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The Emperor's Word Space Marines


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I managed to finish the Chapter Master/Beliel stand in today. The blending on the cape isn't that great, I think, but it'll do for now. I may redo it later on.









  • 1 month later...

Not much of an update, but I've been building a command squad for my army.


This model here will either be a veteran of the squad, or lead a tactical squad. I'm not sure yet.





  • 6 months later...

After a longer hiatus than the SoG, I have returned again to the Emperor's Word. I've been meaning to do this for a while but haven't gotten around to it.


I've begun to model my Kantor Counts-as and this is what I have so far.




Which head do you prefer? Alternatively I have Sicarius' bare head.






Probably the only bannered back pack for the army.


Next Special Character I'll probably do is Shrike using the Wolf Guard with Lightning Claws and an Assault Squad Culln to make it Mk4 armour.


Hopefully I'll start painting this guy soon.



I managed to get this guy about 99% finished in terms of modeling. I still may add a laser sight to the storm bolter but other than that he's finished.





I'd repose the fist down so that it is has a sense of being 'heavy'. It would improve the model I think.


Seconded. It's okay now, but that would make it look even better.


I would also swap the TDA stormbolter-hand for a power armored hand. TDA arms/hands on normal Marines always look a bit out of place to me.

The fist is kinda stuck as it is because of the elbow join. I'd move it down a bit if I could. I figure he's gonna scratch himself or something. As for the TDA hand, it looks a whole lot better than a regular power armoured one. I had that originally and it was too puny.



I got 5 more marines done, well the body anyway. I still need to do the guns, backpacks, and bases. Also, the sergeant's head.









I managed to mostly finish the 5 Marines. I just need to do the backpack for the sergeant and their bases.







I finished the second sergeant and started a few more marines. A third sergeant and a couple missile launcher Marines for the tactical squads.






I was also wondering how I should paint bikes. Any ideas?



I've done a bit more painting today.


I finished off the 3 marines I was painting, well the bodies anyway.




As well as a Dread.





Finished the arms on the dread, so that makes it a Dread in a day.








Now I can start on my Kantor counts-as.



I managed to get work done on the Kantor counts-as. He will be known as Captain Jungor. If anyone can guess why he's named that, they get a cookie.


Here he is:




I have a question though. Should I make the trim around the kneepad gold or leave it the bone colour?



Some great looking models. I'm liking the colour scheme.

On the captain if I was doing the model I would paint the trim gold, as it would make the captain stand out, and you would think they would have more ornate armour than the rest of the company.


Keep up the good work!

Lovely to see these guys still going - I still very much dig what you've got going on here :)


I agree on the knee pad trim. I think in some scenarios it wouldn't work but given the aesthetic style of your chapter, the fact that he's a captain, and the amount of detail on the model that will allow you to balance out the gold on the knees on other areas of the model so as to keep it from looking out of place, I say go for it.

I managed to mostly finish Jungor today. He needs something in the circle of his banner (suggestions welcome) and some touch ups. I'm not completely happy with how the cloak ended up but it'll do for now.







Got the third sergeant finished.




I have nothing else to paint that's primed so I'll be building until a warmer day comes.



Got most of my priming done for now, and did a painting bone tutorial if anyone is interested.


Painting Bone by Khrangar


Paints Needed




Or if you only have GW colours...








Step1: Paint a coat of Bestial Brown. Doesn't have to be neat, just has to be over the areas you want to paint bone.


Step2: Apply Menoth White Base or Bleached Bone over Bestial Brown. Will take roughly 3 coats of Menoth White Base to cover smoothly and probably 4+ coats of Bleached Bone for the same effect.


Step3: Apply Gryphonne Sepia over chosen bone colour.


Step4: Add highlights around edges. Chosen bone colour to start around all edges, followed by a 1:1 coat of bone plus white around sharp edges and middles of areas. (I.e. Top and bottom of knee pads, and above the foot, etc.).




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