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WIP death guard(pic heavy)*4 july*


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Me again (i say to myself as the only poster of late :D )


So I had 6 pics of 6 almost painted termies, but after i had deleted all the pics from my camera (it was very full) I found that two of them hadn't uploaded right.




I have 4 pics of termies to show off for the last time as WIP. Next time you see them they will be all finished and based, yay!







All thats left to do is a couple of them need the green trim highlighted and two faces to paint. ( I hate that, can't paint skin. helmets only from now on!) Oh and of course now the bases have had their base coat I just need to add the slate and water effect for a finished job.




I hope to finish them and TED this weekend. Unless i get TED's skin wrong again in which case I'll start the second to last batch of PM's.

I must say that your army rocks!!!The models are wicked and the painting is great!!!

I am not sure about the rhinos though.The purple seems a bit out of place but otherwise the conversion with the cadians lying helplessly is just soooo pestilently cool!!!I really like that some models are old and that other have a retro feeling to them.The termies are also great and I like the Typhus style tubing done on their backs.

Keep spreading Nurgle love dude!!!Great work!!!

Ok then here are the finished terminators.


I did 3 thick coats of the water effects on the bases with these guys and used some larger pieces of slate. I decided to add more interesting things only to the bases of special characters etc. We death guard aren't into showing off much you see.


I like the way these bases worked out actually, it looks as though the wieght of them is making them sink a little into the slime that was once the plant life of the planet....before we brought our plague!


ok enough waffle, pics!














and here is a quick shot of all my painted models:



thanks as ever for your help and support guys :wub:

on the painting table now are 4 plasma guns, 2 icons and 2 champs:



also on the go is:




with next in line to be 7 more PM's and a dread:



also i bought:



i like this guy but not his plasma pistol so i will have to chop that off:




May i pressent to you all T.E.D. my possessed vindicator:











And an updated army shot, with the guys split into their squads..


Definitely not bad, just the nature of the boards I think :) A lot more lurkers around (exhibit A) than active contributors.


I can't honestly say I'm a fan of the green and purple on the vindy, if I was going to stick with those colour choices I'd probably dull down the brightness of the purple. Otherwise I dig what you've got going on though, white deathguard is a solid scheme, and the black/dark green works well with it. The sort of streaked, ridged effect you've got going on looks excellent, and the fact that you haven't gone crazy with muck/pus/grime and kept it stark has worked in your favour. The stronger splashes of colour in the oranges and reds give them an oldschool energy too, and combined with the more muted feel of the armour, makes them unique and quite striking ;) Keep that up, I'd be happy with them if they were mine.


Not sure what I think of the lord at this stage... I like the concept, but for some reasons the tentacles/intestines strike me more as sort of vines/creepers. Same goes for the arm with the gun on it, though the other arm pulls it off better, with more of a coiling, twisting shape to them. I get the feeling it's that they're not running on diagonal enough angles and are all running a bit too horizontally. This could just be me though, I haven't read through much of your writing or other replies in here to see if this has been mentioned before.


Hope this is of some help!

Definitely not bad, just the nature of the boards I think :tu: A lot more lurkers around (exhibit A) than active contributors.


I can't honestly say I'm a fan of the green and purple on the vindy, if I was going to stick with those colour choices I'd probably dull down the brightness of the purple. Otherwise I dig what you've got going on though, white deathguard is a solid scheme, and the black/dark green works well with it. The sort of streaked, ridged effect you've got going on looks excellent, and the fact that you haven't gone crazy with muck/pus/grime and kept it stark has worked in your favour. The stronger splashes of colour in the oranges and reds give them an oldschool energy too, and combined with the more muted feel of the armour, makes them unique and quite striking :tu: Keep that up, I'd be happy with them if they were mine.


Not sure what I think of the lord at this stage... I like the concept, but for some reasons the tentacles/intestines strike me more as sort of vines/creepers. Same goes for the arm with the gun on it, though the other arm pulls it off better, with more of a coiling, twisting shape to them. I get the feeling it's that they're not running on diagonal enough angles and are all running a bit too horizontally. This could just be me though, I haven't read through much of your writing or other replies in here to see if this has been mentioned before.


Hope this is of some help!


Draakur: thanks some good C&C, which is what i am after. i am starting to think the purple is too bright myself on future projects i shall try and make it duller and if i ever get the time i will go back and dull done what i have already done. And thank you for the 'oldschool' comment :)

As for the lord character with his tenticles, i have had a lot of trouble with this guy and learnt a lot on the way. the bottom line is i dont think this guy works to well, the pose of the old termy i choose was too static and the original idea i had was great, on paper! so i went for the tenticles in an attempt to give it a reason to be static, kinda rooted to the base. I took the decision that i was spending far too much time trying to get him right knowing that he never was gonna be right so i decided to paint him up and move onto something else. at the very least he looks like i tried :P


wow, thanks guys i was starting to think about killing this thread altogether with so few responses so it was a very nice suprise to see all your replies :)


anyway i have easter off work so i hope to crack on with the last of my painting duties and then maybe i can start making new stuff!

i like this guy but not his plasma pistol so i will have to chop that off:


I have the same guy and exactly the same problem (I don't like the head too much either, but not much chance of getting that off!), you'll have to let us know how you get on with chopping and replacing, as I'll want to be copying you.


Also, what's the tentacle/intestine Lord based on, I love the head.

I do quite like your white streaky look as well as your rhino specifically. I disagree with toning down the rot as it makes the model pop out quite a bit more. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery and I think that I may be taking on both the Death Guard and your techniques to complete my Call to Chaos.


