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Reclaiming a Razorback


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Stage 7: Absolutely Riveting!


After adding the plating, I needed to add some rivets, as we all know extra armor is always affixed with rivets.

I had a myriad of options for making the rivets. I decided to go with the thinly sliced plastic rod. So, out came the four old banner ples I had in my bitz box. I hate these things,and never planned to use them for anything, so I gladly started chopping.

Below is a shot of the pole I'm talking about, strand of cat hair and all:





I got out my Xacto knife and carefully sliced two fullpoles into thin wafers. It ook a while, but eventually I had a nice little pile of rivets. I used my knife to gently spear the discs, touch them into a pool of plastic cement glue, and affix them to the plating.

Here is the result:








Also of note in the rear shot is the strike plate I added to the top of the rear door, and the hinges at the bottom. The strike plate is a little uneven, as is the center hinge. That's what I get for rushing. Oops. The plate is just some thin plasticard, and the hinges are lengths of some plastic rod/tube cut in half down their center. These rods actually came from lolipops from my doctor's office!


While the rivets dried, I added my replacement hatches to the turret. The left and right hatches are just regular current-gen Rhino hatches with a little bit of the hinge area cut away to fit. The rear hatch is from an IG tank sprue. Again, I got a little lazy and the hatch isn't 100% even. Oh well. All hatches were glued in place with some rubber-infused superglue, made by Loctite (in the black bottle).







The secnd pic also shows the holes I drilled to pin the driver in place. I love to pin everything, just in case.


After the hatch work, the rivets were dry enough to handle. So, I chopped the winged skulls off the banner tops, and added them to the tank as decoration. I also threw a tie-down point on there, as well as some drilled-out smoke launchers (old-gen versions).

Lastly, I assembled a new dozer/ram, filed the back down flat, and glued it in place.







The rear pic also shows the gap in plating I've been going on about in previous posts. See how the plating overlaps the trackwall, and makes that empty space? I need to cover that with some thin card.


The last assembly step will be adding treads to the tracks. I haven't found any punches I like, or that are of the proper size, so I'll probably just go with some sort of double-line tread design.


Comments and feedback welcomed!

  • 1 month later...

Finally, a small update!

After being distracted by other projects, I've come back to the Razorback for a bit. I put some paint on the gunner, finally:









Nothing super fancy. He's still waiting for his shoulder freehand. For such an old model, he's actually got some neat details on him, like the wires running under his arm. I made sure to pick those out in color, and not just metallics.


Yes, he is pinned to a bottle top. I find this makes models easy to handle while painting.


Next up will be the gun shield, then the guns. After that will be the actual turret, and finally the actual tank. Should be slowish, but I can't wait to have completed my very first vehicle!

  • 3 weeks later...

An update!

I have completed all of the painting for the turret, and assembled it. Now the task of painting the Rhino chassis, and a replacement top hatch door for when I want to run it as just a plain old Rhino.

Here's some pics of the turret:








Comments? Suggestions?

Well... urmm... the weapon options there are illegal.... but that aside, its looking pretty good.


Nah, page 135 of the 5th Edition Codex: Space Marines allows a lascannon/twin-linked plasmagun to be bought as a replacement for the heavy bolter turret.

Awesome conversion work. The rivets look great. Want to see this one together and finished!


Thanks! Shouldn't be too awful long before I'm done with the whole thing. I lost a week or two to a 5-day power outage due to an ice storm, and then the holidays. But I'm free and clear for paitning time now!

Well... urmm... the weapon options there are illegal.... but that aside, its looking pretty good.


Nah, page 135 of the 5th Edition Codex: Space Marines allows a lascannon/twin-linked plasmagun to be bought as a replacement for the heavy bolter turret.


Ok, I wasn't aware of that...

Ok, I wasn't aware of that...


The las plas variant was dropped starting 3rd ed so having it back is really nice. Many newer gamers, ( I say newer gamers as people who didnt start playing in second ed. or earlier. No offense intended. ) Think it is illegal because they have never seen them before.


You have a real piece of history there and it should be reveared as they are in the chapters that still have a working Rhino MKI Variant.

Ok, I wasn't aware of that...


The las plas variant was dropped starting 3rd ed so having it back is really nice. Many newer gamers, ( I say newer gamers as people who didnt start playing in second ed. or earlier. No offense intended. ) Think it is illegal because they have never seen them before.


