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WIP death guard(pic heavy)*4 july*


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Wow they are all amazing! If I were ever tainted by Chaos, Nurgle would be for me! what a great imagination you have :) My only critisism (And its a small one) Is that the rust looks a wee bit too orange. Maybe needs a bit of black ink? I don't know how i dare really as you're a much better painter than me!

thanks guys,


Fire lord: yes the rust does seem to divide opinion, but I like this style so i am gonna keep it :)


Wokkers: in the pipe line...wow so many things! up next are 10 bikers and a chaos lord with lightning claws on bike conversion. I am gonna make his bike part plague bearer. all 11 bikes with be made nurgly in one way or another. then 3 tanks (rhino, pred, LR) then...some more FW stuff (termies, GUO, sorc) then...er..more PM's! etc etc the plan is to go apoc with this force

Really gorgeous stuff. Nurgle appealed to me because it's oddly beautiful in a "dear god is he vomiting on himself" kind of way. Your pics and conversions are really inspiring. Seeing this kind of stuff reminds me why half-assing it is a waste. :) I'll be curious to see more!
thanks guys,


Fire lord: yes the rust does seem to divide opinion, but I like this style so i am gonna keep it B)


Wokkers: in the pipe line...wow so many things! up next are 10 bikers and a chaos lord with lightning claws on bike conversion. I am gonna make his bike part plague bearer. all 11 bikes with be made nurgly in one way or another. then 3 tanks (rhino, pred, LR) then...some more FW stuff (termies, GUO, sorc) then...er..more PM's! etc etc the plan is to go apoc with this force


sweet. apoc nurgle force. i have bookmarked this one and will keep a close eye on progress :)

Whoa Falhurk! more updates???!!!! my god do you have any idea how slow I am at painting? And still I update this fast! its a wonder she hasnt left me!


On a more serous note your more than welcome and i hope your army goes well. Will you be posting it? please send me a link so i can subscribe :jaw:






I will be.. When my models finally arrive at the store. 5-10 days my... [Politically Correct Word]


I'll definitely send you a link. I'll want some C&C and am hoping people won't be bashful and dance around certain levels of suckitude (yes it's a word now) on my part.



hehehehe "suckitude" i might steal that but use "suckTitude" instead.


anyway some finished models!!!!








and these are the last two, the guy on the left is one of my all time favourites, i really like the big rusted iron helmet and the halo on the back pack works really well i think:




my first Dreadnought :)






and a close up of his base:


something I have learnt is the water effects stuff is a bit delicate. I put just a tad too much on in one go and it hasn't dried rock hard as it should but is still hard enough to be ok.

The good news though is once you have mixed a batch of the water effects up, as long as you cover it well enough it doesnt set for days and you can still use it :). in fact it gets slowly thicker so you have a bit more control over how you use it! Sweet


anyway thoughts are as ever welcome :)



thanks guys


and Cass I will ok, I will, just 7 more to go ok, only more than I will honest....please I'll give you your biker lord, I ..... I just need a few more weeks and I'll have your stuff ok?


SoH: your not the only one to think so ^_^ but I like it. Thanks

ok so FINALLY my foam from 'Battle Foam' arrived! it only took 6 weeks (and not the 5 days they said was likely) anyway.


firstly a little warning to anyone from the UK ( i dont know about any other countries). I got hit by a VAT charge on them as they came through Custums, which sucks, but what sucks even more is that Parcel-Force then charged me extra because they had to process the Customs charge. I got a bill of £25 in the post or they would send my foam back to the states :D. Thats on top of the delivery charge from Battle Foam.







The other trouble is not all my boys fit inside the foam i bought for them, so this tray is meant for bikes but currently has some marines in it:



and finally:


I was a bit sad to see that my rhino's wouldnt fit in the tray 'cos they have the dozer blades on them :lol:


oh yes and a:


to carry them all in!

I think I will in future by the foam from Sabol simply 'cos its too damn expensive to have foam shipped from the USA, even if its better. And the foam is good, and the "Death Guard" wording is cool :(

Here is a simple tutorial showing you how I do the bases for my PM's and my thinking behind it:


Ok so my basic idea was KEEP IT SIMPLE! Not being great at this sort of thing I didn't want to spend so long painting my boy's only to ruin the look with a poor base. So I spent some time thinking about what to do and came up with the idea of a planet struck by bio-virus bombs from orbit before my boys invaded in force. So no plants or grass etc, instead a green 'goo' meant to represent whats left of the rich flora and fauna of a once beautiful planet. So grey slate/rubble and 'goo' it was ;)

some pics:

er.....a base (normally this would be white from the spray under coat I give my models):


Then I needed some base colours and I just liked the way the tin bitz and camo green work as a pair. Both are nurgly and kinda alien worldly. I apply them ramdomly:


Next up some PVA glue leaving bits of the base bare to act as 'pools' for the 'goo', again this is random:


Dip the base in the slate:


And shake off the excess:


Let this dry completely (I just leave it overnight) and then mix up some GW Water Effects (W.E.) with Thraka Green wash (the greener you want it the more you add):


And apply it to the base covering the bare area totally and over some/all/or none of the slate:


When its dry it looks like this:


A coat of Orkhide green from the foundation paint range is added to the rim (to tie in with the armour trim of my boy's) and a second, now dry, coat of the W.E:


Then a spray of Puity seal (I spray all my models with this stuff):


and lastly a coat of gloss 'Ard Coat is painted on only over the W.E.:


which dries leaving the slime looking wet:


Simple and effective for rank and file troops:


For bigger models like terminators I did some larger pieces of slate and at least two coats on W.E. sometimes three:


And for my dreadnought base I painted it to match the colour of the slate on my other models bases and then just added a few coats of the W.E again:


In the future when I get some HQ and want to add some more detail I will likely add some Space Marine helmets or bigger, more interesting items of masonary.

