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The Shadow Reapers of Corax [1st Edit]

Sons of Russ

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Please let me know what you think!



..as a longtime Imperial Fist player, I am contemplating turning my army into a Ravenguard Successor Chapter



I had some ideas in the new codex, and having started to get into more depth with the Ravenguard fluff [index astartes ect...]


here is my Warseer modelling project log [rather abandoned for a long time due to work and studies]




-was intended as a Heresy-Era army, but I think the large concentration of Mk6 beakie helms and Mk4 maximus armour will look very "raveny"


-lots of veteran details, and I have custom made bolter silencers for most of my marines [even better fit in the ravenguard way of doing things..even a Jump-Pack HQ!]



Without further adieu:



















EDIT: have changed the name to something more unique... :P


I was hoping someone could help me with a nice avatar or siggy based on this:



After everyone gets sorted out with the new codex, I will try posting some ideas for the chapter.


Under the new codex, RavenGuard armies led by Shrike can now Fleet and Infiltrate a single squad with Shrike.

I have incorporated some fluff I feel makes them unique and can partially account for some of this abilities..



Some priliminary ideas:







598M35 — Senatorum Imperialis declares new Space Marine founding.


While one of the last Chapters to muster from this Founding, they are christened the Shadow Reapers of Corax in honour of receiving rarely-untilized Ravenguard Geneseed.


Formed just before the Age of Apostasy, they have a difficult birth as the Imperium is filled with internicine strife. Still understrength and most of their fleet still in the shakedown stage, they play no role in wars of the Age of Apostasy...







While they have no known official Chapter Keep establishing a homeworld, there base of operations is considered as the Southern Reaches of what remains of the Clax System. This region of space is filled with nebulas and fields of asteriods, on the farthest Northwest corner of Segmentum Ultima, bordering the Northeast edges of Segmentum Solar...








As most Imperial Scholars shall note, the swirling mass is now known as The Storm of the Emperors' Wrath. Named after a warp storm that spontaneously engulfed Lord Vandire's fleet as he sought Sebastien Thor in the Age of Apostasy...





The Shadow Reapers initially followed the Codex Astartes in the same manner as the Ravenguard do; fairly rigid organizationally on the company level with subtle variations lower down that make them more flexible and adaptable to exploiting weaknessess by favouring surgical scalpel strikes rather than blunt hammer blows on the enemy line...


While there are almost 8 millenia between their split from the Raven Guard, there seem to be other divergences and factors in they do not wish to draw attention to...


M32-M34 — The Forging — (Also: Golden Age of the Imperium) The Adeptus Terra embarks on a mission to unify great swathes of the Imperium, establishing Astropathic choirs in key systems and expanding out to the furthest limits of pre-Heresy exploration. Discovery of STC patterns also slow the decline of technology during this time.


It was in this time the humans reclaimed the Clax System and its outlying portions in the Name of the Emperor. While hardy and adaptable, this region of space had not been kind to settlers. Most of the stars in the sub-sector were hostile to carbon based life and unihabited. Through M33 to the beginning of M36, the Clax region finally becomes self-sufficient and is granted the honor of Imperial Tithes...


Then disaster. While largely ignored during the Age of Apostasy, Lord Vandire's fleet meets a dreadful end when a warpstorm engulfs his fleet, along with most of the Clax System...


Only a handful of human systems on the Southern Outlying Reaches survived its birth. The Kradex System was one of them. It did not emerged unscathed, however...




A system of 14 planets, anchored by a giant binary star. Known as the Kradex System, it is where Shadow Reapers now take the vast majority of their recruits. While the system is named after large sibling, it also has a much smaller star in its orbit called Khai. In combination, their cosmic rays tan the populations skin a curious dark, golden yellow.


It wasn't always the in its present state.


The worlds in this system are quite varied. Before the warp storm, the inner system planets had seen limited industrial colonization in the form of mining, moisture farms and radiation feedback generatoriums. It barren landscape had little in the way of native flora and fauna. Colonists eked out a living in factories and crawlers, their proximity to the star insuring only the hardiest life survived.


