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Forge world chaplain venerable dreadnought

ben rolls

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hi guys, i'm still new ish on the forums here and i like seeing others works in progress.

as i've just bought the awesome venerable chaplain dreadnought model i thought i'd keep a progress and post it here for you.


the initial build up. trim, chop and file things. it's great with forgeworld how little work needs to go into the prep work, the quality is woth the money.



the complete build, took me an hour and a half to get to this particular part, my advice is if you're not happy, don't start painting anything, especially with expensive models such as this.

The base was the normal flat 60mm base, with the great basing kit from games workshop, i used the resin pieces and the etched brass, also the feet were positioned to show movement as much as possible.


The plasma cannon i've chosen not to attach as it kind of rubs against the sarcophagus and it seemed easier to paint it unattached. also i've attached a feather to fit in with my chapter fluff (also still WIP)


Undercoated. Obviously the Model will be mainly black being a chaplain, so an ideal colour for base coat.


more to follow as work progresses. as always feel free to comment and make suggestions.


I strongly recommend breaking it off the base to paint and instead gluing it temporarily onto painting blocks, as well as separating the legs/feet from the body. It'll make painting the details a lot easier.


Get yourself a bunch of old pencils and a block of polystyrene foam (from some packaging or other). Superglue your parts to the flat end of the pencils (which you can then use as handles) and when you need to put 'em down stab the pencil into the 'styrene block.

Thats goo advice, but you don't 'always' need to do it. Plus its not worth breaking the resin to remove it now :>


Good looking base coat.


I would reccomend, to protray the 'ancientness' of this model, that you apply 2 or 3 dry brushes of lighter and lighhter silver shades, and then apply either: a mixed wash of browns, black, and a little sepia. or a paint wash, using very watered brown.

cheers you guys.


winterdyne, it's a good tip which i'll keep in mind for a future project, but i don't want to go breaking my models down now i've glued it together, it's guaranteed to end in tears, i'm a big lad and i might break it.


i've got a scheme in mind, nurglepuss, which parts of the dread do you mean to paint silver? i'm going to have a lot of gold trim on the model and to fit in with my army the "wings" are going to be a yellow gradually highlighted up.

Basically anything that will remain 'mechanial' looking. As for the gold, undercoating with a warm brown (or recently for very bright gold I've been using dark flesh) applying e.g. shining gold, with gradual mithril highlights and then a a few light washes of yellow/brown would look great on that model!!


I've always found it quite 'aztec' looking, imagine it painted brightly...


Also, as for the yellow, I would under coat the 'feathers' white, and either use sunburst (a few thin coats, then highlitghting up, and glazing back down) or, if you can wait, pop on Ebay and grab some Vallejo yellows (quite cheap) they make my life 100% easier!!

some more on the wip.

next step:

i've given the wings and bones/skulls a couple of coats of tausept ochre, and where the gold is a base of dark flesh (cheers for the tip) also on the close combat weapon i've based in brown ready for a red colour in a bit.


ok now i've also laid down some boltgun metal to the mechanical parts to start with.


here's the red gore of the CCW and the shoulder section is based in an adeptus battlegrey darkened a bit with the black.


I now love the new washes, i just bought them so i thought i'd go to town with them. the metals are washed with a mix of badab black and the ogre flesh to give an aged look to the metal. the wings have also been given an ogre flesh wash.


on the steps to looking awesome, i have painted the gold trim with the 1st coat, also i have used the iyanden darksun to do the 1st highlight on the yellow wings.


and last up for today is the drybrushing of the bones with bleached bone to start with. as it's a work day tomorrow i'll be leaving it on the shelf for a few days.


hopefully i'l get some constructive critisicm while i'm away but i'll keep looking in.


hi again. thanks for the ongoing feedback.

further updates, the base has been given a bit of colour and the CCW has been highlighted on the fist and shoulder.


next up is the power claws and the plasma cannon, using gradual drybrushes with blue to eventually get to white. as a surprising by product i think the plasma cannon got a bit of the glow look about it. might keep it on if you think it's ok.


here you can see the yellow is coming on. a couple of layers of thin sunburst yellow applied here, also i have drybrushed some white on the skulls and bones.


and last for now, more highlights on the CCW arm.


i'm still working on this tonight so i may upload more shots a bit later. also any thoughts on using the new blue wash over the claws as they look a bit chalky. might test it out.

thanks for looking.

cool, see how it goes.


imo i think the yellow takes away from the dark nature of the model and i may have gone with khaki, bleached bone to white.


but end of day your model sodo what makes you happy, painting quality is lovely

sorry if you wanted this to last a little longer but i couldn't help myself. here goes.

here is the wings done, brightness due to flash. sorry. i also used the blue wash on the claws and looks good.


without flash


some edge highlighting on the black.


the assembled model, i'm going to put some flock in places when the base is dry.


other side, no flash,


the back end. you can't see it here too well and the flash picture i have you can't see at all. the washes used look great on the metal parts giving a used look.


and finally a shot on the CCW arm with chapter symbol. The Crimson Falcons.


i'll post it on my hall of honour with the other pics of my chapter. Thanks for looking and if you want to suggest i do more on it i am open to suggestions, also if you see something my tired eyes didn't pick up let me know.


good work, but i have one question and suggestion.

do you plan to stay with the plasma cannon or do you want to be able to switch the weapons?

if you glue the plasma cannon in place you should think aboout source lighting at this left wing, because it irritates that the plasma cannon glows in blue and the wing is totally unaffacted.



Good answer :>


I really like it Ben! looks like, wait for it..... A Chaplain! which is hard to do, as IMHO the model on the forgeworld site looks 'Aztec' to me. Great work!


I would say the only possible way I can see of improving it, would be to add a wash of red/brown/black to the dread CC weapon to blend it a little more, and maybe add a few metal scrapes and acratches to the red, to make it look more used? other than that, awesome! You have a unique painting style which looks very strong.

Well personally I find it best to do two things:


Take a look on google search (iamge) for damaged metal and the like, and also look at the stuff on coolminiornot.com/browse


Some inspiration in there.


Once you've seen what you like, its all a case of scale. Do you want big hefty scrapes and scuffs, bulled holes, pock marks etc. or do you want general wear and tare, chips, scratches etc. ?


I find that the best way to simply add some dammage is to paint on a line, series of flecs, or paint an edge (where wear would accumlate) with a darker version of the areas colour, then use some tin bits (leaving the barker area around the outline), highlight with chain mail, and then apply a dirty wash to the whole area, once all the chips are done.


You can re highlight with mithril if you want them to look very very fresh.


Hope that helps!

Very nice model! I really like it.

Just one thing bothering me: the highlights on your model's left arm. They're too thick according to me. I prefer more fine and subtle highlights ;)

but everyone has his own taste :tu:

btw, I love the glow of the Plasma Cannon :)


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