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The Awakening of A Blood Claw


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I tried Iron Warriors. Chaos left a bad taste in my mouth. I like to believe in my armies.


I tried Smurfs. Fun enough, but like eating unflavored oatmeal. You get what you need, but not much else.


I tried IG. Hammer of the Emperor, if that hammer is made of a billion pieces that fall apart whenever they hit something.


Then I found the Sons of Fenris, the Wolves of Russ.


Ah yes, now this, I like. :P


Any tips on painting from anyone? I'll start trying to get some lists up. Also, any general insights that I should keep in mind?


Is it heresy to repaint my smurfs, for financial reasons? Did a lil mock 400 combat patrol with a friend, I loved the Wolves.

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Oh, I've decided that the Wolves are for me for a little bit now. I've got a decent little army going, but there is no real cohesiveness to it or anything, since I've yet to do real competition. Mostly skirmishes.


However, I have a Space Wolves patch on my golf bag now. :P Might even be on TV!

welcome to the Fang. this is without a doubt the best subforum of this site.

good analogy of the ultra marines...i might use it some time

there is no shame in repainting your models to be something cooler. just be sure to "wolf" them up a good bit. some green stuff can make a pelt, combat blades on the end of your bolters, etc.


army tips...i might not be the best to ask, but i would center an army around grey hunters cause (1) they rock hardcore and (2) as Troops, they can hold objectives. always go with a Ven Dread, as the "Old & WIse" rule is awesome.

painting tips...sorry, but i suck at painting so i cant help you there. trust me though, many guys here are more then happy to help you out.


and again, welcome to the best fighting force of the Imperium.


Wolf Lord Kieran

Welcome to the Fang, Whelp.

I agree with WL Kieran. A Ven Dread as HQ is always a good choise and GH are our backbone. Even the fact that they have the same stats as a vanilla marine, for some reason they can take more then the vanilla one. And don´t forget our SW scouts, with their OBEL (Operation Behind Enemy Lines) they can deal with those targes that stays behind like Edar Dark Reapers, IG Basilisks or Tau Broadside Battlesuits and Hammerheads.

Here is my help even though I am still pretty new here.


Firstly as others have said, there is nothing wrong with repainting your Ultramarines wolf pelts, talismans, beards, etc (either with Green Stuff or if you can some pieces from a SW box). Heck my paint color looks very blueish rather than grey, darker than UM Blue but I like the color (Fenris Grey).


There are plenty of people here to help you as well.

Welcome to the fang, glad to see you've experimented around and found that there's none better than the Space Wolves. :P


I enjoy the older style of space wolves with grey motif.


I start with a base of 990 Vallejo Model Color (light grey), fill in the recesses with GW's 61-75 (black ink), and then paint the middle region with 70992 Vallejo Model Color (Neutral Grey). This is used for quick painting and it looks pretty good in the little amount of time it takes.


As for extra time, I'll incorporate a little GW's 61-52 (Codex Grey) to the areas between 990 and 70992 to create a quick blend without having to use water that could take a few extra coats.


These aren't for looking really closely at, but are much better seen about 2 feet-4+ feet away like most games are.




-quoted from me in a previous "how to paint wolves" topic-

These are some of mine.


I started with Fenris grey foundation paint followed up with shadow grey (mainly drybrushed) and finished of with a little bit of Spacewolf grey. (Funny as all greys are more like blue).




As for an army i would go for:

-Runepriest (to go with the Bloodclaws)

-SW scouts (small 4 man with meltagun)

-2x Greyhunters


-Couple of Rhinos


Its a pretty solid core force and it served me well. It also allows you to toy around with other fancy stuff like Dreads.


BTW adding beer stuff to youre army and funny qoutes on tanks always seems good for a laugh on anyones face as i found out.

I tried IG. Hammer of the Emperor, if that hammer is made of a billion pieces that fall apart whenever they hit something.


Oh yes.. you will fit in just fine here.



I started wolves with a bunch of left over SW models and a collection of 'other' marines. A dip in some castrol super clean (I used oven cleaner once and brake fluid the other time, both melt the plastic) and they will soon be wolves.


Start with a Ven Dread, then a Wolf Priest, and build troops from there. Avoid Rune Priests, Long Fangs, Jump Pack BC's, a bikes (until you get a solid base of troops built up). If you have chaos models already, you could do 13th Co, which is pretty cool. If you have your IG stuff still you can probably convert one into a LRE.


Wont bother posting pictures of painting thus far, going to take more current ones.


Welcome to the fang.

Or even if its in the FAQ cause we know OID, Wolf89, and WWLars ALWAYS loves to answer questions again, and again, and again.....lol j/k This forum is great and the Space Wolves are the greatest Chapter in the Imperium (heck the Wolves of Russ have got through two Editions and still are kicking butt)


I will get pics of my little army up when I get heads on my Blood Claws =P

Thanks for all the replies guys!


Probably going to pick up some BCs today, and maybe a Ven Dred or Lord, not sure which yet. I really don't mind painting, so possibly both, just to have it.


I've spent some time in the FAQ and other areas, which are quite impressive.


I will asy that there is one thing I love about the Space Wolves, and it is that their Codex is old. Why? Well, it has seen ups and downs, but the people who play Space Wolves continue to do so. I think it really touches on the tenacity of the Chapter.

Remember that the Blood Claws box is also really good for making Grey Hunters with Bolt pistols and close combat weapons.... as really the main difference is how you paint them and what their special weapons are. IE they are all barbarians wearing power armor ;).


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