The 3 outer planets couldn't be more different. At the optimal distance from their stars, these planets teemed with life and many agri-settlements were established. The outer planets traded foodstuffs textiles in exchange for minerals and synthesized fuels with the inner planets through the surviving fleet of short hop system freighters.


When the warp storm erupted, all system ships were disabled and their crews died a slow death in space. The worlds were cut off not only from each other, but from the Imperium. While the warp storm hadn't masked them from Terra, their few astropaths were killed by the pyschic feedback of the storm.


In the chaos of rebuilding after Lord Vandire's demise, a simple clerical error meant no relief shipments came to the system until 077 M36...


Eight Hundred Years....


When an Adeptus Ministorum vessel finally entered the system, they soon called for aid. Having found all humans wiped out on the inner system planets, they discovered New Haven had overgrown into a Deathworld, humanity removed from its vicious food chain. Spirits rise as they land on Teif and Rabat, when it is discovered they hold human survivors. Their joy soon turns to anguish when the nocturnal tribes of Rabat evade all attempts at conversion and many members of their missionary teams on Teif are eaten when they come into contact with cannibals...


Fresh from victories in the Pacificus Wars, Warmaster Terfuek heaps great commendations upon the Shadow Reapers actions attached to his Crusade Fleet.


The High Lords of Terra see fit to reward the Reapers with their own system....


Under full Shadow Reaper escort, a fleet of colony-ships leave Sementum Solar and makes planetfall on the newly-renamed planet of Zetgeist, Sigismund and Cylax...





Subterranean terraforming begins in earnest to create self-sustaining food crops on otherwise desolate, mineral rich planets.






Once the new colonists were established and their economies near self-sustenance, the Shadow Reapers turned their attentions to the Feral Outer Worlds...



Chapter Master Antoli Greisbach deemed that the three outer hospitable planets are to be kept in a primitive, untouched feral state by the Chapter for recruitment of aspirants.


Establishing an orbital station and Astartes patrol monitors, they insure that prospectors from the inner worlds do not poach and smuggle on the planet on pain of death.



After only a few thousand years in which the chapter was brought up to strength using the local population, there were anomalies with aspirant development.


Through the years of Kradexian aspirants, the characteristic pale white skin of RavenGuards has given way to a golden yellow.


While it would be Heresy to speculate, there are whispers that their poximity to the warp rift were believed to be the cause a higher than normal rates of latent psychic mutation among the human populations of the system worlds... It is thought that overexposure to the psychic feedback of the rift had overdeveloped their minds to such a point that their bodies fell into a trance-like state whenever their powers stirred...


While a few could be readily apparent and screened out, many more carried the flaw, unbeknownst to the Reapers.


Upon Aspirant Indoctrination, the successful hosts were implantated with Zygotes and in due time received Catalepsean Nodes surgically insert the base of the rear brain. Designed to give a marine control over his circadian rhythms and allow rest while still alert, the organ and its associated hypnotherapy awakened many aspirants dormant psychic potentials...


While the Chapters existing Librarians screened their new charges and took the most promising as Potentiates, those that became unstable after their awakening were given the Emperor's Peace....


Despite showing great promise as psykers, the Librarian orders come to their wits end in preventing their trainees from falling into a trance-like state training their minds to safely utilize the power of the warp...



In the dark times that follow the defeat of the Warmaster, the Imperium sought to consolidate and rebuild itself in the wake of the Heresy. While making gains and returning the borders of the Imperium to Great Crusade frontiers, the recent events of Vandire's Reign of Blood meant that geneseed, particularily Ravenguard seed was drastically low in supply and even though relatively close to Holy Terra, shipments were few and far between.


The Reapers of Corax had no choice but to make due and came to some hard decisions...





Pysker-Aspirants are unable to use their power without falling into trance-like states; they are unable to fulfill the combat duties expected of a Space Marine as dictated in the Index Astartes.


