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Silver Skulls Battle Company with Drop Pods...and friends

Marius Perdo

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Well, I have stopped planning and started building and painting my Silver Skulls.

Initial goal is a half Battle Company (the 5th) to be deployed in drop pods. The image is of all the various odds and sods I have collected over the years and never built, plus new stuff from Games day UK.


I'll do more detailed posts on individuals of note, and squads etc as I go but that is the whole lot in boxes and bags.


1st Company

50 terminators (20 assault)

Terminator Captain

Terminator Librarian

Terminator Chaplain

50 veterans (20 sternguard, 10 vanguard without jump packs, 20 vanguard with jump packs)

2 venerable dreadnoughts (with forgeworld drop pods)

5th Company

6 tactical squads (new plastic drop pods)

2 devastator squads (new plastic drop pods)

2 assault squads (new plastic drop pods)

Command squad (forgeworld drop pod including converted Prognosticator)



3 dreadnoughts (with forgeworld drop pods)

8th Company

3 assault squads (with jump packs)

3 landspeeder squadrons (3 in each, tornadoes with occasional typhoon)

2 bike squads (10 man, attack bike in each to combat squad)

2 attack bike squadrons (3 in each)

Command squad with Captain (on bikes)

Chaplain (on bike)

Librarian (on bike, conversion)

Techmarine (on bike, conversion)

9th Company

10 devastator demi-squads (6 man in razorbacks)

Command squad with Captain


2 dreadnoughts (two heavy weapons each)

10th Company

40 metal scouts (basically 10 of each, bolt pistol + combat blade; sniper rifles, bolters, shotguns with various heavy weapons)

15 plastic scouts (5 snipers; 10 others; to go in 3 Landspeeder Storms when GW release them)

10 plastic scout bikes


Master of the Forge (with conversion beamer, busy converting at the moment)

2 Techmarines (with servo harness)

3 Techmarines (with servo arm, old metal miniatures)

Techmarine with Thunderfire Cannon (forgeworld drop pod)

15 servitors (various weapons, original metal, Inquisitorial retinue, and "new" ones)

3 Land Raiders

1 Land Raider Crusader

1 Land Raider Terminus

3 Whirlwinds

4 Vindicators

2 Predators (need more, want an Assassination Squadron)


Chapter Master with Honour Guard (10), Masters of the Chapter, probably in the Thunderhawk with a chaplain dreadnought (not ordered the new resin dreadnought as yet)

...and that is it, which will keep me busy for a while.

Currently converting new codex gear that there are no miniatures for (and unlikely to be for a while), such as twin-linked heavy flamers for a dreadnought and razorback, twin-linked assault cannon for a razorback, conversion beamer for Master of the Forge etc.

I built my own Sternguard a while ago, with combi-flamers and a heavy flamer. Orks don't like that. Need the burny dreadnought to back them up. Also done Vanguard on foot (for drop pod) and a sergeant holding a relic blade two-handed. I'll do seperate posts tomorrow when the light is better so you'll see I'm not havering, need to charge the new camera's batteries anyway.

I bought the Space Marines Spearhead at Games Day UK, which got me most of the new metal stuff, a drop pod, and three scout bikes.


I got seven seperate scout bikes and an extra nine plastic drop pods at the same time. I had to take two minions with me to help me carry it all :) Then I went to the Forge World stand...


There I bought the new Imperial Armour Model Master Class Volume 1 (going to be very useful for the drop pods and Thunderhawk gunship), another four resin dreadnought drop pods, and two bags of the new Red Scorpion resin/plastic vanguard to convert.


As for everything else I already had it, mostly unbuilt stuff that was never used for my Blood Angels and Dark Angels (I have quite a lot of those too, but nowhere near as large and they won't get any love from me for...well, ever again really). I dabbled with the idea of Red Scorpions, and have used the resin mark IV armour for the occasional veteran/command squad member whilst the Red Scorpion marked stuff and brass etching just gathers dust.


Been playing since 1986 so I have a cellar full of stupidity, inlcuding a lead thunderhawk, number 223 (looks crap compared to the resin Forge World ones). My main goal is a drop battle company with terminators teleporting in on their homers, and I'll work on the others later to do Apocalypse refights of Yarrick's Hope Harbour and the rok infiltrations during the 3rd Armageddon War at Hades Hive, as well as the War in the Gildar Rift against the Red Corsairs. My research notes are paraphrased in this thread.


