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Depends how you craft the fluff. Ask yourself the following questions:

- Did they start this way, or is it the end result of circumstance?

- How did they end up being fleet based (assuming they are)

- Is this something they do by preference or necessity?


Its all in the fluff!

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legalised piracy.....just tingles comin off the lips.... hehehe. Can not see space marines being the pirate type. Fluff wise would seem to be tough.


Hmmm fluff wise would be a tuffy hehehe. A BT success chapter that aids an Radical Inquisitor in obtaining foreign artifacts unknown to the Imperium so raid any oncoming ships near the warps...... then obliberated by a nemesis force weapon when the Inquisition deems you Radical and Herectic.

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Oh yes - Librarians with Parrot familiars, that'd be awesome :)


To not make the theme too obvious, you could do things like, the captain could have a massive cut across the eye and the lens either smashed or not jeweled. That could look really neat without making them too OTT.

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Well using a allegory to the 16th-18th centuries, there was a such thing as privateering.


Privateering differed from piracy in the fact that privateers were commissioned by a countries government to attack foreign shipping.


You could always have your marines privateer for the Imperium, stealing/attacking other fleets and give back some of the "profit". Essentially weakening other races in the galaxy in terms of supply, not out right man-power.


The only problem I could see with this, that you would have to write for, would be that why would a space marine chapter be doing a job guardsmen could do? Perhaps they work in the same branch as a branch of guardsmen, and the space marines only participate in high priority targets? I dont know, just an idea.



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I had a random thought.


In the world of 40k, if you look at the books with the Navy as its central focus, there always seems to be some grand poobah of a ship that everyone happens to know the name of. A specially commissioned Space Marine Chapter, with a duty of destroying these enemy "celebrity" ships would seem pretty cool. Naval assassins, to put it bluntly, plying the Space lanes, boarding and capturing infamous ships, executing the Captains etc.


Its an inane thought, but I thought I'd put it out for you ;)

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i think the idea of a pirate themed army is good in a sense of perhaps using pirates as a way of how they live and fight. I think you could chuck in the odd parrot familiar or bionic peg leg on a captain but i think if it's all ripped pantaloons then it turns into a comedy sketch. The idea of privateers is a good one. Hired by the imperium to track down enemies.
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or the loyaltist survivors of the traitor legion who are deemed exiled from the imperiem and trying to redeem themselves by raiding any "foe of the Imperium" ships.


[ lots of bits from other armies ]

[ a reason for starting a campaign ]


* i forgot what other chapter was exiled from the Imperium, but they still fight for them *

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That's the same theme I use for my DIY in a sorts. Its a Templar based army that is on a quest for

the lost relics and holy artifacts and items of power in order to turn them over to the Emperor when

he arises to lead humanity once again.


So, yes, it can be done and done to fit within the 40k fluff-n-stuff



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