Thus, the chapter deemed that their Librarians and Aspirants with latent psychic ablities were to be used almost exclusively in peripheral non-combat roles from that point on.




The Reapers of Corax field no HQ Librarians on the battlefield proper.



The larger intakes of pysker recruits however, meant that the Scholum Librarius of the Shadow Reapers were able to create "Choirs" of rudimentary trained Initiates to become channels and amplifiers for the Codiciers and Epistolaries of the Chapter.



They were trained use their powers of foresight as tacticians and advisors, operating from orbiting strike cruisers and forward air-mobile command posts. By boosting their powers thru the Choirs, Librarians could see the battle and all its possible permutations unfolding. By data-linking with battlefield HQ's and squad leaders, they vastly improve situational awareness to the troops on the ground.


In addition, it was discovered that the channelled power of the choirs allowed the Librarians to cordon, focus and sharpen their strike cruisers' teleport beams providing deadly accurate, rapid deep strikes without the customary disorientation and skin crawling sensations most marines must battle thru initially upon landing...


This was seen as a boon to the deployability of the chapter. Not realizing the danger, nor the scale of extremely demanding and exhaustive task the high command demanded of them, the Choirs were stretched to the breaking point. After a series of mass teleport deployments led to unacceptable non-combat losses to both the choirs and the units they were channelling, new Dictates were put in place. These led to a return to standard drop pod assaults and deepstrike deployments, only using the Choir as originally intended, stealing themselves for rare occasions when a single unit needed to be placed with outmost accuracy and immediacy in a key juncture of a battle...




To the chapters enemies, marines seem to able to cut them off at every turn and manueuvre as Reapers units are able to see thru every feint and change of tactic almost before the enemy commanders utter them...



Scouts and brightly coloured Bikers gain intel and sow confusion in the enemy ranks as contact is made. Loud, conspicuous, yet hard to pin down and hit; the bikers draw attention away from the bulk of the army as it moves in for the stealthy kill.


Even light armour is used as part of the subterfuge. In conditions that are appropriate to their deployment, bright yellow Predators or a rare Vindicator announce their presence by bulldozing over terrain, trailing oily smoke screens from their exhaust and firing heavy weapons to further fixate and distract the enemy from the real threat closing the noose of the trap...


Rhinos drop off tactical squads out of sight as they pass between shadows of cover on foot while the now-empty transports gun there engines and feint advances on dummy objectives to continue to stretch and disarray the enemy's formations...


The stealthy fieldcraft of the Scout and Tactical Squad Reapers on the approach to springing an assault or ambush is legendary and upholds the honor of their Ravenguard Brethren...


While it is certainly true that Shadow Reaper Scout Squads have access to Light-Adaptive Cloaks, there have been unsubstantiated (some might say ludicrous) rumours of camouflage use among power armored warriors of the Reapers of Corax.










In any case, there have never been any corraborating witness statements to this effect, and Shadow Reaper marines always return from the battle with nothing besmirching their flawless yellow and black plate except battle damage from the odd chip or las-burn...



Through it all, the foe is way-layed by masterful ambushes and encirclements. In the height of the enemy's confunsion, the Choir and their Librarian handlers prepare for the moment they have building their reserves of will for. A single, surgical strike of the most powerful unit in the Adeptus Astartes. The Terminators. In a terrifyingly accurate teleport assault, a cadre of hand-picked veterens in Tactical Dreadnought Armour burst into the enemy ranks; guiding by the now exhausted Choirs hexagammic wards, it's as if the terminators themselvese know exactly where the foe is positioned and orientated before they appeared even appeared out of thin air.


Striding powerfully forwards without pause, they spit torrents of bolter and heavy weapons fire, flexing fingers of power fists crackle with barely restrained destructive energies, as they reach their prey...

Ideas to be expanded:


-the dichotomy of recruiting from the 3 civilized worlds [Zetgeist, Sigismund, and Cylax] as well as the the feral savages of Rabat and Teif.


-new colonists of Inner Worlds have excellent background knowledge of mechanics and affinity with technology. Educated in Imperial Gothic from an early age and know they are a small but important part of the Imperium of Man...


