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WIP death guard(pic heavy)*4 july*


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ok update (i know so soon! wow!)

so i have had the worst 48 hours and im feeling all crappy and sorry for myself :'( so to cheer myself up i took some pics of my latest work to post on here. i know, thats pretty sad but hell, i like it. so:

my first icon!











now this last guy is my absolute favourite, i really am proud of how this guy came out...so be nice :bum: ...please?




also what do you guys think of the rust im putting on the guns now, a few people suggested it was he wayto go.....should i stick with it?


rhino update:

i promsed myself that once i had finished the second ten marines (see above) i would paint this rhino....so here is how im going so far....





closer on the IG:


im using the scheme Tapey gave me (thanks dude! saved me ages of trying out stuff) but I'm wondering if the legs are too orange? they seem to clash with the rest....but i cant decide on the best 'highlight' colour to pull everything together.....bleach bone? some kinda pale flesh colour.....help!


you guys have seen the colour scheme for my army now so i could you advise me on this:

what colour should i do my daemons? matching/contrasting? traditional green? white? red even? light or dark shades etc.....im hoping some of you artists will be able to help me out here as im stumped D:

close up nurgling:


close up daemon thing in rot....er...swimming/emerging:


once i have an idea of how to paint them i can crack on with these two above :thumbsup:


you may also notice i took of the havoc launcher after some gaming advice...i wanna put some kinda pole/icon thing....but make one as i have used all the GW icon bits elsewhere....would it be too much going on? any ideas for something simple?

as ever thanks SO much for all your help, patience and advice

ok so i am almost there!

i have decided to go with the traditional green look (im looking around now for a good recipe for it) for the daemons (PB etc) and once i have that it wont take long to paint the two on the tank. that will leave the IG faces and skin and finishing off the stripey white armour. then any touch ups etc needed.


i have really tried hard to paint the tank properly. like the IG uniforms. which is my way of saying i cant do better than this! :D:




stripey white and rust (taking Mabs advice-thanks!):



this is the first model i tried to work out before i started. for those that dont know the concept was that the tank (or crew) was gifted with 'extra armour' in the form of a living 'Rot' and in order to keep it alive you had to feed it with the bodies (alive or dead) of defeated enemy soldiers...like a performance related gift....i think this is a very cool and nurgle like idea.


however i have learned that making a good concept into a good model is a little harder than it looks. i like this tank a lot dont get me wrong, but i think if i was to do it over i would have a lot less 'Rot' and more stripey white armour to give the model a more balanced look.

i have 3 other tanks all of which i want to have a similar story or theme so any advice about what you think has or has not worked here would help me out with them. i have NO intention to change this tank though! :jaw:


thanks as ever



Yes, do not change a thing about this rhino. It looks suitably blessed by Nurgle to have a higher armour value. I can just imagine the sucking noise that would go along with any opening or closing of the rhino's hatches as the rot spread apart or reconstituted itself around the points of access.


You've got plenty of purple, you've got some green and orange on it, and there's a spot of red thanks to the stormbolter. I would suggest a bit of yellow in the green tinge for this Demon to differentiate it from the IG armour. Albeit, I haven't consulted any colour theory for that.


All in all I'm a big fan of everything you've done with this army so far.

  • 2 weeks later...

ok so i have three things to update you with the first is still WIP and i need some C&C at this stage.

my converted lord/termy guy





also i forgot to show this angle on this guy...he has an eyeball on his shoulder....you see:




oh yes and one other small thing i have done....










so the 'eye' that i have replaced the havoc with is meant to be a 'scope' for the crew....looking the same way as the bolter......clever that innitt lol.


i cant thank you guys enough for your help.

(and Tapey, Mabs & Squig for some colour hints etc)



okay...not sure how to take no replies to that last post.


update time:

ok so i was on a role, finished my tank (which im so pleased about...still!) and thought just a quick paint, wash and drybrush jobby and i should have my HQ done and i can play a game...woohoo!

then it was pointed out.....and quite rightly....that my lord dude just didnt look right. which would have spoiled all the effort i have put into everything else.... so i bit the bullet and attacked it with sharp stuff.

what do you think of my new direction?





the tentacles will be purple like the rot.....C&C please.





Gorgeously gruesome. I love the GS work. My only crits would be that the imperial guardsmen on the rhino look a bit too clean (i know they're covered in that purple stuff). They look to pristine and maybe don't look like they put up a fight!

hey Pake...im on dakka too...and squig can go be a big giant dutchman for all i care! :D


thanks for your responses, i will be adding tentacles to the arms etc, right now im playing with the idea of a set of larger sucker covered tentacles but im not sure this will work on this model. nice idea though for a different one. maybe just some eyeballs.



