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My 'Ard Boyz results


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Let me preface by saying I have only been playing this game for 4 months.



Out of 24 players, I placed 5th!! I was astonished that I did so well in the tournament. Sure I won't be going to Regionals or Nationals, but good lord I was impressed with my performances. To compound my astonishment, I was told that I had the least experience playing the game out of all the participants and that most of the participants had been playing the game for 10 years or more. My results were:


Game 1 - I got a Massacre

Game 2 - I got a Major Victory

Game 3 - I got a Minor Loss



See the Battle Reports forum for my mini Battle Reports.



I would love to hear how everyone else did, so please share!

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I also went 2-1.


Round 1 : Got massacred by a 2 lash prince 8 obliterator list. I had 3 PAGK and a raider left at the end of that debacle.


Round 2 : Minor Victory (though the guy was almost tabled, he had 1 tac marine, 1 raider, 1 terminator and the high marshal left)


Round 3 : Minor victory vs. necrons.


Nice job on getting 5th!

My results were a learning experience.


Rd 1 - Major Victory + 3 Bonus against an Armoured Division of Imperial Guard. He fielded somwhere along the lines of 9 Leman Russ, a Basalisk, 2 Rhinos W/ Stormtroopers, and a Hell Hound. I played cover until the last turn, and swept in and grabbed 3 objectives on the last turn (I had bottom half of the turn). Star of the game was my Exorcists, that managed to kill his HQ on a front armour Glance and 2 other Russ' on front armour glances!


Rd 2 - I was Massacred by an Orc hoard army. Dawn of War + Orcs = 1 turn to shoot before I was over-run in H2H combat. Sisters just can't save enough against 37 Wounds. (on a side note, this match was against the player who ended up taking first. he scored 70 out of a possible 72 points.


Rd 3 - I was massacered yet again by another Orc Hoard army. This time, I had the advantage of deploying first and was able to shove him into the corners for deployment. this allowed me to completely obliterate one corner with my 2 Exos and Retributors, as well as my 2 squads of BS with Storm Bolters. MY flamer squads (3 of them did a lot of damage to his orcs on the other side, but not enough to survive the assault on his turns. The turning point was he had 2 squads of flankers (Commandos and Deff Coptas) that came in and wiped up my Exos and Retributors.


I learned some good lessons, and had a lot of fun playing against something other then Necrons.

Draw against Dark Eldar. That guy came in first later so I'm sort of proud to have done that.


I got horrendously, agonizingly, butt-rapingly massacred by another Sisters player who was a complete rules lawyering bastard. It was the absolute least fun I've ever had playing Warhammer 40,000, ever.


Minor loss against Necrons. That was a fun game, and a really close one.

I got horrendously, agonizingly, butt-rapingly massacred by another Sisters player who was a complete rules lawyering bastard. It was the absolute least fun I've ever had playing Warhammer 40,000, ever
I imagine it was just the setting, I mean look at the prizes for goodness sake. People will cheese out their lists and shjow you the micro print of all the rules in order to win. Even I was an asshat in one game and wouldn't let him declare an assault once he said I could go and I started rolling for my reserves. Generally, out of competition, most people don't care as much about the rules as long as everyone has fun, but there are exceptions at times too.

Even though it wasn't a pure Daemonhunters or Witch Hunters list that I used I did rely on them a lot as allies. I brought an Armored Company with an Inquisitor, GK Termies, and Stormtroopers from both of the books.


First Game - Faced Eldar and even though I managed to kill most of his army I only was able to get a minor victory, but get some of the additional objectives.


Second Game - Face Dark Eldar with an insane amount of tank popping power, but managed to get a minor victory again.


Third Game - Faced Dark Angels and my Inquisitor and Mystics manages to snag his termies and wipe them out with a called in volley of fire from some Stormtroopers with Plasma guns. Minor Victory again with some of the bonus objectives.


I managed to take 1st overall.

I played Sisters with inducted guard.


Game 1: VS Nightbringer and Destroyer heavy Necron force - I scored a Massacre plus bonus (after game 1 I was in 1st place)


Game 2: VS Eldrad/Avatar Iyanden Eldar force - brutal game - I scored a draw plus bonus (scored so well in 1st game that even after a draw in game 2 I was still in 2nd place only 2 points behind the 1st place player)


Game 3: VS Doublewing Dark Angels - brutal game that started strong and then went wrong - I suffered a massacre with no bonus


All in all I scored 4th place out of 16 but one of the top 3 could not make it to the semifinals so I received his certificate and I will be representing the Sisters in the Ohio semifinals. Hopefully I will get in the top 3 and get to go to Baltimore!

I ran AC with DH and WH allies


1. Minor Victory against Vanilla Marines- Overplayed my hand and wasn't prepared for game to end on turn 5


2. Massacred against Speed freak orks- Against one of the best generals from my LGS. I lost all three Russes on turn 2 and was boarded on turn 7. Had the game ended at 6 it would have been a minor loss, but so is life. Great game though, I learned a lot about how to play against speed freaks.


3. Minor Loss against Speed Freaks (again)- This game took forever and we only got through three turns. Setup took 30 minutes (stupid Orks :P) and I just couldn't execute an overall plan for victory in 3 turns.


A lot of fun and a really valuable learning experience, especially with regard to how to play mechanized against speed freaks. Losing first turn in games 2 and 3 absolutely decimated me as well. Dawn of War deployment in a 2500 point game against Orks is really rough.

  revnow said:
Dawn of War deployment in a 2500 point game against Orks is really rough.



That was the one complaint I seriously had against this tournament. The two dawn of war deployments really favored horde/assault armies, especially orks +nids. It really unbalanced the tourney.

I'm not in a place really criticize based on results. I could have played my last two games much better. More importantly the results of my Ard Boyz were pretty straight forward. The best generals won, with the top two facing off against each other in the third round in a hard fought match. The Overall winner was a balanced Dark Angels army using doublewing and dual landraiders, and he had to beat the speed freaks army that beat me in the 2nd round on Dawn of War. I would agree though that in a lot of matches, the first turn roll was make of break for a lot of shooty armies facing a lot of fast hitty armies.

I played my GT list (Witch Hunters) with a lot of grey knights thrown in. The lists I played against were not optimized either.


Game #1 I played against Doublewing (Deathwing/Ravenwing) (Massacre)


Game #2 I played against Black Templars (Massacre)


Game #3 I played against Eldar (Minor win). All I needed for the win was a tie, so I played it pretty close to the vest. If I wanted to, I think I could have gotten the massacre.


I ended up winning overall.

i placed 3rd out of 15 B) im goin to the next round :lol: i had DA pls look at my profiles posts for the list

i used pls offer advice ive never played at this lvl before and am excited for the chance but i also want to

put on a good show for my battle brothers


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