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SW fluff

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Hello Wolf Brothers, this is my first post on B&C and im in need of a little bit of help. First of all ive played 40k on and off for the better part of three years. Through that time i sampled several armies (IG, Nids, Chaos Marines) but the Space Marines seemed to call to me and even when i felt as though i should move onto another army i found myself unable to bring myself to bring my force to an end. Then, as though a higher power wanted me to move onto a new army, around Christmas of 2007 a younger cousin of mine used my models as target practice for his BB gun. Honestly the thought of losing my entire force of Space Marines and other Armies caused me to give up on 40k for quite some time until the same cousin spent $35 to try to make amends with me by buying a squad of GH Space Wolves for me. Upon receiving this "gift" i decided to give 40k a second chance. I read up as much as i could on the SW and ive decided that my new Space Marine chapter would be an SW chapter. Id like to build on my already vast knowledge of the History of the SW and Space Marines. This is what this post is about. I need your help on finding out more about the SW. Please just drop a post and even if i already know what the post is about your help will still be greatly appreciated. Thanx, +Rune Priest Delp+
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