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Rino cost


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Sorry if this is not the right place for this question..

I was just sort of wondering if WH/DH would get the cost of our Rino,s and Immolators (WH) lowered with the price drop in C:SM. I am not holding my breath mind you just curious.


and sorry again if in wrong place

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GW has generally increased prices due to the usual facts:

increase in raw material prices

increase in energy and transportation costs


My dealer was fair enough to let us know in advance and have a special sales deadline before the increase

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I meant something more like "several years from now when they finally get their own new codex"

well.. according to a email I got from game-workshop custemer service we will not see any new plastics at leat untill we get a new codex and according to him that was about 4 years out -_- (witch hunters that is) wonder how many SOB players will be left by then...

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No clue. The longer they wait, the more the fanbase will diminish (as it does with everything that costs money to participate in). But hell, we've already waited half a decade, so I don't know how many more will stop playing the Sisters before then. There's still a good deal of Dark Eldar fans when they've waited a decade.
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Which is amusing given that Canada already pays more per dollar than America to begin with0.

(hint, US Immolator is $35 USD. $50 CDN = $45 USD)


Keep in mind that the disparity between US and Canadian prices is being corrected. GW released a press releas about that a little while ago - it was on BoLS too.

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No clue. The longer they wait, the more the fanbase will diminish (as it does with everything that costs money to participate in). But hell, we've already waited half a decade, so I don't know how many more will stop playing the Sisters before then. There's still a good deal of Dark Eldar fans when they've waited a decade.


True but don't forget how long SOB players waited on their codex and D-eldar was second one out in 3rd ed, and there was no codex for SOB in 3. The current was written for the release of 4th. We have also had fewest updates done model wise.


Buddy told me that he was told by Jervis at a GT (yea 3rd hand hear say I know) that they really only care to support 4 armies per game the rest are just add-ons.


Has it really been a decade sense dark eldar codex came out... wow :blink:

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That is odd than. My local GW store already did the price changes with the plastic kits. All the Battalion and army boxes dropped, as did most of the other kits. Which is why I was planning on picking up a 5th Rhino/Immolator, only to find it sitting there with a $50 price tag, instead of cheaper. I asked about it, but got an unsure answer. It was reasoned that there was a lot of spures in the box. Hence a price jump. Yeah, I was kinda puzzled as well. So, I'm saving my cash for another Forgeworld Repressor.
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No clue. The longer they wait, the more the fanbase will diminish (as it does with everything that costs money to participate in). But hell, we've already waited half a decade, so I don't know how many more will stop playing the Sisters before then. There's still a good deal of Dark Eldar fans when they've waited a decade.
For as long as there will be Vicious Space Chicks with Big Guns, there will always be a fan base that will collect and play them, don't worry.
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Unfortunately, no Sisters in Power Armor may be taken when marines are allied under them.

I guess the woman is never on top in GWs view...

No, but it can be done the other way around. Granted, it isn't really worth it because it leaves the Marines feeling Carjacked.
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Charred Heretic & Melissa


I was just sort of wondering if WH/DH would get the cost of our Rino,s and Immolators (WH) lowered with the price drop in C:SM. I am not holding my breath mind you just curious.

Emphasis Mine.


It's not always about the SoB.


I have some plans that include Rhino's or Razorbacks bought for fairly static SM squads and using them for IST.

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Charred Heretic & Melissa


I was just sort of wondering if WH/DH would get the cost of our Rino,s and Immolators (WH) lowered with the price drop in C:SM. I am not holding my breath mind you just curious.

Emphasis Mine.


It's not always about the SoB.


I have some plans that include Rhino's or Razorbacks bought for fairly static SM squads and using them for IST.


If you tried that gambit on me (buying the vehicles cheaper from the SMs and then loading your DH/WH units into the vehicles), when those troops have access to the rhinos without the marines, the game would be over right then and there. You may be following the RAW, but you are clearly exploiting a loophole to get cheaper rhinos for your ISTs.

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It's hardly a loophole. I'm paying more for basically everything else, and by taking radical DH I am about as far from power gaming as you can get. I don't see why I should have to pay more for Rhino's without the Repair rule. You believe I should pay more simply because I have an outdated codex? One that is widely accepted to be one of the weakest out?
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