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Sons of Medusa army

Iron Father Rik

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Greetings Brothers and Sisters of the hallowed boards of the Bolter and Chainsword forums,


With the advent of the new Space Marine codex, and the fact that my AoBR Tactical Marines didn't fit into my Iron Hands army due to having the insignia wrong, I decided it would be a good time to start a new Space Marine army. After some deliberation I have chosen to do the Sons of Medusa, since I like the colour scheme, and with such little fluff for them I have quite a bit of freedom to do what I want with the army. (And on that note, if anyone knows of any fluff not on the forums, please point me in the direction of it. Thanks.)


Though it is not my final list, I have posted the army list that I have been using. For the few games I've played with it it has actually been rather effective. Normally I intend to take more Scout Bikers, and an Iron Clad Dreadnought in a Drop Pod, which will replace the Thunderfire and Dreadnought. However these units, particularly the Thunderfire, has proven it's worth and I may be rewriting my intended list slightly. Anyway what I have been using so far is:


Captain Perseus

- Relic Blade

- Storm Shield

- Digital Weapons

- Jump Pack


7-man Assault Squad

- Flamer

- Power Weapon


10-man Tactical Squad

- Flamer

- Power Weapon

- Rhino


10-man Tactical Squad

- Meltagun

- Power Fist

- Rhino


Venerable Dreadnought Hercules




Thunderfire Cannon


3-man Scout Bike Squad

- 3 Astartes Grenade Launchers

- Cluster Mines


10-man Scout Squad

- Missile Launcher

- 3 Sniper Rifles

- 2 Shotguns

- 3 Bolt-pistol and Combat Blade

- Sergeant Theseus (Sergeant Telion)


Total: 1498 (IIRC)



So far I have just built some of the models, as you can see in the photos below. I still have enough parts for at least one, if not two more Tactical squads and/or a Devastator squad, as well as two Rhinos, the remnants of my Vanguard and Sternguard that haven't been used or butchered for parts, and I am waiting on mail order to send me my replacement Thunderfire Cannon. I also intend to get more Scout Bikers when I can.


Apologies for the poor photo quality. I was hoping to use my girlfriend's Sony alpha-200 SLR, but she forgot to take it when she came over, so I am just using my old Olypmus "mew" 720.


First off, the colour scheme, for those of you who do not know it:



The full army: (The Whirlwind is my (unpainted) Iron Hands Whirlwind, on loan from that venerable chapter)



Captain Perseus:





Brother Hercules:



Assault Squad:



Tactical Squads:



Scout Squad Theseus:



Scout Bikers:




I have decided that, in the long run, I am going to try to collect a Battle Company, as well as the extra units like Scouts and such.


These are, I know, unpainted models, but I hope to use this thread, whether anyone follows it or not, to give me incentive to keep going with the army and get them all painted, lest they end up like my 2k of unpainted WFB Dwarfs! When I get them painted up I will get better photos, since I'll steal my girlfriend's SLR if I have to. All (constructive) C&C welcome. I am a little undecided how I am going to paint certain aspects of the Sons of Medusa, such as company colour/markings and location and such, so any suggestions and advice in that regard are welcome (and encouraged).


Thanks in advance guys.



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he's commenting on your name choice for the characters, several of them appear in the film "clash of the titans" I believe, it's been a few years since i've watched it. ^_^


Im really diggin that captain perseus model, with a slight bit of reposing that you did, you really gave new life to that fairly static mini.

he's commenting on your name choice for the characters, several of them appear in the film "clash of the titans" I believe, it's been a few years since i've watched it. ;)


Ah cool. I just stuck with the Greek mythology theme and selected some names from the more famous myths. Perseus from the Medusa and the Gorgons myth, Theseus from the Minotaur, etc. With surpisingly little useful help from my friend who is studying Classics at University! Lol!


Im really diggin that captain perseus model, with a slight bit of reposing that you did, you really gave new life to that fairly static mini.


Thanks. It's the Master of the Watch's (?) Storm Shield, with a little sawing and filing, fitted onto the Master of Recruits' body and head. A jump-Chaplain's jump pack, and a Vanguard Veteran's power sword arm (though I use it as a Relic Blade ^_^ ) All in all it wasn't difficult to do, and came out better than I'd hoped. I'm going to put him on a slightly detailed, bigger base, about 40mm size.


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