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A Plague Marine


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This here is a Death Guard marine I found on his own after a big move. The rest of his squad have seemingly vanished without trace alongside half a dozen Grey Knights. They must have got lost in the warp during a brawl I guess.

Anyway, I decided to give the sickly fellow some TLC and am in the process of painting him up. But I'd like some C&C on how I could improve him. He won't see the table top so I thought I'd try and make him look half decent.


Brother Duncs


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Thanks for the encouragement folks it really helps. Now, in the words of Proffessor Hubert J. Farnsworth "news everyone". I have attached the arms, they're by no means finished but I thought I should show what I'm aiming for.





I'm quite pleased with the decayed weapons, but I'm gonna add some highlights to the raised areas on the armour. Once again any C&C would be much appreciated.


Brother Duncs

Apologies for the double post but having been asked for a tutorial by AllHallows I thought I'd post it here.


First stage is an undercoat of Chaos Black. Simple.


You're going to need a brush you don't really care about for this bit.


Then a wet brush of Bestial Brown, (by wet brush I mean just dab your brush in the pot and then liberally 'smack' the miniature).


Now while that's still wet get some rotting flesh and bestial brown together and do some more wet brushing.


Keep doing this gradually adding more rotting flesh to the mix untill you've got a colour which is just of rotting flesh.


Now here's the fun bit, using the new washes, start with nice big dollops of Gryphone Sepia on the cracks and infected bits, then throw some Devlan Mud wash at it, followed by Baal Red and Thraka Green. Use your thumb or cloth to remove any excess for the large space on the armour plating (I think I said that right)


You can build this up as much as you want to get a dirtier more decayed look if you want to.


For the highlighting I just use straight Rotting Flesh on the most raised parts of the armour (not the infected bits).


The bone parts I used Bleached Bone and brought it upwith Skull White, then gave it a wash with Devlan Mud Wash and brought it up to pure skull white at the top. Once the Devlan Mud Wash is dry I gave it a healthy blob of Gryphonne Sepia to give the bones that 'orrible old look.


The armour trim was just straight Catachan Green washed with the same as everything else.


Th eyes were Snot Green highlighted with Scorpion Green then a Scorpion Green/Skull White mix. Then given a little wash of Thraka Green for depth.


The weapons and rebreather are simply Boltgun Metal then drowned in the same washes as the armour but I didn't remove any excess from them. I also refrained from highlighting the weapons with anything to make them look really decayed.


I think thats all -_- If not and I remember anything I'll let you know.


Should have the final piece ready by Friday at the earliest so I'll throw some pics up then.




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