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Dark angels painting log.

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Hey guys,

started a Dark Angels army last Thursday.I bought the black reach box,DA codex,box of Da vets and an assault squad box.

So i'm going to keep track of my progress here,so all you can see and give me pointers and leave comments and such.

Anyway,onto pics:


1st Tactical squad:


One marine painted,2 WIP.I still need to buy another box of vets to make the squad 10 strong.


2nd tac squad:


Mainly black reach marines,with a scattering of vet models added for variety(and robes look ace).

I'm thinking of hacking some heads off and replacing them with more detailed and Da heads.

Also i did a simple arm swap on the sarge:



Th wip assault squad:





I added a few DA parts such as the shoulder pads and the sarge's shield to add some DA flavour(i love th4e vets box,so many cool bits to play with! :D ).

Still need to assemble the last 2 members.




Again,just added the odd DA part.


The terminators still need working on,so i'll leave pics for them untill there has been some progress.


I hope to update this often,and i hope you guys find something of interest in my log.


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Right a small update;two more black reach marines almost finished,just need to finish the metals and the bases:



Once these two are done i can move on to the remaining members which are both wearing robes,so they'll be good fun to paint. ;)

Nice clean paintjob, visable but not ostenetious highlights, very nice, well done fellow angel.


Im not too concerned about the new SM dex, yes they are better than DA, but a lot of the new toys for them are just that toys... and toys they have to pay a lot for meaning smaller armies.... its soemthing of a double edged sword, the only new lists (with exception of character rules) that will see notable increase in power is the footslogging infantry lists.

Thank you for the positive comment Mal,it's always good to hear good things about one's painting from a fellow DA collecter!


As for the new SM codex,i'd be interesting in picking a copy up,but only if i were to be playing a different chapter.

For DA i will always stick with thier codex,i think it makes us the army that we are,and besides,it has pretty pictures!


I'm going to attempt to GS some robes onto a few black reach marines to try to add some variety to the mono-pose models.

I'm not sure how this will work though,what with thier arms being pressed against thier chests.


Cheers guys!

Apologies for the double post.


Last night i had a crack at adding robes to a AoBR marine:



The tabard isnt great,next time i'll do it differently because i kinda rushed it as the greenstuff was setting so i just stuck it on without sculpting any details.

Stupid,i know.

I really need some sculpting tools,knives just dont cut it(bad pun)!

Cheers! :huh:

Not that bad for your first attempt with GS, quite similar to my own! A few tips though: On the back, don't worry too much aboue the detail as the backpack covers most of it anyway. And you shoudln't really cover the backpack mounts, when you attach it it'll be at an odd angle and stick out quite far behind the marine. And RE: GS setting, i find it's actually better to put it on in the rough shape and leave it for half an hour or so before you add details. This allows it to firm up a bit and be more resistant to pressure. It won't bulge around you sculpting tool as much as when fresh and fingerprints become less of an issue.


Hope that helps. Anyway, i love the colour you have on your models. There seems to be the trend at the moment towards the dullish green with few highlights but more shading. By chance did you use thraka green foundation paint and the Badab black wash?



nice work there chaplainmikey :angry: i like the shade of green youre using on your Dark Angels. very solid work so far. you have a decent selection of models to paint by the looks of it, perhaps add a Rhino or a Razorback to the mix later on. good attempt on the robes too. just keep trying and youll get better. keep up the good work so far

Started working on my robed vet sgt for my combat squad,some decent progress so far:





The robes aren't how i'd like,but the first attempt at shading was a disaster,so i re-basecoated the robes and one of the new brown washes instead.

So i'm happy considering it went wrong first.


Aslo today i managed to get my hands on a box of Assault terminators,and am going to use my spare terminator from WD to replace one of the models,who i'll be converting to Master Belial.


Comments would be great guys! ;)

Thank you for the kind words,worm_infested and scarweaver! :D


I finshed painting my robes Sgt for my 5 man combat squad:





So all i have left is one robed marine and the squad is complete.The marine in question is about 50% done,so i'll hopefuly get him finished sometime tommorow after work(man that sounds odd saying work,lol).

Also i took some other pics for your viewing pleasure:




Thanks for looking guys! ;)

So an old vindicator i got in a trade and stripped best i could,2 assualt termies(one with TH is a black reach termie),and my army besides a few things.

hey chaplainmikey, nice to see you doing more work on your DA. loving the robes so far. they look really nice and i noticed the vindicator ~grins~ thats gonna be a big help in games mate. any chance of some close up pics of the terminators and remeber the basics with regards to mould lines and flash as it really spoils a great paint job when you leave them on a model. all in all great work so far. keep at it.


ill check back soon to see your progress and cheers for all the interest in my WIP thread.


i bid you farewell fellow Battle-Brother, may the Emperor guide your steps, never stray from his light.

Thanks for the interest and feedback kanan and worm_infested! :D


Here is some progress on my first deathwing terminator:






The armour itself is finished but obviously there is still a fair bit of work left to be done on other parts of the model,such as the skin,symbols and weapons.


Cheers for looking.

I've noticed a few people having trouble with photobucket, it may be a problem their end.


http://s155.photobucket.com/albums/s301/mikeymouatt/ - hope you don't mind but here's a fixed link with all chaplainmickey's photobucket stuff.


From teh front that termi looks very nice indeed, but from behind the shadowing is a bit dark and the highlights seem a bit sharp. However, i think that when the other colours are done this will be a very nice looking sargeant!


Now back to staring at my DA. Hopes of daily updates on mine went out the window when i realised how much uni work i have to do.




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