What did you do to get the rot to look that way? All of the holes are irregular circles but it looks quite natural.

harbinger: the tenti lord is based on an OLD inquistitor in termy armour model i had two off, so i used my lil drill and ripped its imperial armour to shreds! as i have said before it hasnt worked too well, but when its done i think it will be ok. not great but ok.


Falhurk: the rot is very very easy. slap on some GS, use the sculpting tool to make a little hole and then push and pull at the edges and you get those lil random/natural shapes. the only thinking needed is to decide where you would get a build up of rot and hav more GS so it looks like its 'pooled' and where it would 'run' so it doesnt look too 'stiff' but like a slow moving slime. thats it really, its one of thoe things that takes a sentance or two to exlain and about 5 seconds of trying to learn :P


thanks again for taking the time to post, it does help keep me painting. i should have another update tomorrow....with some more pm and a dread pip! :)

i like this guy but not his plasma pistol so i will have to chop that off:


I have the same guy and exactly the same problem (I don't like the head too much either, but not much chance of getting that off!), you'll have to let us know how you get on with chopping and replacing, as I'll want to be copying you.


Also, what's the tentacle/intestine Lord based on, I love the head.


Man I like the plasma pistol and the head. I have two of that model in my army and I didn't convert either one, with the exception of the off hand, which I left empty. One of my new favourite Plaguemarine bits is the exposed brain guy that I painted recently. It must have come in the Plaguemarine Havoc boxset...

OK here we go some pics for you, all still very WIP


First up the second to last batch of PM's to paint:




I choose to paint the helmet of the guy on the left rusted metal simply becasue I thought it would look cool, an old dive suit vibe, despite my own rule to have all the armour painted white. It does kinda look like he has simply bolted on a big heavy metal helmet to his armour.....so I think its allowed :)



Two shots of these guys, one with the icon and one up close:




This guy has my first ever effort at painting a rotten nurgle fabric, I think its worked ok...but the paint needed to be thinner and just slightly less heavy. Another lesson learnt :)



And now we come to my first Dreadnought. I think its working out pretty well actually (I got really nervous about painting it!) all the stripey white is done with just the details, touch ups etc to do now. What do you all think?






Lastly I left these out, I bought them with my last order:




Couple of questions for you all,


1) If I equip a PM with a bolter and power weapon (like an Asp Champ) would you have a problem with me using him as a plain old PM and NOT an Asp Champ? This way I have a bit of flexibility with my squads.


2) When you paint a dead marine helmet on the base of your chaos lord how do you do the eye lenses? If i paint the red lenses with the normal highlights etc it will look like the marine is alive right? So id would be better to shade the red and add no highlights at all for a more 'dead' look....do you agree, what do you all do?


Thanks so much for your help and support :)

The dread looks great!Marvelous!And the new models also look wicked!!!

As for the questions...

1)Personally I wouldnt have any problem.But some might have.My opinion is that if you paint the power weapon like a normal knife (plain metal colors) and not like a power weapon then there should be no problem.It can still be a big CCW.

2)I agree...If you can find a way to make the lenses look like fading out it would be even cooller.Like as if the marine just died and the lights of his helm are fading out...

A little update for you, the PM's are painted up, all that is left to do is the back packs and some work on the bases:





I really like the way the 'diver' came out, and I have a cool back pack that will give him a rusted metal halo! :P



This is what I never get right, I had finished the stripey white and all I had left to do was touch up the messy bits, highlight the green finish the rust etc etc. So why is it that takes 5 times longer than I think it will? I always think I'm just about done once the white goes on when in fact I am only about two thirds!


Also I have finished painting the dread! these pics show the base wet with water effects which is why it looks funny. The only thing left to do is another coat or two of that and then green around the edge of the base!





Unfortunantly at this point things went a little wrong. I had to move all my stuff (painting table, bitz etc etc) because I have some curtains to hang at the window I paint next to. I didnt want to take a risk with my finished models so I moved them into the kitchen to keep them safe. I dropped the dreadnought just as I was entering the kitchen and it landed on the tiled floor and not the soft thick carpet. I know have a dreadnought in 4 bits and with some damage to the paint.



The dreadnaught's sustained some battle damage. Now he'll be more 'pretty'.


Thanks for the reply on your GS-Fu. Despite my want to imitate your army I decided to go Thousand Sons as I love the models and I wanted a less competetive army to play my friends with (Ork stomping my friends Tau repeatedly has demoralized him).


I just wanted to drop by and continually congratulate you on the progress. In return I want more updates! ^.^ We can't have you slow down now!

Whoa Falhurk! more updates???!!!! my god do you have any idea how slow I am at painting? And still I update this fast! its a wonder she hasnt left me!


On a more serous note your more than welcome and i hope your army goes well. Will you be posting it? please send me a link so i can subscribe :drool:





This is an awesome army. I am really impressed with the speed it's coming together and I think the choice of models and colors is really thematic. Sorry to hear the dread got busted up, hope it's an easy fix, it's hard to say if it's worse messing your own stuff up or if someone else breaks it, but the end result is still annoying.


re: equipping a standard trooper like a champion: Personally, this wouldn't bug me in the least so long as I knew the squad's load-out ahead of time. In my opinion, the benefit of what-you-see-is-what-you get modeling is to avoid awkward situations where an opponent doesn't realize you have a weapon which would have effected how they moved. All I expect is a chance to look before I leap, within reason, and if not, let me know what's there that I can't see, or what I see that isn't actually there.

thanks Sgt. Blank


yes so far it seems no one has a problem with me equiping my Asp Champs in this way which is great!


as fr the dread, although it was real tricky i managed to fix him up like new :tu: which was a relief!


both the dread and all the PM's are completed except for the bases which are still drying. so i should have finished pics up by wednesday! woohoo.


then only 7 more to paint before i can build something new!




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