-the Rabats nocturnal tribesmen, while not a violence-relishing culture, have a nature affinity for stealthy movement and springing swift ambushes to bring down large and dangerous prey on hunts....


-the Cannibals of Teif are the most primitive of the intakes; a warlike violent people,theyspeak in simpistic guttural tones combined with forms of hand sign language.


-these two primitive peoples receive pyscho-indoctrination to a greater extent as they have to be trained in Imperial Gothic and exposed to modern technology.

Of course, the latter of the two groups must also be purged of their desire to eat human flesh...


These three distinct groups are then forced together in training barracks to remove cultural bigotry. The Chapter is there family now. Natural rivalries do exist, and the groups are nicknamed "Nocturne's, Skag's and Tech's"



Nocturnes help teach the rest of skills of stealth and ambush, the Skags challenge the others in stoking the fires of fierce martial combat, and the Tech's help the feral-worlders in the art of the firing range and boltgun stripping....


While all that survive to become Initiates are Space Marines through and through, it is interesting that note that as they progress in there Chapter service, the groups often gravitate to certain postings and areas of expertise after years of service in reserve companies...



The 'Nocturnes' find the roles of scouts as comfortable as second skin. There natural stealth and patience for the quiet ambushing kill opens the eyes of some grizzled scout sergeant vets to new techniques of fieldcraft...They often return to the scout companies as sergeants and instructors, accompanying their charges on particularly dangerous missions...


The 'Skags', while educated and cultured to Space Marine standards, have a stubborn mistrust of complex technology and enjoy the base rush of fighting in close quarters with sword and blade.


Most 'Techs' Proficient in technology and mechanically inclined from childhood, they make up the majority of fleet line officers, as well crew members of armored fighting machines of Marine Rhinos,Landspeeders and Thunderhawks...



-Limited amount of Terminator suits [about 60 for the whole chapter]...


-Terminator Squads directly attached to Battle Companies [10-12 suits a sufficient fighting force for the company; Strike Cruiser's Psychic Choirs not over-taxed by guiding these smaller numbers during Choir-Assisted Teleport Assaults]...


-Leaders of Companies are Assassin-Captains; not only outstanding leaders, but have proven their tenacity in executing an enemy leader...


-They are expected to command from the front... and seek enemy command formations...


-Assassin-Captains are masters of the quick close-quarters kill. In addition to their personal Astartes combat weapons, they carry a variety of hidden blades,stars and gas grenades laced with potent agents. They are most often equipped with Jump-packs. These allow them to Infiltrate silently on foot along with their squads and retinues to spy out the enemy...


-Once located, Shadow Reaper squads cover fire and advance to isolate enemy HQ's from aid...


-isolated and within reach, the Assassin-Captains separate and launch themselves at their victims...





  Sons of Russ said:
The main system the Reapers take recruits from has a giant binary star that tans their skins a curious dark, golden yellow.

This sentence needs better structuring. It sounds like the people are born white but then tanned, which wouldn't be in their genetic make-up.


The worlds in this system are quite varied. The inner system planets have seen limited industrial colonization in the form of mining and moisture farms and radiation feedback generatoriums. Colonists eke out a living in factories of crawlers, bombarded by binary cosmic rays...


The two outer hospitable planets are kept in a primitive, untouched feral state by the Chapter. With an orbital station and Astartes patrol monitors, they insure that prospectors from the inner worlds do not poach and smuggle on the planet on pain of death.

This would probably be better placed after the explaining of the chapter claiming it or not mentioning the chapter in the system yet. It confused me a bit.


The subsequent bubbling warp storm of Vandire's demise...

The Warp storm only took his fleet, he wasn't aboard it. Vandire died some time later, after the Second Siege of the Emperor's Palace.


Only when the storm abated somewhat did the Imperium return to reclaim it.

The Claw system was still isolated by the Storm of the Emperor's Wrath, I thought. And the warp storm still continues on as strongly as ever before. It didn't abate, really.


