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What I did with my AOBR Dreadnoughts


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FURIOSOS! :D I've got a couple more AOBR dreads to convert up, but all in all i'm planning to have 6 furioso dreadnoughts in my collection




I'll be painting these guys over the next couple of weeks so stay tuned!

Doc Thunder: at the last games day i bought one of these bits bags full of discontinued metal bits and got like 6 dread right arms, so i'm using them all up to make furiosos :blink:


Zeller: yep, i found banner pole banners are the perfect size for dreadnought tabbards

I've seen those claw/fingers before on your dreads(great work btw) just wondering what they are exactly?



Looks like the spiky rack you got with the (old?) chaos vehicle accessory sprue, if im not mistaken.

+EDIT+ Come to think of it, aren't those just the tops of fantasy Ork spears?

The claws are made from the spiky ram on the chaos vehicle sprue. i bought quite a few a while ago because i was going to use them for spears.

Very cool.


Now start painting!





I have a question: How exactly did you manage to scrape the pole from the banner out from the back.


Did you just use a knife and a file/dremel?


Good job on the right arm. Both look like the terrifying death machinations they are suppsoed to be. No stubby dread fingers for you.

I've finished my second furioso! Only 4 more to go:



Here are 3 of the remaining 4 furiosos, waiting to be converted and painted


Excellent work!


Suggestion? Why not add a bit of space between the dreadnought body and the arms? For a blood-mad killing machine, the standard model seems to offer very limited opportunities for the dread to swing its giant claws around. I've seen several people add perhaps 5-15 mm of tubing, pins, pennies, whatever, to get a bit of elbow room in there.


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