You have a real piece of history there and it should be reveared as they are in the chapters that still have a working Rhino MKI Variant.


Ohh don't worry, I started playing long before that, I just didn't read the C:SM very throughly before lending it out so I didn't know it was back.

So that's what the las/plas loadout looked like.


B) ....It's beautiful.... :)


I must do a conversion of something like that in the future if I buy any more 40k stuff next year (I hate A-level exams. :().


The turret lookes excellent and yes as masnagj says, you hold a rare piece of weaponry so play with it proudly in games and give the enemy no quarter! It must not be destroyed, the Techmarines would have a fit!


Well done on the painting and converting, it has really made the rhino stando out amongst the crowd, a centrepiece for your commander and his retinue for certain. ;) I look forward to seeing the finished product.



Thanks for the kind words, all.


@Mal: No worries! There's a ton of stuff I missed, too.


This is a very cool old kit to be working on. I am finding that the more I fiddle with them, the more I like some of the old Second Edition pewter sculpts, as well as some of the Third Edition ones as well. I have some pewter Attack Bike sidecar gunners that have the same character to them as this Razorback gunner has.


This project will be finished by the end of February, as I've entered it as part of my Librarium Painting Challenge. Huzzah!

Looks really good


Has invigorated me to finish the Laz/Plas which I converted for a wolves army some years back. Uses the new hull, chopped down the twinlinked las-cannons to give one a targetter and then two plasma guns grafted onto a stormbolter mount. Looks the business but i never finished it...thankyou for galvanising me :tu:



Great rehab work thus far - I have quite a few MkI in my WIP motorpool


got 3 possible solutions to you 'tread detailing' problem


solution 1: plastic strips

- thin platicard 1, 1.5, 2mm wide Evergreen (or equiv) wide strips; 1mm thick - you could even cut strips from your plastic blister packs (this type of plastic is compatible with liquid styrene cements - happy accident, that discovery).

Anywho - put a bar at the leading edge of each track link. Alternately a chevron pattern on each each track link. Use whatever width of strip that looks right.

Don't worry about the length of the strips - just get em in the ball bark on width, then just run razor blade or Xacto along the outer edges to clean up.


solution 2: IG treads

- cribbed from GW Chaos SM codex (3rd Edition?? - the thin one with Chaos Terminator close-up on the cover, Doomrider stats inside).

Use IG treads (I believe 1 tread sprue will cover 2 Mk I's)

They showed 2 different MkI's - one was an Iron Warriors, and I believe the other was a Khorne.

You just have to trim off the 'crenalations' off both edges of the Rhino tracks (because the track edge & road wheels are the same once trimmed). You end up with a road wheel with a 'rubberband around it' look, then just glue down the IG treads. The Rhino will sit a little taller than usual - the IG tread ad about another 2mm to the height.


solution 3: IG treads

- this ones not for the faint of heart - clip off the existing tracks and replace with the IG treads.

This one will require a little work - the 'free' road wheels are easiest to trim and re-round - the front and back wheel are tougher. Use a razor blade and a file and a little patience.

Again since the road are the same width of the IG wheels so the treads just drop right on.


makes you wonder whether GW didn't plan this swap all along.


also some 1/35 tank models have compatible width tracks

  • 2 months later...

This bad boy is now complete, as part of the LPC!










My first completed vehicle! I'm so proud!

I think you've just inspired me to refurbish my old Predator. Tell me one thing though, will Simple green loosen up superglued parts? I've tried to get the heavy bolters off the Predator's sponsons, but the things may as well be a solid block of pewter.


Now, for being your first vehicle (Though I suspect you're being modest) the thing looks damn good. Straight out of the 3rd Space Marines codex, if you ask me.

I think you've just inspired me to refurbish my old Predator. Tell me one thing though, will Simple green loosen up superglued parts? I've tried to get the heavy bolters off the Predator's sponsons, but the things may as well be a solid block of pewter.


Now, for being your first vehicle (Though I suspect you're being modest) the thing looks damn good. Straight out of the 3rd Space Marines codex, if you ask me.


Simple Green doesn't do a whole lot to super glue. It may loosen it a tiny bit, but I think you'll fin oven cleaner is a whiz on superglue. All of my refurb projects seem to come parat quite nicely after a soak in oven cleaner for a week or so.


Thanks for the comments!

  • 6 months later...


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