I may change the battle company number if I find someone else doing the 5th, so the battles can get even bigger. The joys of mechrite red and swapping to the 3rd as required, or yellow/gold for the 2nd. 5th for now though :)


It is amazing what you can get done when you stop wasting time on MMORPGs, and when an excellent new edition of the game gives you a kick up the jacksie :)


This all obviously took some explaining to the wife...


PS I have a silly amount of epic Armageddon stuff, as well as a battle barge, four strike cruisers, 50 mini FW resin thunderhawks, hunters, novas, glaidiuses..erm, gladii(?), as well as cobras, firestorms and sword RRVs for Battlefleet Gothic. Going full on Silver Skull in all of the games. I blame Action Man (GI to our cousins across the pond) and Airfix kits :)

Well, I have painted a basic 500 points quickly to get them on the table so to speak.

Several points, the main being I am crap at photography. The other being they aren't finished.

First tactical combat squad...


and the second one.


Second tactical squad combat squad...


and the other one.


Finally the Captain with a random lascannon bloke I painted as I wanted a huge gun for no real reason at this stage.


I'll do the rest as seperate WIPs, and I'll do Tutorials for the conversions. Out on the lash tonight with the lads and lasses from work, so I'll feel like a pig has pooped in my head tomorrow, but we'll see...

As for saving, well probably since 3rd edition came out but I have gone onwards and upwards at work so I'm not short of brass these days. Thus the £750 spent at Games Day UK :lol: Wife still wants to put my nadgers on a chopping block though.

WOW. I think you have more marines than I do, and from the sound of it you have been buying them up as long as I have. Sweet!


I really like the look of your painted ones. I am curious as to where you got the skull shoulder pads from? Those are really nice looking. They won't work for my Silver skulls as I am builing most of mine from BFM & AOBR marines, but they do look very very nice!


Keep up the awesome work!

I really like the look of your painted ones. I am curious as to where you got the skull shoulder pads from?


old blood angels (?) metal shoulder pads that could be ordered through direct.



and Perdo, if you run out of those pads I have several (around 25 i believe) I can mail you, just send me a PM if the need arises.



The_Chaplain is right, they are old Blood Angel honour guard shoulder pads. No use for my terminators though, thus making puppy dog eyes over at BoLS as Argentius hoping they show me mercy :D


Also you can use them on BFM and AoBR minis. I've done it for my ablative bolt gunners for my devastator squads. Clippers and care mate, clippers and care, that is all it takes. I'll post a tutorial once I get done with the exciting stuff :)




Correct. Very kind offer of you, I should be Okay unless I miscounted. When I heard GW where stopping bitz I ordered loads. I have a bitz box full of all sorts, including 50 odd of the metal Blood Angel predator gunner shoulder pads I intended to use for Honour Guards.


@all who posted


Thanks for the positive feeback, been planning for ages. To quote Don Logan in Sexy Beast "Preparation, preparation, preparation". Now I just have to build and paint all the buggers :)


Anyhoo, steaming drunk, off to bed :)

lovin the progress so far, those sternguard are lookin mighty sweet btw.


one quick question: what model are you using for the base of your dreadnaught? standard gw plastic, the metal GW venerable or some forge world pieces



The_Chaplain is right, they are old Blood Angel honour guard shoulder pads. No use for my terminators though, thus making puppy dog eyes over at BoLS as Argentius hoping they show me mercy :D


Also you can use them on BFM and AoBR minis. I've done it for my ablative bolt gunners for my devastator squads. Clippers and care mate, clippers and care, that is all it takes. I'll post a tutorial once I get done with the exciting stuff ;)


Thanks guys for the heads up. I am already too far along on my SS to change now, but I may consider it for other projects down the road aways.


I am also working up a Silver Skulls army, but I am trying to get it done in crazy fast time ( in time for the release of the Space Marine Codex here in the US) so I can begin to lay something other than Necrons. ;)


I am totally going to follow this thread and keep my eyes on what you are doing so I can blatantly borrow/copy it into my own army. No pressure. :)

Your project is quite inspiring, I recently purchaced a Marine Battle Comapany (that £275 thing), painted one squad, and put the rest away, feeling like it was too daunting to finish, but your efforts really persuaded me to pick it up again, thankyou!!

Good luck!


@ The_Chaplain


Standard plastic with the lower slabs covered with a mix of beach sand and bird sand, and some GW gravel mixed in for larger "rocks". I ordered a dozen or so a few years ago knowing I'd need them in future.


I do occasionally build my own up with slate, did one for a converted World Eater on a juggernaught once, which went well. I must find may bag of smashed slate (a tile came off the roof a few years back in a gale and I use that).


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