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wolfblade - BobPanda-pattern.


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with the lords landraider as good as finished, i finaly finished my wolfblade and started painting it.

meanwhile it's already primed. before drybrushing i'll do some pics and post them.


some of you might remember this vehicle from a former thread of mine, which unfortunately has been closed by admin, because he didn't know, that it will be for my space wolves and not IA. :P


but hey ... here we go ... - i'll start with 2 pics before i started with the paintjob ....





comments welcome.


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here you are ...

first i tried to bend the original head from FW via warming it up with hot water and hot air. but unfortunately it broke. => with one head destroyed i had find another way to realize the wolfhead.

=> i had no other chance than buying another set of fw-doors to try it with GS next time. => it worked. ! :huh:





btw: the gren plates are circuit board.

Using the backside of a landspeeder for the base of the mega-heavy-gigantia-huge-vulcan-bolter-or-something-or-other is absolutely brilliant. I would have never thought of using something like that for a base. Thank you for that. Pics have been added to my inspiration aka yoinked folder.


Cheers. ^_^

thanks for your replies .... :D


here's a small update .... - meanwhile primed and brushed ...


further you can see the coverted rearsection with a fw door ...











after first 2 hours of painting ... ..





not to get off topic, but any idea when we can expect more pics of the titan you were working on?


as soon, as i'll be able to sit at my workplace, again as explained in the titan-thread painting is somethign that can be done with the broken leg up high on a stack of pillows. but for converting i'll need to be able to sit at my desk with my feet under it. :) ... but meanwhile i'm already no more taking painkillers and will be at home for the next 3 weeks, too. => you can expect to have updates on the titan either within this, or within next week .... ;)


just noticed. where are the lascannons?


hehe ... i think this tank has enough firepower .... ;-)


meanwhile, after all in all 4h 45min of painting, i finished the first 4 steps ...

- priming

- drybrushing (boltgun, some of it with brown around the tracks)

- blue parts

- highligting of blue parts (1 layer)


=> tomorrow i'll start with the second color.






just noticed. where are the lascannons?


He probably figured the higher AV would be more useful to him than the lascannon sponsons. ;)


The paint job is looking really good. I'm not digging the giant arrow, fast attack, elite, etc. symbols though. Better to have painted runes for space wolves. :)


Any good name for it? I mean besides wolfblade or something, like "the giant rolling box of doom from wence the sons of Russ pulverize you!" :D

I think I know why the marine has a recessed pupit. "Drive closer so I may slash them with my chainsword"


BobPanda, your tank is looking incredibly impressive. I really love it. It's simply too cool!


The last picture taken from the front almost gives the impression the two huge mega bolters are actually a pair of massive energy weapons warming up. (my moniter is making it look like there is a dull purple glow inside the center)


I'm becoming inspired to steal my baneblade from my guard for such conversions.


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