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some pics may be blurry but I couldn't wait to share...

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Way to bring back some old classics! I may have to try this, as I have a metric assload of these guys still lying about. Nice work!


how does one measure a metric assload? is it more or less than an imperial assload? -_-


loving the models. theres no school like the old school :)

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Many of those static guys were converted over the years as part of the Diseased Sons. I still have one or two on a sprue. I also have a lot of the 2nd Edition box set loyalists, the orginal beakies, and various OOP metal loyalists in my army.


I even painted up a couple of beakies as Diseased Sons for Astronomi-con, they were previously stripped by me and thus repainted better and to bulk up a different squad.

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I gave away a few boxes of these guys (the 5-man boxes) to a good friend who really wanted them, but had nothing really to offer me. I wasn't using them so I figured why not, rather see them on the table than in a box never used.


Glad to see you're getting a use out of them as well. Can't wait to see your progress.

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