Having helped reclaim this area of space for the Emperor, the Reapers of Corax tasked with its defence.

So what have they been doing for the last 4 millennia.


After only a few thousand years in which the chapter was brought up to strength using the local population...

How come they were understrength? A few thousand years is quite a while as well, which hints at them being fairly decimated.


While it would be Heresy to speculate, there are whispers that their unique suns were believed to cause a higher than normal rate of psychic mutation among the human population.

Maybe just say the planet produces more than above the average amount of psykers ever since the Warp Storm erupted nearby. That would be easier.


Unfortunately, for those that did have the gift, it came at a price. Inducted Aspirants with psyker potential did not respond well to the gene-therapy muscle/metabolism enhancements of the Adeptus Astartes Biscopia Organ...

It seems a little weak. Only one organ? Maybe mention other organs failing or not performing to true potential. You would think it would affect all of the genetic stock from that planet, not just the psykers. Seems very co-incidental. There's also then the problem of a chapter with geneseed problems getting recruits with a genetic problem. Not that good. You'd think the chapter would seek out the most perfect genestocks in order to preserve their already ruined geneseed.


In the dark times that follow the defeat of the Warmaster, the Imperium sought to consolidate and rebuild itself in the wake of the Heresy.

I'm assuming you mean the Horus Heresy. You jump from the Age of Apostasy back to this and it confused me on first reading.


The constant battles of attrition against Xenos and Vandire Reign of Blood meant that geneseed, particularily Ravenguard seed was drastically low in supply and even though relatively close to Holy Terra, shipments were few and far between.

The chapter should be able to use its own geneseed supplies and be self-sufficient. Unless you want them to reply on shipments but make it clearer and in more detail.


... the capabilties expected of a Space Marine as dictated in the Index Astartes.

Codex Astartes.

Thus, the chapter deemed that their Librarians and Aspirants with latent psychic ablities were to be used almost exclusively in peripheral non-combat roles from that point on.[/b]


Thus, the Reapers of Corax field no HQ Librarians on the battlefield proper.

What about the Librarians from before settling? The story of the last true Librarian...


The larger intakes of pysker recruits however, meant that the Scholum Librarius of the Reapers were able to create "Choirs" of rudimentary trained Initiates to become channels and amplifiers for the Codiciers and Epistolaries of the Chapter.

This has potential for an idea. However,



You've used this a couple of times. IA are meant to use a formal writing style. So use the whole word :P


In addition, it was discovered that the channelled power of the choirs allowed the Librarians to cordon, focus and sharpen their strike cruisers' teleport beams providing deadly accurate, rapid deep strikes without the customary disorientation and skin crawling sensations most marines must battle thru initially upon landing...



Scouts and brightly coloured Bikers gain intel and sow confusion in the enemy ranks as contact is made. Loud, conspicuous, yet hard to pin down and hit; the bikers draw attention away from the bulk of the army as it moves in for the stealthy kill.


Even light armour is used as part of the subterfuge. In conditions that are appropriate to their deployment, bright yellow Predators or a rare Vindicator announce their presence by bulldozing over terrain, trailing oily smoke screens from their exhaust and firing heavy weapons to further fixate and distract the enemy from the real threat closing the noose of the trap...

That is a great idea. How are the bait units viewed by their fellows? Are there typically countries which specialize in baiting?


These practises would be blasphemy against the tenets of the Codex Astartes

No they wouldn't. The Codex makes provisions for the use of camouflage. Only proud (some would say arrogant) chapters like the Imperial Fists refuse to use it.


Some good ideas in there. The weaker psyker one needs a bit of refining but the bait idea is a brilliant one. Keep going.



I'm the type that gets inspiration and has to get everything written down as the ideas flood out. After I compile a ton of content, I go back and start the rather heavy editing process...


No they wouldn't. The Codex makes provisions for the use of camouflage. Only proud (some would say arrogant) chapters like the Imperial Fists refuse to use it.