Dusk Raider: It is expensive, its good though, but honestly... I wont be buying it again.


ok so an update for you.

I have made a decision about my terminator lord after a lot of time and effort spent working on him I did this:


I kept the gun 'cos its a cool gun and the base 'cos its a big base and I am sure it will come in handy. The rest is in the bin. Bottom line is I hated it. I couldnt paint it to anything like a good look and I was so sick of it looking at me with those accusing eyes!

I feel much, much better now.

My last batch of PM's is coming along nicely with really only the water effects taking so long to dry holding them up now. This last unit has been a REAL slog. I think knowing that these are the last ones to paint before I can make something cool again has really made the painting a hard job rather than a fun task:



I need a HQ for my army and the fastest way to get one was to put together a FW model rather than building my own so I did this:


I cannot tell you how god it felt to be putting something together, it was such a relief it made me smile the rest of the day! And I managed to get most of the painting on my PM's done while waiting for glue to dry etc etc.

For the record this is my first ever attempt at a 'scenic' character base!

Anyway thats what I have been up to, soon I shall be creating more fun things!


ok, so i managed to finish the last batch of PM's. These guys are the last models I made in my eagerness to make a DG army all those months ago and painting them all has been non stop hard work! Although it was very hard getting these last 7 boys done it was even harder not to rush through them.

OK here they are:





So thats 48 PM's a couple of tanks a dread and some Termies all of them different. Phew!


No more old models waiting for me to paint them....only NEW models waiting for me to build them!




I am so happy right now :P


As for my sorcerer here he is so far:



This guy is one of the few remaining older PM's I didnt have:


This guy is a Tunnel Dweller:


not sure what I will do with him, I may kit bash him with some other models to make a DP....dunno yet



Right, a sorcerer to paint and some kits to bash :P

  • 1 month later...

Ok so it has been TOO long since my last update but work has been madness this last few weeks and i have had no time to do any real work. However I do have a tiny update to show you, it is still very WIP though.

My next rhino:






As you can see I am using plasticard (which is really hard to work with!) as extra armour and the predator top section as a mount for a havoc launcher....which looks really cool i think.


started paint:




I have used sand to give my rusted areas some texture. I dont know if you can see but i have used the sand as Runes. i wanted to have rust patches in the shape of some nurgle runes from the old ROC book. so i have the appropriate rune of nurgle and others to represent the extra armour i have on this tank. I think i may make this a theme, runes rock and its a great way (i think) to represent things like Extra Armour without having to model the armour on!!



and finally a couple of very WIP winged DPs for you ;)


The shop bought DP will have the blood thirster wings and a different face.



this fellow is based on the 'tunnel dweller' model with a spawn torso and head. I went for this torso 'cos i really like the way it makes this guy look like a Cobra snake which works real well. I am giving him claws as i think he is too beast like to give him a sword or something similar.....agree?

Also any suggestions on how to base this guy would REALLY be welcome!

final thing to tell you is i have used the back pack with wings from the possessed box as i wanted to have something on him that suggested he was once a Marine.....long...long ago. The wings look a bit small for the model i know....i have a plan...it involves bats.....


And finally to prove i am the most anal person here...:






I sorted out all my plastic 'bitz' into a box, all sorted and easy to find :lol:


the debate about what to use to strip METAL models is over:



this stuff is simply AWESOME, removes ALL the paint pretty damn fast. however, use gloves and a metal bucket or can as it dissolves plastic. i mean completely. so dont leave plastic back packs or arms attatched to your metal models as these will selt all over your model.





ok paint update







thoughts etc always welcome



Wow, can't believe I've over looked this army for a while, it's great! :( There are many awesome Death Guard armies, each one superb in its own way; the things that I like most about yours are the great, streaky fading paint, and the rust effects :D Great conversions too, the new Rhino is a nice job (you're right about Plasticard, it doesn't matter how sharp my knife is and how straight my ruler whenever I cut it it always looks like it's been hacked by a blind woodsman :P ), and the Daemon Prince conversion is wicked!


to do any real to prove i am the most anal person here...:



I sorted out all my plastic 'bitz' into a box, all sorted and easy to find :P

...and you've made me the most envious man here, ha! :tu: What a great idea! How much did that cost? I showed my wife and asked her with all the enthusiasm of small boy "can I get one?" After rolling her eyes for a few moments she said it was okay, though she's still looking at me a bit wierd... ;)


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