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WIP death guard(pic heavy)*4 july*


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thanks muskie, im thinking about painting those rhinos......what im thinking is once the base coat of white is completely finished, if i paint the 'rot' a medium grey in the recesses, and a light grey between the recesses and the white.....and then use the purple wash..will that give me a decent look do you think? in my mind the 'rot' should look shaded in the right places and save me a lot of time. but i thought id ask first!




Most likely, it is actually a pretty easy technique, you just highlight up using greys and even a bit of white, than you use a thinned wash. I did that model well before the new washes were released. They advise using them straight out of the pot. The advantage of thinning them is you can do successive thin washes but if you put two much ink or wash on your carefully highlighted model, you have to go back further to build up the highlights again.


In these revolutionary days, take a piece of lasticard or sprue, through some green stuff on it. Paint it white, grey, and grey and try the new purple wash straight out of the pot, it will probably work out fine. With any technique expirementation and fine tunning can be done over time.

I like the idea of the Chaos lord, but he seems too stiff when compared to the other termies. Perhaps if you used the newer plastic arms, and repositioned his legs, this would help a bit.


Great job otherwise, though. I love the paint scheme. Keep up the good work!

  • 1 month later...

hi guys,


sorry its been a while unfortunantly i have been real busy and then really ill. to ill to work....but even too ill so sit and paint!!!! grumble....bah.....humbug!......mmmrrgggrrrr....mutter...phoey.


anyway, i have added to my collection. i have the FW DG CSM upgrade, 'the armour through the ages' and the nurgle metal banner bearer all modelled up and i have everything undercoated ready to paint. i decided not to put typhus vents on all the back packs. i didnt want everything to look the same. i really like the idea of some ancient CSM but also some newbies only just finding the true path so some will even have imperial packs while others packs with spikey bits etc etc. nothing to do with the time it takes to GS vents....nooooo.

i have 'finished' my test marine as you can see. the skulls i made a gold, muddy gold colour just to help them stand out and break up the armour (as was suggested by a few people on these sites...so thanks!) and the base is done. i havent painted the slate....what do you guys think? should i make the lower legs dusty? if so...any tips? i dont wanna ruin the armour!!

the knife i added the orange (cant recall the name) from the foundation set, stippled it on (again stolen!) for a rust look and added an extreme white highlight to the edges of the green trim.


as ever thanks so much for your help









  • 2 months later...

ok time for some pics to prove i have been painting!


first up though meet my new vindicator. it was suggested to me that a possessed rhino was pointless, but a possessed vindi was a great idea....so i cut open the front and using a sawn plastic leg from a shelf rack made a big gun!

as ever C&C welcome (still some GS touches needed at edges etc but not much)





ok here is the rhino, i really like the way the rot is working out, just brown wash to shade then purple. no highlight as yet. the armour with be 'streaky' white like the marines. im still looking for a good IG paint scheme for cadians please <_< a simple and quick one, thanks





ok now some marines. they are all done (the bloated bellies need the streaky white effect but thats it for these guys) but not based yet. the colours on the base i use as an undercoat to the gravel, water effect that ill do when they are all painted. i have another ten about 90% done. after they are finished ill do the rhino....as a treat!













they wont win any awards but i think they are an ok table top standard..........right?


thanks for all your help and support <_< :bum:



They look disgustingly good - and I mean that in every way :woot:


The pus and armor look particularly excellent. About the only things I'd recomend is maybe adding some rust to the metal of the bolters - possibly a little grime on the hoses too.


Looking forward to seeing more from you :D

sweet gods of are that are unholy..... these make me wanna barf.... :confused: :nuke: ;)



these are some fantastic conversions you have don e here my friend.


any chance of putting up a tut on how to achieve such a texture as the one with the guardsmen rhino?

its the green (cant recal which) and tin bitz you can see, then add slate from the GW basing range, then the water effect from GW. i shall play around with it more once i have enough painted up to make starting basing worth while

really easy to do, white undercoat, brown black and green washes. then watered down skull white painted on in lil stripes. the white should let the inks show through. then you can just go ver the armour as many times as you want to cover the ink as much or as little as you want. it doesnt take long at all really and you get the 'streaky' look




ps. people have asked for a tutorial but i havent done it yet.

loving this thread :D you got some great stuff here but this guy is da bomb



loving this thread :D you got some great stuff here but this guy is da bomb


Yeah I have to agree. He has that old school Nurgle come give me a hug-attude.

You have a nice mix of old and new going with this army.




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