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ALL SHALL ROT - WIP Plague Marine Squad ** NOW PAINTED! **


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I have returned to the hobby after a break of several years, with a strange ache in my abdomen...


~ ~


My affliction? A dull pain somewhere deep in my viscera; an odd yearning to pledge my services to the Bilious Whisperer who has haunted my waking and sleeping hours with strange mutterings of untold pestilence, and who has promised immunity from such a doom if I will only muster a warband to hold aloft the banner of disease. With this generous offer throbbing through a brain already jittery with the onset of contagion, I had no choice but to accept, and swear fealty to the Bilious Whisperer, the Lord of Decay himself: NURGLE.


The woeful plagues soon to scour this world like the relentless advance of a contaminated sea will now wash over me harmlessly, bolstering my roster of blessings even as the flesh is excoriated from those who resisted the Plaguefather's outstretched hand. The funereal choirs of a billion blighted souls will be as warped hymns extolling the suffering that Nurgle has bestowed, and I will share the bitter wine of despair with a new, immortal kin, unctuous and life-denying in its potency.


Across a thousand pox-strafed battlegrounds I will roar the mantra of my putrescent patron until it shakes the fly swarms from their feasting:




~ ~


The purpose of this thread is to keep track of my painting and modelling exploits as I embark upon the creation of a Nurgle-themed Chaos Marine force. My first step was to prepare an suitable workstation with all the necessary tools and materials. I won’t go into everything I stocked up on, but here is a quick photo:




It was then time to summon forth a 10-man Plague Marine squad! I will just say a few words first about my take on creating Nurgle miniatures (feel free to scroll straight to the photos if you prefer). I have been musing about modelling a Nurgle Chaos force for about four years now, and in that time I have browsed a lot of threads and pictures of other Nurgle forces out there. This gave me a sense of what I did and did not want to do with my own army…


When I told a local Games Workshop assistant that I was planning to paint and model Nurgle, he said “well you can’t really go wrong with them!” While I see his point regarding the messy and rotting reputation Nurgle troops have, I don’t fully agree. In my opinion, Nurgle are very easy to go over the top with, sculpting enormous bellies with intestines everywhere, then dowsing them in loads of green tones. My aim is to create the morbid, pestilent character of Nurgle in slightly more subtle ways. This doesn’t mean I don’t want to sculpt pustules and so on, but I will be avoiding dangling entrails and vehicles totally smothered in green stuff.


Right, I think it’s about time I put some WIP photos up! After each model I will make brief comments about any conversions or other features I want to point out. Finally, I am really unsatisfied with the quality of these photos – I shot them outside on a sunny day, with paper behind them, but the definition is not good enough in my opinion. Perhaps I need a slightly more overcast day. Anyway, they will do for now.


These models are my first try at Chaos Space Marines, and also my first ever use of Green Stuff, so any comments, criticisms, advice or feedback would be GREAT! Here we go...


Plague Champion




- I wanted a more dynamic pose for the leader of my squad. I had a small lump of ‘fool’s gold’ lying around, and thought it would provide a nicely textured object of a good size to rest my Champ’s foot on! It took quite a bit of slicing and re-sticking to position his legs in that fashion, but I’m happy with it.

- The only other particularly notable feature is the guitar string breather. I added some green stuff decay around the mouth, and gave him a slightly bulging belly. A few other areas were given some green stuff and fine sand treatment. I added a tusk to the plasma pistol too.


Icon Bearer




- This guy is my favourite model in the whole squad! I’m really happy with the pose, and the legs didn’t require any repositioning. I sliced the barrel at an angle to make it look buried. You might say it would have been better on a larger base, but I quite like how it extends beyond the base.

- Green stuff work includes a bulging armour plate (my alternative to the exposed stomach) – I think this hints at rotting viscera, but is more subtle. It has a crack in it, so I might paint on a bit of leakage.

- Head is a fantasy zombie with the hair filed off.

- Various extra skulls and chains have been added to the icon.

- As you will see on many of this squad, he has a big spike on his backpack – this is the top of a Night Goblin spear (I had an unpainted squad of them spare).

- The bolter is quite heavily modified: it has a bayonet made from a combat knife, a strap which was cut off one of the other Icons on the Command Sprue (Slaanesh I think), and I also replaced the normal ammo belt with the heavy bolter one, as it is longer! I originally planned to have used bolter shells littering the base, but when I sliced some up they looked too tiny to be recognisable. A bit of sand adds some corrosion to his armour.


