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DIY Chapter, My new vanilla SM army


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Hello everyone. I am new here :)


I decided to join up and share my fledgling army with you, and hopefully get some opinions and suggestions back from my fellow astartes aficionados.


This is actually my second marine army, I painted a BT army back in 2005, which I sold on Ebay - I only played like 5 games with them and havent played since, so this army is going to be my own for taking to tournaments and hanging out in the local gaming club. I am mostly a showcase painter, but I do enjoy the challenges and restrictions imposed by army painting - Its like a puzzle that needs solving, finding a balance between quality and quantity :D


I started, as so many others at the moment, by purchasing the new rulebook and AoBR box set, and building from there. I have an extensive bits collection, so I plan to build the first 1000 Points just out of whatever I have in "the box" - Which is something like two tactical squads, a termi unit and some scouts, for starters. With 3-4 vehicles on top + characters.


First of, I am painting a tactical squad, 10 man strong with a rhino. These are all assembled, and I have included here pictures of the first two finished minis. I have another 4 finished already, but they still need freehand added, and I havent quite been in the mindset for getting that done yet. I will post more pictures as the army (slowly) grows.




I used the SM painter to fiddle with some colourschemes, and ended up settling for a minty green colour for most of the armour, with black and white for contrasts, and a little bit of red where appropriate. This is what I came up with:




I tweaked it a little here and there, of course, but having the SM painter scheme printed and at hand was a great help. Especially for later, when I need to apply the colourscheme to Terminators and more complicated character pieces. So.. Hurray for the SM Painter!


The chapter badge was suggested by a friend after I had done a lot of googling and drawing test icons. With the marines being green, I wanted something frog-ish (frogs being my girlfriends favorite animal), and in the end one of the guys in the gaming group said "battletoads" - So thats it then :P

Bit of a complex pattern to paint identically on a whole army. I have tried sculpting a shoulderpad which I intended to cast in resin and use instead, but this turned out to be about as timeconsuming as just painting them on, so freehand chapter icons it is. And no, I don´t like transfers. Looks fake to me.


Bit about the painting (as it will inevitably get asked..) - The green used is my own mix, mainly using P3 Lhosan Green with some light blue-grey mixed in, and some other colours which I forget. I have two GW mixing pots filled, which should be enough for 2000-3000 points of marines. I also mixed a highlight colour based on this mix. The minis are basecoloured in the appropriate colours, and then given a wash of Devlan Mud all over (I am a sucker for the new GW washes) this produces a dirtied, uneven finish, which is what I wanted (instant weathering) followed by a highlight of the basecolour on the raised edges, and finished with the highlight colour - by that stage the minis are basically done, and I highlight the white up directly from the khaki base and call it done. I experimented with highlighting the black, but this turned out looking too messy when seen at tabletop distance, so I settled for just leaving black bits black.


The bases are made from WILLS Finecast textured plasticard and sand, which have been superglued on to produce an uneven finish.


Well, thats all I can come up with for now, I will post some progress as soon as I finish the next minis, and I hope to hear comments and critique from you, as it is the best way to learn ;)


Cheers, Sonny

No fluff yet, other than that they are strictly vanilla, probably a bit dry of demenour, and wear fashionable minty green armour. The working title for the chapter so far is just "battletoads" - But thats silly, so I am looking for a proper name, one of the things I hope the B&C crowd might be able to help with :D

Personally, I like "Battletoads". But if you want something more serious, how about Ranators, or Ranunculites. Both are from the latin stem for frog "rana".

Also goo would be the "Sons of Batrachos." Batrachos is Greek for frog, and sounds like it could be a 40K personality's name.

Thanks for all the suggestions. Still trying to figure out what the greek words for Battletoads is - So far I have determined that it is spelled "φρύνοι μάχης " - But to me that is just gibberish :P


And I am starting to piece together ideas for background info on them - They are very strictly a codex chapter, but with a tendency towards covert opperations, espionage, infiltration and assasinations (so, they are basically Bond, if Bond was a SM chapter with a fondness for froggy iconography...) Also, this means they are deployed in small encounters, and often found working closely with the imperial forces. Which means I am leaning towards names like "Shadows of (Battletoads)" or "Watchers of (froggies)" or something like that :)

Great job on the paint scheme. It would be a joy to see a fully painted army on the table.


As far as names go, how about Sons of Frogger? There entire mission in life is to get across the highway and over that damn river. :yes:


Sorry, couldn't resist. I actually like the Sons of Batrachos. Has a nice ring to it.

From the brief research i did with language translators, "Battletoads" can look like a few different things.


Battle translates to " μάχη, μάχομαι, πολεμώ : machi, machomai, polemo" in modern Greek.

War translates to "polemo" or "polemos".


Neither is particularly bell-ringing.


However, "soldier" is "stratiotis." Kinda promising.


"Toad" is listed as being "batrachos, frynos, prostychos."



So, you could just name the chapter "Batrachos Stratiotis" which i assume would translate roughly to "Frog Soldiers", lol.

Nice one. I think the one name, through all the suggestions I have heard here & IRL, that I really like is "Batrachos", so I think ultimately that is the one I am going to form a chapter name around. I´m going to let this thing grow a bit in my mind while I paint some more troops, but they might very well end up becoming the "Sons of Batrachos" yet.

I have doubts about getting anything with "frog" or "toad" in the name to sound remotely appropriate for a marine chapter but knock yourself out. Jade Drakes has a nice sound but the symbol doesn't look very "drakey". If anything comes to mind, I'll post it.


I love the scheme and the execution.

that greek translation is a bit off. being a greek speaker it doesnt sound right. i would be more help but its been years since ive spoken it to the level where i need to get FROG in the conversation.


to get closer to Frog Soldier you are better with:


Frynos Stratiotis , if you are using an online translator.


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