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Battlescar Master WIP


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I got some work done on him, so, yes C&C welcome. Love letters, possibly. Death threats definately. Spamming of :cuss, awesome.







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In that case, I suspect that this badass in the making needs a nice acetone bath and a fresh undercoat! It's easy to tell that the model's been painted over a couple of times, as some of the detail is starting to get obscured, while there are bits that look like they weren't completely covered by your basecoat. I love the book + DA icon though. The model's got a good sense of motion and energy, looks heavy and imposing like a marine should.

I'd recommend having a crack at those mold lines once stripped, they are glaringly obvious...


Also if you want to do scratched up paintwork I personally find that boltgun metal over the paint scheme just doesn't look good enough, try using chaos black then going over it (but leave a faint line around the edge) with boltgun metal, it makes the whole effect look much better and not like you dropped it down the stairs.


I'll look forward to seeing what you can do with this chap.

I don't know why people were kind of mean to leethal, the concept is good but i guess you could repaint it :sweat:






I dont think anyone was trying to be mean, It just helps to have a fresh eye to look at things, and its amazing what other people will see that you overlook ie:- mal saying chaos black then boltgun metal will make the battle damage look that much sharper.

Looks like a good start leethal.. just so long as it doesn't detract from Deathwatch the Series!


The only other comment I can give at this stage is the dents and dings look great...then he got a new hammer? Strip the mold lines and get a few chips in it too!


Nice start! look forward to seeing the next step.

I don't know why people were kind of mean to leethal, the concept is good but i guess you could repaint it :D


Because I'm an ignorant ass towards some people. Karma works that way.


Heh, mold lines, I forgot them when I coated him the first time, and then I remembered. I need to "mess" up his Hammer however. Maybe give him a Jump pack..................But we'll see.


He's currently sitting in Simple Green.

Well I wasn't trying to be mean... I was simply trying to express my opinions and offer some advice...

What can I say, sorry if I sounded like an A$$.


No, you don't sound like an ass. I'm just saying I got those negative comments because Karma likes to screw around with people. ;)


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