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My first army: Black Templars

screaming skull

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I’m new to the game and this is my first attempt at painting miniatures. I like the look and the fluff surrounding the Black Templars, so that’s what I decided to go with. I bought an Ultramarine army on eBay just so I’d have a beginner army to use while I built up my BT army. To my surprise it had a lightly converted Emperor’s Champion, painted Ultra colors with a few changes.





He's not finished, and unfortunately I didn’t take any pictures before I started. I’m using this as well as a 25 anniversary EC (pix to come later) to practice my painting skills before I paint my army. I'm going for a gritty look, based on this:





Any thoughts, tips, or general cc would be greatly appreciated.;)

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Badab Black wash is your friend in this day and age:>


spray model black, coat with watered down chaos black, add some very small/sharp highlights in either: Grey, Blue, Brown or Purple (I use Liche purple wixed with chaos black) and wash (not drown) the model with badab black et voila! subltle highlights!


As for the white, I perosnally prefer the grey route, but the bone route is also fine. Base coat internal pad with either a brown or tallarn flesh, or bronzed flesh, then add a lighter brown/tan colour, then 2 thinned layers of bleached bone, then a thinned layer of 50/50 bleached bone/skull white, then 2 thinned layers of skull white :>

I recently started a BT army, after not being involved in the hobby in any way for 6-ish years. My painting process for initiates/rank and file is as follows:


Spray prime black

Paint with a very thin coat of chaos black.

Highlight edges of armor with a 1:4 black:codex grey

Highlight corners, and very fine edges with straight codex grey (these are VERYYYY fine lines)

Paint shoulder pads with snakebite leather, one coat, not thick

2 coats very thin bleached bone

drybrush 50/50 skull white/bleached bone

eyes are painted red gore, with a blood red highlight


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