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Salamander objective marker


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ere's a WIP of one of my Objective Markers, just to show you what I've got in store for the army. I don't terribly like Objective Markers that are just leftover bits (ones that are crashed drones etc are fine- I mean a collection of bits, no flash cleaned off, dumped willy-nilly and quickly painted) or a very small weapons cache (who would fight a pitched battle over 5 Lasguns?) So I thought I'd 'waste' some decent models on some Objectives - and it gives me excuses to buy new, shiny Marine models too (as I'll now be short ;)). This is a hobby after all, so I thought I would try something to make the games more interesting and story-driven than a pile of guns or a luminescent green counter.


So, here's Objective 1 of 5 (wip): "Oh Brother, my Brother". C&C really appreciated, it's the first time I've tried a diorama/'true' objective.







The Salamander apothercary will be built in Traditional Colours...with a little twist. The colours are http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a33/Treadhead2005/Space%20Marines%20-%20Salamanders/apoth2-1.jpg (not my model). The story behind it is that one Apothecary failed to save a fallen Battle Brother, and refused to wash the blood off of his arm/helmet. As a sign of respect, all Apothecaries in the force now paint their left arm & left side of the helmet red. This comes from Rogue Trader I believe. My model will have both arms and helmet white, but with the left arm/head heavily splattered with blood (hand covered in it, as it'll be staunching a wound, and the upper arm/head hit with arterial spray). The fallen Marine in his arm will be a Black Templar with extensive bullet wounds to chest (one will be under the Apoth. hand) and loads of blood running down the black armour (should look rather cool when I can paint properly), to continue my "Heroes of Armageddon" theme (my army is based on Armageddon Campaign actions).


The original plan was to have the model on the 60mm Dread base, and have an Ork on the edge reeling from a Bolt to the head - but went with the slightly-larger-than-40mm bases in the Heroic Basing Kit GW does, and the Ork would make it look cluttered, and maybe a little daft when facing Eldar etc (but then desert bases on a grass board look daft anyway, so why not go all the way?). I also wanted it to look like the Apothecary was dragging the Templar, but the Marines' armour stopped that from being a possibility, so went with the "propping up/staunching wounds/half-dragging" look instead.


I don't know whether to have the Templar totally unconscious (head lolling to one side, pale flesh, blood running from mouth), or having him awake-but-wounded (pale flesh, big eyes, staggering gait) and changing the title to "Just one more step Brother". What do you reckon?


The list of 5 objectives for this month are:


1) "Oh Brother, my Brother!" (seen above)

2) Brotherly Love (Wounded Salamander on ground [damage from a grenade], Blood Angel Assault Marine hovering above firing 2x Bolt Pistol)

3) Recon Rescue (a crashed, bloodstained Speeder)

4) "Emperor Save Us!" (Scouts cowering/taking cover under heavy fire, Teleport Homer set up next to them)

5) ? - Unsure - I need help with this one.


I might make number 4 a trio of Steel Legion troopers under fire, as then I'd have covered the major players in Armageddon...or I guess I could to that with Number 5. I guess if I DO swap number 4, then I should represent the Sisters of Battle somehow (without stepping on the toes of my 5 Witchunter objectives [tomb, Vect's slaves/repentia, Acolyte + psyker prisoner, a martyred Sister and *something*], they'll be another thread).


What do you reckon on the final 2 then - Scout or Steel Legion troopers (bearing in mind I'll be using Scouts in my army now), and then something to tie in the Order of our Martyred Lady, or something I've totally not thought of for the 5th? Ideas would be apprecaited.

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lovely model!


great ideas so far.


possibly have another objective of two marines pulling a comrade from a bike accident with him inable to use his legs


like this rough rough rough sketch




have the two marines either side firing over the bike whilst they drag their comrade to safety (ive used diff colours just to differentiate between the 3)


and have the bike smoking and shattered at the engine part. possibly bareheaded marine in the middle with blood dripping from mouth .

The bike idea had occured to me (though not with Marines pulling him free - that would be an awesome idea), so thanks for that!


Do you think I should go with the Scout, or with the Guardsmen? Marines rescuing a beleagured Imperial position is pretty fluffy, and the Scout may be inappropriate as I'd be using some Scouts (maybe with a Homer/Beacon) in my list too...


Then again, I'm also using bikes...



Do you think having slightly-larger objective markers using models that *will* be in your force is a good or bad idea - or does it vary on the idea shown (ie, Scouts could be easily confusable with regular Scouts, but Marines rescuing Biker certainly aren't confusable with regular Bikers)?

Do you think having slightly-larger objective markers using models that *will* be in your force is a good or bad idea - or does it vary on the idea shown (ie, Scouts could be easily confusable with regular Scouts, but Marines rescuing Biker certainly aren't confusable with regular Bikers)?


Well, if you do the Scouts as you mentioned before - huddled next to a teleport homer, maybe 2 of them heavily converted, on a 40mm base - I can't see how anyone would confuse that model with the normal one-to-a-base Scouts in your list, particularly if you held it up pre-game and said "This is one of my objective markers, is that cool?" Plus it would look totally sweet.

2 on a 40mm might look a little cluttered - I could drop the homer from the base I guess, and just have scouts in need of resuce...


I'm really liking the Bike idea the more I think about it - but some smaller objectives have also been suggested, like a statue/monument that would me 28-40mm base in size - do you think that should be instead of the Bike? Or instead of the Scouts/Guardsmen? Or instead of the Speeder (and still taking the other two)?

this is sweet and also a very good idea. I think another fitting objective marker would be some marine who's precious flamer fuel has exploded on his back or wherever it was being stored. Or, since the salamanders live amongst the people of their homeworld, maybe a have a couple imprisoned civilians or something, representing the Sallies bonds to where they come from.

By jove, I think you've got it.


The bike objective can stay - might make them rescuing a White Scars biker to round off the 'major' campaign players.


And instead of cowering Scouts, I shall take a group of beleagured refugees. Perfect for the Sallie background (major task of the war was defending citizens)! But...where can I find citizen models/the parts for them - I guess Necromunda might have something (for Gangs anway), but what about Joe Citizen dumped out in the middle of nowhere?


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