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Ziggy's Blood Angels blog

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Hi, I'm gonna start a new 40K army and read the Blood Angels background and got stuck.


I managed to get my filthy paws on two sets of SM sprues (but only one dread ^_^ ) from AOBR. I already had a unit of sniper scouts wich I've been painting during the last month. Here's the finished squad:


Squad leader:



Heavy weapon guy:



Camo Pattern:



Whole squad:



The chapter markings are all free-hand, something I'm pretty happy with, as these are the first free-hands I've ever done (tried the GW tranfers, they were really hard to apply).


These are the things I'll be working on during the next few months. A tac squad with added company markings in green stuff.


Also included are pics of the two sergeants wich I've converted so that they don't look the same.


Company marking (3rd)



Two sergeants




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nicely painted - first go at painting minis?


2 things, though


- the BA tactical markings are great, but you may want to spend a little more time smoothing the shoulder pad before applying the greenstuff. it would be a shame to have that nice work on a "hammered finish" pad.


-the sgt with the holes in his banner is cool, but bullets don't leave impact craters in fabric, just holes (often frayed after time). the banned "is" fabric... otherwise great conversions!

I suggest maybe some fine sand paper to smooth out those shoulderpads a bit more before you GS a blood drop on them.


I use a grinding wheel and dremel so I've never tried sand paper, but it seems to work for others.


I like your freehand work, looks good. One thing I'd have to say though is for the yellow symbol on the scout, you should have first done an undercoat of a lighter color than the black so the yellow was more "solid".


Actually, second go. Had an empire army I painted a little. Gotta correct you on one point tough. BA uses right shoulder pad as company marking, knee pad is for squad markings.



I used Devlan Mud on the bleached bone, way ahead of you :)



I'm gonna try sand paper down the pads a bit, altough most of the minis already got blood drops modelled onto them. And regarding the sergeants marking, I realize it was to thick and I'll try with a lighter colour as base for the sergeants pads next time.



  • 3 weeks later...

Time for an update!


First up, what I've been working on during the last weeks. The AoBR Dread and a test model for my ordinary SM's (model from ol' Battle for Maccragge).

Tell me what you think of the red colour, still has some work to do on greens, purity seals, scrolls and skulls.













I'm gonna order some bits so that my dread is fully customizable, maybe even convert a rightie CC-arm! (Furioso! ;) )




Nice stuff here Ziggy. Your test tac marine has actually given me a good idea with the white score on his helmet. Cheers for that :D


As others have said i suggest fixing up the shoulder pads a touch. I realise you've probably already sculpted alot of the blood drops onto your minis but i think if you pressed some GS onto the pads then sanded that down with some fine sandpaper. 1000 grade should do the trick. It would do wonders for the finished product. Then add the blood drops.


Look forward to moar updates.

Nice stuff here Ziggy. Your test tac marine has actually given me a good idea with the white score on his helmet. Cheers for that :D


As others have said i suggest fixing up the shoulder pads a touch. I realise you've probably already sculpted alot of the blood drops onto your minis but i think if you pressed some GS onto the pads then sanded that down with some fine sandpaper. 1000 grade should do the trick. It would do wonders for the finished product. Then add the blood drops.


Look forward to moar updates.


Thanks for the tip with the GS, I'll try that out.


Regarding the chip in his helmet, I actually just tried it for funzies, but I think i look quite badass, like some kind of helmet-scar.


Here's what I'm gonna work on when I'm done with those two.


My first BA character:




A termie chappie!


Questions tough: What is this? Where to put it? Is it one or two parts?






BTW, sorry about the pics, mobile phone camera... ;)

hey man, they look great so far, I have always liked BA. My only advice would be to do more thinned down coats on your red. tends to make it look richer and less orange. Your freehand is great. I bet the yellow over the black was a nightmare.


keep up the good work!!

I bet the yellow over the black was a nightmare.


You have no idea!, I'll never do that again...


Can someone please give me the rules for the Land Speeder storm? I'm thinking about doing a fluffy BA CC-squad in a land speeder storm and don't own the SM codex.


Thanks for the tips with the chappy!

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi! Update time!


Here's the plans for a dioram I've been thinking about.


It's Akko who's been badly wounded (gonna do some damage to his left side), and there's Skandar. Skandar is in some kind of rage (black rage? Is it possible to be slightly overcome by it and pop out again?).