Some good ideas in there. The weaker psyker one needs a bit of refining but the bait idea is a brilliant one. Keep going.


Hmmm... can you tell I've been an Imperial Fist player for the last few years....? :P

The Shadow Reapers of Corax ;) its a bit of a mouthful, in fact its a partial sentence. Why change, Reapers of Corax was pretty good I thought, actually Shadow reapers would also be good, but both together it just seems like its trying to hard.
  • 2 weeks later...

5th Company Hoplites; Shadow Reapers of Corax

SHADOW REAPERS OF CORAX: Background and Fluff


Doctrinal Overview:


Shadow Reapers of Corax

5th Company, "The Phalanx Hoplites"

Commander: Xavier Alkemenes


The 5th Company organization and fighting style are a notable departure from the typical Shadow Reaper/Raven Guard fluid warfare tactics of stealthy ambush strikes and numerous independent unit actions.


As the most sub-ordinant Battle Company of the Chapter, it invariably contains the greatest number of new Initiates that have proven their mettle in the Reserve Companies and must now master the trade of a Tactical Marine in full tempo combat operations.


Due to their dearth of experience in power armour, the tenets of the Codex Astartes are hammered home thru conventional warfare. They fight in a much more rigid form that favours large, interlocking formations to produce a rigid wall in defence and a weighted arrowhead in assault.


Patterned after the Spartan Hoplites, the Initiates were blooded in the base principe of the Hoplite Tactical Squad;he must trust his battle brother to his right, and must not fail his brother to his left.


Ancient Spartans used this fundamental selflessness to produce a formidable tactic. The Aspis [shield], held in the left hand would not only guard a Spartan left side, but would guard his fellow warriors right. Thus, an interlocking set of shield would provide no weakness for the enemy to fissure the unit. The Spartans held a long bronze spear in the right, and attacked in coordination to obliterate the enemy front ranks...


This system was embraced and updated by successions of 5th Company Captains into an formidable method of warfighting in the 41st millenia.


The centre-piece of the army is the tactical squad and his rhino transport. In assault, Rhinos allow the hoplite formation to advance their heavy infantry upon the enemy without fear of small arms and long reaching artillery. Craven enemies that refuse to meet in honorable combat find the 5th Company quickly closing the distance and overrunning their positions.


Moreover, Rhinos are the Shield in defence. Waves upon waves of hordes hit and falter against their solid, armoured walls as the marines prepare to strike against the wavering line.


In this moment, the rhinos open their ranks and the Speartip of marines charges through, a flurry of disciplined fire and slashing blades decimating and breaking the enemy.


The current Assasin-Captain or the 5th Company is non-other than Xavier Alkamenes, an embodiment Spartan ideals that every warrior of the 5th hopes to achieve.


Selfless and dour, Xavier leads from the front with no thoughts of personal glory. As all Shadow Reaper Company Commanders, he is trained as a skilled, stealthy assassin. As a Teif Home-worlder, he feels a fierce martial obligation to his troops and will only range ahead to kill his leadership targets if the action will benefit the army as a whole.


Having served in the 5th Company since rising from a Scout, he embraced the Spartan culture and doctrines as his own. Brother Xavier took the 2nd name Alkamenes in honor of an ancient Spartan King once his assassin training was complete and he was formally elevated to Captaincy of the 5th Company.


On that day he received his Symbols of Office; The Hammer-Blades of Lakonia. Two mighty Artificium,wreathed in lightning energies wielded in fierce patterns to that overwhelm a foe's defences in a flurry of pounding blades...


His Xiphos Guard of Elite Terminators follow his lead and protect his flanks.Armed with blades, hammers and shields, the are able to surround and protect him from the worst of ranged fire, then attack en mass and cut a bloody swathe thru the enemy line.


Against a quick or wary foe, he will often sneak into there midst alone. His stealth and patience allowing him to close within killing range. Once in place, a small pysker beacon embedded in his armour is activated.... Aboard the 5th Company's orbiting Strike Cruiser, the Pysker Choirs have prepared for their ordeal and upon the signal, their chorus homes and guides his terminator bodyguard into a Teleport Assault of incredible accuracy and speed.


