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Desert foxes project


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Here is another attempt at an army for me. This time I hope I will finish it. For those who wonder, yes I borrowed the idea of the desert stormtrooper from desert eagle. I plan to add the complete black reach set, a fully swappable weapon commander, 1 dread and a lot of dreads. Here's what I have started. Tell me what you think about the conversion on the last marine.







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When you say 'conversion' I'm assuming you mean the bolter, which looks like a side-loader with a bayonet? Very nice, the multi-melta ammo canister he's carrying looks out of place without a multi-melta in any of the pics though.


Weapon casings look like they could do with a highlight, but that's probably just the photo washing out some colours.


I like the cracked earth basing scheme, but it looks like it loses a little of the effect after you paint it up. Maybe a lighter ground colour to show off the cracks in the ground?

Hey, nice colour scheme! :) Makes me happy.


Looks like you're off to a good start there. For some inspiration (considering your chapters name) i found this chapter some time ago (probobly when searching for inspiration for my own chapter before setteling on the sandtrooper colour scheme, can't remember) the star foxes. I think some of the ideas could be incorporated into your chapter. Like maybe creating a badge along those lines for example. Maybe giving your sergeants the star fox style paintjob on their helmets and so on. Taking a few goodies as inspiration and making something of your own out of it. Just some thoughts.


I'll be eagerly keeping an eye on the thread, cheers!


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