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United Chapters (Of my own creation) and a MK2 Land Raider


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Hi everyone, I need some advice for some ideas that I've been having recently.


Sorry this is a bit lengthy but it takes a bit of explaining!


At present i'm putting together a smallish (about 40 models and a few vehicles) force of Blood Wolves that are based on the Space Wolves (obviously) and becuase I am more of a converter rather than a gamer or even a strict follower of fluff and codexes, I really wanted to put my own mark on them by giving them Crimson Red armour and making my own wolf lords etc.


The thing is as i've been going along i've been having a few idea for weapons conversion and units that wouldnt really fit in with the 'Wolfy' theme. I've also spent some time on the Space Marine painter and come up with at least 12 different colour schemes that i really like.


Now here's the thing, i'm going to start a second army to run alongside the Blood Wolves project (i dont like getting bored and with one Army i did very quickly, I used to be an Ultramarines Player once upon a time), but i want to create legions of troops using my different colour schemes i.e Tactical one colour - Assault troops another etc. And i dont have the money to make up 12 different armies!


The thing is i'm stuck on a name that encompases the variety of chapters within the 'Legion' if you like - I was thinking along the lines of 'Scions of the Fallen' - a unification of Space Marines Missing in action - so the chapters and colour schemes wouldnt have featured in any previous fluff as the chapter records were lost or something. (I know i said about not being into fluff but i'm just keeping my options open)


So based on that idea i was then thinking that all of the squads within the legion would have on one shoulder pad their chapter markings -before they were missing in action - and on the other pad the Scions of the Fallen (or something to that effect) chapter markings. Not sure what these will be just yet but i'm working on it so if anyone has any ideas on what types of makrings to use i'd welcome them.


Finally i'm soon to be the proud owner of an old school Mk2 Land Raider from the Rogue Trader days. It has a hideous paint job, the guns are missing and so are a few panels, but the rest of it is in good enough nick!

So do i:


1) Strip it, upgrade it with some new weaponary and keep the general shape of it as is?




2) Strip it, bulk it out with some plasticard and go to town on it as part of a conversion project including some ideas i have for twin linked Multimeltas and Gattling Guns!


Any feedback on either of the above would be greatly appreciated.





Hum, your idea for that chapter is REALLY similar to one i´m working in: a group of marines from nearly-dissapeared chapters who join themselves to fight against the enemies of mankind. Interesting, and gives me the possibility of painting Lamenters and Scythes of the Emperor, two chapters that i like a lot. Mi idea was to use the left shoulder pad for the chapter´s symbols (that will "unify" a bit the army) and the other one for the previous chapter simbol. Also, i thinked on making the veterans a bit special (working on fluff, maybe someday i will post it :rolleyes: ) so if it helps you... :) ^_^



Of the Land Raider, 1). ;)

Ok so it looks like number one for the Land Raider, So the question now is - Original las cannons or try something a bit different with the sponson mounts, maybe the Las Cannons from the Terminus model (which i still have boxed up for some reason), or some kind of crusader/redeemer weaponary. Decisions Decisions!


TheDarker - Cheers for the advice, funnily enough i had some ideas for veterans using the Dark Angels Veteran bodies but then equipping them with some awesomely modified weaponary!!

I have a similar problem, I have quite a nice army of plastic Space Marines, including a Mk I Rhino and Whirlwind, and I am stuck on how to dismantle and paint strip them all, the metallic models took ages soaking in pure while spirits to strip a moderate amount of paint off them, the bloke I got them off for nowt, and unfortunately, it appears that he painted it Ultramarines and Black Templars, at least a few times, as that at least one model has lost all data


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