Before the enemy can react with any real effect, the Assassin-Captain and his Xiphos Guard are upon them and pin them in place, allowing the main phalanx to close the distance and overtake their prey before Xavier and his Terminators are overwhelmed.


In defence, Xavier and the Xiphos-Guard will anchor the vulnerable rear of the Hoplite Phalanx, propping up bends in the line and counterattacking to exploit divisions in the enemy line. As the enemy waves shatter upon the phalanx, their elite invariably surface to attempt to break the deadlock. Perfectly timed, Xavier, Ariston and the rest of the Xiphos Guard meet them with the irresistable force of Shield, Hammer, and Blade.



Ariston, the Eldest Guard:


Ariston was a Xiphos Guard who was cut down by an Ork Warboss when he shielded his Captain from the killing blow with his body.


Mortally wounded, the Spartan ideal was a warriors death and a final peace. Ariston however, mustered the strength to become entombed as a Dreadnought almost one thousand years ago and continues to act as a bodyguard for 5th Company Captains to this day.


Rarely armed with stand-off weapons, he screams earthward in a Drop Pod that homes on the location of his commander. Bursting onto the battlefield, he is rarely more than a few mighty strides his Liege...



================================================== =




HQ: 195


Xavier Alkamenes [see avatar]

Assassin-Captain of the 5th Company

Shadow Reapers of Corax

Hammer-Blades of Lakonia [MC'ed, Rending Lightning Claws, Bolt Pistol]

Shadow Killer [infiltrates, grants Teleport Precision-Assault to Terminators via Psyker Beacon]



[counts as Shrike, Infiltrate to Terminators, Fleet to whole army]




Ariston, the Eldest Guard

"Death-Blossom" Pattern Dread

Twin-Linked Hvy Flamer, Hvy Flamer/DCCW

Extra Armour

Drop Pod


The Xiphos Guard

8x Assault Terminators

[2x Lightning Claws, 6x Thunder-Hammer/Storm Shield]





1x Landspeeder, Longrifle Pattern [2x Heavy Bolters]


1x Landspeeder, Longrifle Pattern [2x Heavy Bolters]


[due to new vehicle squadron damage rules, I'm thinking of keeping them separate; kill pts liability ATM...]



TROOPS:1020 [over 50%]


10x Man Tactical Hoplite Squad



Vet Sgt Power Fist/Combi-Flamer

Rhino w/ Dozer Blade


10x Man Tactical Hoplite Squad



Vet Sgt Power Fist/Combi-Flamer

Rhino w/ Dozer Blade


10x Man Tactical Hoplite Squad



Vet Sgt Power Fist/Combi-Flamer

Rhino w/ Dozer Blade


10x Man Tactical Hoplite Squad



Vet Sgt Power Fist/Combi-Flamer

Rhino w/ Dozer Blade


Heavy Support:170



TL Lascannon


Dozer Blade



1990 pts

here's the army!


On the tabletop, this army will be painted a very dark gray, almost black, keeping lots of yellow accents.


[ironic that the closest I could get to the right scheme was Iron Warriors pixels...]





Was looking over the list, and was trying to think of ways to boost the anti-tank without losing anti-infantry punch.


After looking through the codex entry and double checking, I realized I could pack 2x typhoon speeders for the price of my 3x tornado speeders.


After rereading the vehicle rules, I now realize that this unit is definately worth its points.


Not only do you keep your anti-horde firepower up [3x HB shots, and 2x str4 blasts], but you get to move your full 12" and shoot all your weapons.


More importantly for me, I can move a full 12" and unleash 2x krak shots for great anti skimmer/transport work.


While I really liked the list in general, I had felt it had been lacking enough firepower to deal with a mech-tau/mech-eldar lists.


With the addition of 4x more krak shots, I feel this version is the most balanced yet, while still retaining the fun elements I wish to try out.



