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Nearly Finished Inquisitor Lord


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Hi - this is my nearly finished IL. I am having trouble working out how to highlight his cloak - suggestions would be most welcome. He is probably my best mini to date (4 momths on the hobby) and I would like to finish him well. Got him off Ebay and his damned sword got lost in the mail, so had to improvise with one off of the BT Upgrade sprue, but I think it works quite well. All C&C welcome please. This is really my first attempt at proper highlighting - I must admit that it highlighting has proven to be a bit of a roadblock in my skill advancement - my hand is not that steady and my eye not great at picking out what exactly should be highlighted. I dont think that thi sguy looks too bad though.




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His armour is looking really good. as for highlights on his cloak I did my extreme highlights down the ridges... however mine is cream, I found it easyer then darker colours to highlight..... I'm not much help... I just like talking, so what if its to myself!

It looks good so far. What colors arre you using?

What I normally do is take my base color liche purple and add warlock to it. 50/50. Keep adding warlock to the mix for lighter tones. You might want to add tentacle pink as well.

You want to paint the raised areas. for each highlight cover less serface area. Hope this helps.

Hey basilius,is this guy to accompany the "Covenant" :blink:

he looks very good,as the others said a highlight on the ridges of the cloak,For a slight different shade instead of warlock,perhaps add some bleached bone to the Liche color(just a little at a time)what will his base look like?


Cheers Mithril

I am not great with basing - another "roadblock" if you will. I was thinking of a simple sand, perhaps overpainted with a grey? Or a simple sand + flock mix? And yes, he and his retinue (and perhaps some Grey Knights) will provide an optional addition to my Covenanters :P Planning on having a model pool that I can create either a 1500 point DA list or a 1500 DA w/ Allied DH list. At least to start with :P


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