look fine I think.




I also have a couple WIPs; Librarians and a Scout Bike Sergeant.






Still have a fair bit to build so I should have updates shortly.



  • 2 months later...

After months of doing nothing for this army, I've started painting them again.


I've manged to finish a Plasmagun Veteran for a Command Squad.




I've done some more touch ups since the picture was taken so for all intents and purposes, he's finished.



  • 4 weeks later...

I managed to finish my Scout Bikers today. The scouts themselves are fun and easy to paint while the bikes took a bit more work than I thought they would.










I've got a Librarian and Master of the Forge in the works so I'll post them when I finish.



Cheers guys. I plan to do an army shot once I get a few more things painted.


Speaking of which, I got a Librarian finished.






His skin isn't that noticeably different but I want to try and add different skintones to the army to show the different peoples on the various worlds that they have converted to the Emperor.


The MotF is up next and I'm quite excited to paint this one. Might need a new brush or two though as mine are getting a bit worn.



Managed to finish my Master of the Forge today.






Quite pleased with how he turned out. The IV on the staff is to denote which company he's a part of.




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