Plasma Gunner #1




- The most obvious feature of this guy is the huge pipe going into his cranium! Again, a guitar string was used and then I embellished the joins with some Green Stuff.

- The head is another fantasy zombie with the hair shaved off.


Plasma Gunner #2


- Where is his weapon?! Unfortunately the sprue only comes with one plasma gun and one melta gun, but I want this squad to be a double plasma one! I haven’t been able to find a spare plasma gun anywhere, and my friend who collects Chaos doesn’t have one either! I’m just going to paint him up without it then acquire one eventually, somehow (if anyone in the UK has a spare, PLEASE get in touch, haha!)

- I’m not sure if the GS on this chap will achieve the desired effect, but we’ll see when he’s painted up. I was going for a bloated double-chin appearance.


Plague Marines




- Has a Night Goblin spike like lots of his brethren. Another Night Goblin addition on this chap is the curved blade (with sand corrosion added) – I really liked the brutal shape of this, and it seemed to suit Nurgle a lot better than the chainswords.

- I gave him a bulging stomach plate similar to the Icon Bearer's.

- The GS shoulder pad was a total fluke, but I loved it so I kept it – I was cutting a lump out of it and I pulled it away, causing those strange spike shapes!

- I added a spike to this guy’s helmet, inspired by the great Chaos artwork on page 103 of the latest Codex.



- Another Goblin blade was put to good use here, as well as more guitar wire for the breather. The trophy rack is cut from the Khorne Icon.





- This guy is probably the most dynamic general Marine. He is standing on a segment of tank track, which required a fair amount of cutting and repositioning. His combat blade is an Ork knife glued onto the arm that is meant to hold a Heavy Bolter. I added a loyalist helmet to his Night Goblin spike!



- A relatively unmodified model – this guy has the horned helmet from the command sprue, with one horn damaged and green stuffed. I snipped the Imperial Guard skull from one of the command sprue Icons, and drilled a bullet hole into the helmet with a pin vice!





- Notable changes here are the ram skull glued to the shoulder pad and green stuffed, GS work on the other (battle-damaged) shoulder, and a slight change of angle on the helmet horns.





- I really like this fellow’s pose, quite simple but sinister. A bit of damage and corrosion was done with drilling and sand, and I gave him a horn on one shoulder (clipped from the Tzeentch Icon).


Regarding bases, you will see I have used a mixture of fine sand, small stones, and plastic bits and bobs. I am basing them as if they are in a ruined city, and will paint the bases in shades of grey. I have used a few bits of sprue to represent rusty girders.


So that’s it, for now - I think I am ready to spray them and start painting! I am quite nervous about painting them, because I am paranoid about spoiling them. I am a fairly competent painter, but it is going to require lots of time and care to achieve a standard I’m happy with.


I will be doing a few test schemes on old models before I start, but my aim regarding colours is to work the armour up to quite a light (but fairly dirty-looking) bleached bone. The trim will probably be green, but maybe metal. The bare skin will just be a case of experimenting!





Wow those are sick! (throws up) ... In a good way (for nurgle). How you painting them? I did a black undercoat with a watered down bone colour with thrakra green wash over that with a black trim. Ill post mine to show you what mine are like.

I haven't done any test minis yet, but my basic painting plan is to use either a Scorched Brown or Calthan Brown base for the armour areas, then build on that with Graveyard Earth and finally Bleached Bone (with some Devlan Mud washes in between). I have Catachen and Camo Green to build up the trim, although I might decide to go for a Boltgun Metal trim instead.


For the rusty areas, I am thinking of very lightly drybrushing some Blazing Orange over Scorched Brown (possibly mixed with some Scab Red).

really top notch work there sir!

small tip for you (not mine i add but someone elses!) the best rust look is to use the solar orange foundation red to dapple/drybrush on over browns. then boltgun dapple/drybrush on the edges. looks wicked cool ;)



Great conversion work. A suggestion for a plasma gun: check the tutorial for "garage sale plasma gun." It's a short how-to for converting a plasma pistol into a plasma gun using the pistol and a boltgun. Very effective, in my opinion. Really great work though. Looking forward to seeing them painted up.

My word! These are phenomenal! Some of the best Plauge Marines I have seen! Absolutely outstanding work, both on originality of the poses and conversion work - it really does suit the Nurgle feel.

I can't decide which model is my favourite - each one is a complete individual, and I can't wait to see the paint jobs these guys get. Some of my favourite parts though are the spike from the shoulder pad, the broken helmet horn and the choice of huge combat blade!

Many congratulations, and I can't wait to see more of these.

