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Yet another Ultramarine army


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Yep. ANOTHER Ultramarine army to add to the thousand other ones.


Having not played since 3rd Ed and dipping in and out of the hobby since, I thought it was high time that I rejoined the ranks with a new Space Marine army which coincides with the new 5th Ed and the new Space Marine Codex next month (yay!).


Bought the battleforce and this is what i have completed pretty much all this week (except construction)


5 Assault Marines 1/2 painted

1 Tactical Squad built but not primed yet

1 Rhino primed

1 Combat Squad not built

1 Chaplain not bought. 1 Combi-flamer custom built (inspiration from the plastic sternguard topic)


C&C welcome!







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looking good :> nice, simple clean colours. An army I would love to face!!


Also, nowt wrong with ultramarines, wish I had an army of them myself. Next to the big Fists, ultras really are my faves (and I don't see enough armies, on the table top)

That's a really nice shade of blue you've got going on for the base color. How'd you manage to get it so light? Even with a white basecoat, mine tends to come out on the darker side.


Highlights are nice too, just work on tightening up your strokes. But from across the table, those'll look great.

thanks for all the comments guys


about the scout heads, i not very good at painting skin but i'll do an extreme highlight soon :cry:


and for the blue what i did was:


mordian blue base

blue ink all over (not the new citadel washes)

drybush with ultramarine blue twice if necessary

highlight UM blue and skull white mix roughly 50/50


it could be the flash making it brighter than it is though


however this has now changed as i will be highlighting with space wolves grey and then giving the whole model asurmen blue wash

looks darker and really cool :cry:




the 3 on the right are the new scheme. they need touching up again and it does look slightly patchy in places but you cant really see it


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