Great stuff, I love the contrast of the gaurdsmen on the tank. I have 2 crits, one being that the lord is leaning back too far, and the second is some of the stuff is too overdone, I think more variation on the states of decay would make the more decayed stand out more. Oh and I agree that the plasma gun guy is the best, superb job on him!
  • 2 weeks later...

so i have some things to update you all with....but im waiting on water effects to dry for part two. so here is part one, a tutorial on how i paint my guys. i still cant believe peolpe have asked me lol.


im not sure i picked the best guy to show you on but there you are.


first up spray white and touch up with skull white paint, then (using the foundation paint set, i water them down a little to help the paint flow) paint all the metal areas orange, armour trim green and bolters red. with the red and orange im not very neat, with such heavy washes you cover up any wavey paint lines or missed bits etc and finally i paint the eyes shining gold:

the first pic didnt upload fully (dunno why) but you can see all you need to




now we come to the washes all of which are pretty heavy. first up wash with black aiming for the deepest, darkest parts of the model AND all the coloured areas:



then brown covering the whole model:



then green only covering the armour and trim:




now we start on the stripey white. i have a pot of skull white that i have added a lot of water too. you want it so that you can see the colour coming through the paint after one coat. then it is simply painting little lines on the armour. i find that going section by section works best, going over the armour with one, two or three passes to get the effect i want. basically its up to you and gets pretty obvious as you go. a good tip is to leave little 'drip' marks under things like studs by simply painting white around the 'drip'. it looks cool. here are two half wayshots:



and two finished:




next up go over the green armour trim with the foundation green to cover up any mistakes with the stripey white :whistling: and then catachan green in the corners or peaks as a highlight colour. i like this as its subtle and i want them looking dirty rather than shiney...so a 'dull' highlight works best i think.

now using the foundation orange again i go over the metal (washed orange) parts but this time i use a crappy brush and 'stipple' bright orange radomly. i find this looks pretty good and adds to the rust effect nicely. on hoses etc be careful not to over do it. then you can (i dont always, again im after dull and dirty so just the washes look great) use the foundation red to highlight the bolter:



once thats done the last thing is to paint on (NOT drybrush) some boltgun metal over the orange. this tip was given to me by Mabs and is a fab, fab tip. think about what bits of the metal will be used the most and therefore have the rust worn off showing the bare metal underneath....like knife blades and where your marine will be holding his bolter..etc etc and then add some in random places so you dont have too uniform a look:

the finished guy:




all he needs now is his back pack which is painted the same way and he is done.

oh the base i paint randomly in tin bitz and camo green. then paint pva over the base, leaving some parts bare, and use the little slate basing material from GW. when thats dry mix water effects (from GW) with green wash and dollop it on in the pools you have made by leaving bits of the base bare and then over the slate where ever you feel like. you will need two coats of this to get the effect you want. (note, this guy has only had one coat of the water effects so far, the second makes it look much better) once thats done paint the base trim foundation green.

once the whole model is completed (backpack added etc) i spray it in mat puity seal and then go over the water effects with a gloss hard coat.





Hello all,


So i present my first finished PM's:


as you may know by now the guy on the left....he is my Favourite!...which means (i fear) i shall roll lots of (Gets Hot!) ones. :P


more of my Favourite guy (oh and THANK YOU squiggy, you were SO right about the old back pack for his model. It works perfectly :lol: )




more guys:








My thanks guys, you have all been a great inspiration :(



AD: the three eyes heads are from the CSM box


ok 12 more PM's done :) woohoo!!







oh and i forgot....my tank! (with added water effects and gloss varnish around the two lil daemons):







so here are some cool models i have purchased. some with SCALE shots!!!


OLD! termies from Ebay:









Yes I know, it seems I have gone from the slowest painter in this forum to becoming a whirwind of painting frenzy!!


Another update for you all.


First up my WIP chaos lord that I have had nothing but trouble with. I decided to use the fact that he looks so static (like a tree) and give him lots of tentacles (around the legs especially) to 'anchor' him to his base. The trouble is you can only do a few at a time as wet GS sticks to wet GS which is tricky when you are trying to fit little tube shapes without them loosing the tube shape! Anyway here you go:



I am spending much more time on this guy than i really want to, so however this new idea works out....is the way he is going to look :P


Also some of my termies:



Six in total (to go with the lord)...next step is stripey white


Finally some more work on T.E.D.








  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, update time. I took a couple of days off from painting as i was getting 'stripey white blindness' which is a new illness i have created (praise be to papa)!


Anyway i felt the urge return so i am back painting. Some WIP progress shots of 3 of my termies. Three more to do stripey white on...









Since taking these pics i am almost done with the stripey white on the last three, then its just touch ups etc. so they are almost done! will update soon.


Sadly i have had to start over with the daemon skin on TED. my first attempted looked AWFUL. sigh. Still, I am gonna get that done soon too.


thanks as ever




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