Thanks for the kind words! I am currently fretting over how to paint them, because I really don't want to spoil the squad with a mediocre paintjob.


Here is the first test mini I have done - don't worry I will do several more before starting on the squad, and this is not really my painting at its neatest, it's more to try out the colour contrast.






I've gone for quite a classic Death Guard scheme (even though I haven't decided on my army fluff yet), trying to work up quite a light bone colour on a brown base. I like the effect caused by streaking on lines of Bleached Bone, so I will try to get that improved.


The trim is Catachan Green with Camo touch-ups, then Thraka Green Wash (I tried out some Boltgun Metal battle damage but didn't really like it).


Any painting feedback would be great.

I've painted up another tester in roughly the same way, although I think this one looks slightly better. Here are the stages involved:


Paint trim Catachan Green, then armour areas Calthan Brown:



Go over the Calthan Brown with Graveyard Earth, and apply some Camo Green to the trim:



Blob Bleached Bone over the armour, and give the trim a coat of Thraka Green Wash:



Apply a generous coating of Devlan Mud Wash over the armour:



The metal is just Boltgun Metal with a Badab Black Wash. I haven't done any final touches of Bleached Bone over the washed armour yet.

Great conversion work. A suggestion for a plasma gun: check the tutorial for "garage sale plasma gun." It's a short how-to for converting a plasma pistol into a plasma gun using the pistol and a boltgun. Very effective, in my opinion. Really great work though. Looking forward to seeing them painted up.


Hooray! Thanks for pointing that out, it has worked out nicely I think:



(piping cut from a meltagun, sand hiding/corroding the join!)

Hey there. As a Nurgleth follower I am, let me give you some advice.


First of all... Add more filth. Use gs for this as you are doing right now. After that, drill some holes and use your X-acto knive to carve the armor.


Hope this helps.



Hey there. As a Nurgleth follower I am, let me give you some advice.


First of all... Add more filth. Use gs for this as you are doing right now. After that, drill some holes and use your X-acto knive to carve the armor.


Hope this helps.




Thanks for the comments, although one of my aims with this squad is to make them look quite afflicted and grim without going all-out on the classic bulging disease look. I have added growths and corrosions here and there, but I'm hoping with a mix of painting and subtle converting I can achieve an effect I like without going down the cliche blood and guts Nurgle route.


Your point about battle damage is good though; I did a bit of drilling on this guy:



But I agree, I could have spread that damage throughout the squad a bit more. This is only my first unit though, so if I like how it turns out I will establish what to do in future.

Another test:




I have incorporated some Camo Green in with the Bleached Bone, which I quite like. Still not sure if it looks bright enough though. Maybe some final tweaks with skull white?


Tried a metal trim too, which is quite a reasonable alternative to the green (I gave it a black wash after this photo)

I think it's real purpose is a gardener's potting tray (for potting up plants) - my mum had it in the shed!


It is quite good because that tray on the top is removable, and the various compartments are handy as you can see. The main disadvantage is the turned up lip at the front edge - ideal for keeping loose soil contained, but a bit annoying when needing to rest your forearms on it! I could always cut it off though I guess.

I've had a go at some rust effect:





I might go more or less with the second scheme (with metal trim), but tone down the orange a bit. Also, the paint isn't as thick as it looks in those shots!



Paint scheme is:

- Armour: Watery Graveyard Earth on a black undercoat, then a streaky coat of Bleached Bone, then Devlan Mud Wash, then a few bits of Bleached Bone over the top.

- Trim: Scorched Brown drybrushed with Blazing Orange.

- Bare Skin: Scab Red then Rotting Flesh, with mottled covering of Blue and Red washes. Then a final Rotting Flesh drybrush.

- Bases: Adeptus Battlegrey, drybrushed with Skull White.


Some of the photos are a bit dark, but I hope the general scheme comes across. I've included some alternative angles for a few of them:

































Wicked. My favourite is the one with the old Champion's helmet, but I like the painting on the bottom (back-handed knife guy) more than the others. One wierd thing is your green mouldy bits are actually the same colour as Green Stuff putty! I love the Guardsman helmet with skull, too, but that does lead to my only criticism. You've got four skulls on your bases, but there arent any other body parts. I'd imagine hardly anyone else will notice, but I find it kind of wierd.
That's an interesting point jlmb - I have a few spare Space Marine arms and backpacks lying around, so for future squads I might try to shake it up a bit, I agree there is no reason why only the heads would survive. The rotting sections are similar to green stuff colour you're right, but I liked the contrast with the brown and bone armour.


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