I'm going to use them in my current BA army, Akko as the dread and Skandar as the AoBR Captain.


I want your opinions on some things tough.

I'm thinking about using a bigger base, maybe adding a traitor IG getting shot by Akko.

And regarding Akko's gun: Plasma or bolt pistol? Wich is easiest to model damage from? (in the above mentioned Traitor IG)

And finally, Akko's head. The current head is a space wolf one. I want fangs and I'm thinking about ordering a Khorne berzerker head (pic:Khorne Head)

or do you think i should keep the current one?


Diorama pics:














To little colour in this blog, I better get to painting :lol:


C&C welcome



I was talking to a guy at the model shop, and if you mix a little white in with yellow (not enough to visbly lighten it) it will paint a lot more opaque over black. I know this because I prime all my model black and paint them white with occasional yellow highlights. Seriously considering using grey primer and going middle of road tho. Good models, keep it uop :)
  • 4 weeks later...



Another question:


How to arrange the Traitor who's being shot then?


1. I have him pinned to a stone of some sort, a little above the ground.


2. Use a brass rod (red) to keep him in place a few centimeters above ground. Hard to model a big hole straight through tough.


Picture to illustrate (My Paint skills i immense! :P ):





  • 2 weeks later...

Battle report!


Over at my local GW (Stockholm) we had a apocalypse battle (to celebrate the release of the new Orks) called Ghazghkulls Big Stompa. The story was that Ghazghkull Thraka was on the stampede on a local planet, and threatening to destroy it and everything on it. Therefore, all local non-ork forces allied to kill or drive away the ork warlord. So, basically, it was a everyone-against-orks-battle.


Therefore we saw a host of many differents SM chapters, some Tau, a Deamons army, CSM and a few tyranids against all of the shops Orks (including a few Looted Supa 'Eavys and Ghazghkull himself). The game was based around 5 different objectives and when the game was supposed to start, there were only a few Allied against a whole of Orks. But everyone who arrived late could jump in as reinforcements.


I used my 5 scouts, the dreadnought and a AoBR tactical squad (divided into combat squads, one shooty with bolters and Missile Launcher and the other with Sgt and flamer) I just finished painting before the game. I'm gonna post pics on the tac squad as soon as I find my camera's USB-cord :D


Turn 1


The Orks had the initiative and started with some Orky shooting, both of there shokk attack guns misfiring and hitting their own squads, with a few casualties. There weren't lot of other shooting from the ork side, most orks advanced,the only shooting from the orks hitting andy good was from a ork Supa 'Eavy, hitting my Sgt's squad and killing them all! :(


The Allies then struck back, and with a devastating turn of shooting wounding Ghazghkull and killing loads of orks, my scout killing a Killa kan and a Mek with a Custom force field. The remaining tacticals managed to hit some boys, and with missile and bolter fire killed 6 of them. The Dread managed to kill a Deff dread with it's multi melta. 10 Deathwing also Deep striked in behind the orks.


Turn 2

The orks began the turning by moving forward and with some un-orky shooting killing some SMs. They then charged some Hormagaunts (the one with CCW?) and wiping them out, despite striking last, proving how deadly they are in CC. Gazghkull also charged an Imperial baneblade, and despite hitting it didn't manage to do enough damage to kill it, his Mega nobz finished it, wrecking the veichle.


The imperial side now got massive reinforcements, about 50 Ultramarines, Lots of tau and some Leman Russ's. They all proved their worth by killing most of the boys, leaving Gazghkull and two looted veichles facing the imperials.


Turn 3


As this turn started, the Game Master announced that it was going to be the last turn.


Gazghull managed to kill Skulltaker, but other then that, not much happened in the orks turn, they were pretty much fighting for honour...


The Allied moved in to claim the last objectives and started killing of the last orks. My dread wrecked one of the looted wagons left. Gazghkull managed to survive a lot of shooting (a baneblade, some terminators and some Tau all fired at him!) and wowed to come back another day! (hint for a new apoc battle in the upcoming month's...)


The game ended with the allies in control of 4/5 objectives, with my Tac squad (wich had been advancing the two last rounds, eager getting in hand to hand with something, they are BA after all ;) ) close to claiming the last one, but not enough!


The game was highly memorable and I'll be back if there's another one. Kudos to the GW Crew for hosting and coordinating everything!

  • 2 weeks later...


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