HQ: 195


Xavier Alkamenes [see avatar]

Assassin-Captain of the 5th Company,Shadow Reapers of Corax Adeptus Astartes Chapter

Hammer-Blades of Lakonia [MC'ed, Rending Lightning Claws, Bolt Pistol]

Shadow Killer [infiltrates, grants Teleport Precision-Assault to Terminators via Psyker Beacon]

The Training of the Agoge: Hoplite Warriors [Endurance of a Spartan; Fleet]


[counts as Shrike, Infiltrate to Terminators, Fleet to whole army]




Ariston, the Eldest Guard

"Death-Blossom" Pattern Iron-Clad Dreadnought

Seismic Hammer/Heavy Flamer,DCCW/Heavy Flamer

Drop Pod

The Xiphos Guard

8x Assault Terminators

[2x Lightning Claws, 6x Thunder-Hammer/Storm Shield]





1x Landspeeder, Typhoon Pattern [Heavy Bolter]


1x Landspeeder, Typhoon Pattern [Heavy Bolter]




[due to new vehicle squadron damage rules and their role in the army, I'm thinking of keeping them separate; kill pts liability ATM...]





10x Man Tactical Hoplite Squad A



Vet Sgt Power Fist/Combi-Flamer

Rhino w/ Dozer Blade


10x Man Tactical Hoplite Squad B



Rhino w/ Dozer Blade



10x Man Tactical Hoplite Squad C



Vet Sgt Power Fist/Combi-Flamer

Rhino w/ Dozer Blade


10x Man Tactical Hoplite Squad D



Rhino w/ Dozer Blade




Heavy Support:170



TL Lascannon


Dozer Blade

  • 4 years later...

I have been toying with the idea of a infantry heavy raven guard successor chapter and came up with the same exact name today while wasting time at work! I had no. Idea that someone had also come up wit the same name until I google'd it and came up with your thread.


I guess great minds think alike! Have you developed your ideas and forces any further?

This is going to be a blunt comment on the name - I think it's really clunky, tbh. Calling them Reapers or Shadow Reapers would be better than the current full name, imho.




Without further adieu


I'm fairly sure the phrase is 'Without further ado'. Adieu means goodbye, ado means fuss, concern, bother or trouble. :D

I agree on the name thing Olisredan. I was going to use either Shadow Reapers or just the Reapers myself. originally I was going to use my force as the Black Guard, but could not come up with a sutiable chapter symbol for their banners and shoudler pads, etc.


So, I thought that two crossed black scythes on a white backdrop would look pretty cool and tus was broin my version/idea of the Shadow Reapers...

Just call them Shadow Reapers. If they're very tied to their Primarch, then saying 'of Corax' is a bit redundant. It'd be like calling the IF "Imperial Fists of Rogal Dorn." Put the 'of Corax' bit into the IA, not the title. Show us how tied their are to Corax, don't put it in their name.


I also think it's a bit weird to have a company called "Phalanx Hoplites" in the same Chapter that has an "Assassin-Captain." If their whole thing is "death from the darkness," or be a follower of Corax's guerilla tactics, having a Company named after heavily armored (in their day) soldiers standing in a solid geometrically shaped unit that doesn't allow for any freedom of movement or breaking of the cohesion kind of breaks with that in a major way. It'd be like if a Company of Raven Guard started fighting like the Imperial Fists.

  Blackrat said:
I simply love your colour scheme. It is menacing and distinctive. Very nice. Now I want to see an actual mini with that scheme.


I agree, but I'm concerned they'll look like Scythes of the Emperor, especially if you use scythes on your chapter badge.

  Wulfebane said:
  Blackrat said:
I simply love your colour scheme. It is menacing and distinctive. Very nice. Now I want to see an actual mini with that scheme.


I agree, but I'm concerned they'll look like Scythes of the Emperor, especially if you use scythes on your chapter badge.

Plenty of chapters share very similar symbols, it realy shouldn't be too much of an issue :)


Though you may want to start your own thread Yosef, since the original author doesnt seem to be around. Let this 4 year old thread rest in peace haha


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