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So. Between studying for tech exams, a new wife, a love for 40k and not going crazy trying to balance them all out, I'm going to start a WIP journal for my new army.




In order to play the game, most of the time I've purchased my armies online, nothing wrong with it in some aspects as I would always exclude myself from the painting part of the tournaments... tho it would also leave me empty because I WOULD recreate some items I would need. A heavy bolter here, an extra marine there, but never much more then that. But they'd be pretty spot on. So I would think to myself... you know dude, you could easily win some of these if you just painted something.... but then I'd get swamped with the thoughts of... no time, exams, wife, gym, people I need to visit... etc etc, you'll never get it done.


But yet here I am.


So I've given up the idea of using any painting services, or getting anything off Ebay, and going at it myself.... sprue by sprue, spilled paint container, by spilled paint container.


So my goals were...


1. Find an easy army to paint as to get me to 1000pts immediately


Why: I play in a lot of doubles tournaments with a friend.


2. Find an army with a fluffy past I really liked


Why: I really enjoy the WH40K world, so after going through all of the chapters, the one that most spoke about the way I enjoy playing, BA / BT stuck out the most.... till I came across Ravenguard.... though I like the idea of a CC based army.... I'd rather one with a more guerrilla feel to it.... then I read up about Shrike.... then I learned about fleet in the codex coming up.... and I was sold.


3. Easy to paint, easy to model... conversions HOOOO.


They're black, they're marines, I have a truckload of bits, done done and done.



So this is where I will start to document...


Up first


10x Tac Squad 1HB/1Melta + Rhino


I have already built the first test marine, will post when he is complete for critique.


Goal 1750 by Jan 09 of well painted space marines that are mine from base to bolter, while not driving the wife nuts, and passing my exams.... lets see how this goes shall we?

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Ohhh! Cool. I dont have a wife, but I live with my girlfriend. I'm also trying to ace my year, and trying to get my word bearers 1000 pts done.


Best of luck to you, sir. Remember, we're all in this together.


I wonder, are there any doubles tournaments in Toronto .. hmm .. /me goes off to find tournaments and also to extort friend to finish 1000 pts of Nids.

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There are a few in Toronto, Barrie, Hamilton. We're in a tournament in Waterloo on the 27th, big doubles tournament, something like 22 teams.


I'll throw a battle report up for you guys, I plan on taking some pictures and such. I'll travel to play. My doubles buddy lives in Wasaga Beach.


Always glad to see other in the same predicament... well sorta glad as in you understand the pain of making time for a hobby, yet trying to maintain everything else you want to see.


After the 27th tournament tho, the army I play with, goes on ebay, hopefully grab a good buck for it, and then start looking for a Shrike... which I'll paint when I hit 1000pts as a reward.

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Woah, I live in Toronto! Crazy that there are more of you guys around. No wife though, trying to get my buisness up and running, so not much free time. Ravenguard are cool though. I do the Blood Angel thing so the armies arn't that different.


Also do you guys ever paintball at wasaga? cause I used to love it.

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Found myself a great deal on ebay for Assault Marines...


So I ordered 30 of them....


I should have a basic model up for display soon. I got a bit carried away with trying out a Blood Raven just for giggles.... I liked the way it turned out... I disliked how long it took.


Update later.

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Nice one, I'll be watching this thread with great interest :D


I too am about to start a Raven Guard army. Shrike is sitting on my desk giving me the eagle (or should that be raven's?) eye about not painting him.


I speak from experience when I say that a pregant wife, a mischievious 20 month-old, a full time job and other extra-curricular activities don't half stick a dent in your gaming time :lol:


I'll post one of my test mini's up in another thread when my bits order comes in.





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