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Is there a difference between Black Legion and Chaos Undivided because i always assume that Black Legion are just normal Chaos Marines that dont really praise the gods kinda like Iron warriors ?? and Undivided praised all the of gods ans so have cult units in their army. . . any help please :rolleyes:
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BL is very diverse, there are csm in BL that don't really praise the chaos gods (like IW's), there are BL that worship chaos as an undivided entity (kinda like WB's), BL that worship alll the chaos gods to some extent, annnnd BL that worship a single chaos god to the exclusion of all others. BL is unique to all the other legions in this way.
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  the jeske said:
undivided means not following any of the chaos gods . It may be worship of them all at the same time [WB], it may be not worshiping them at all [AL or NL] etc . But in most cases this means no cult units .

Except with BL, who take everything, cults, daemons, vindicators, Chaos Chuck Norris, the kitchen sink even.

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  Crusader169 said:
Is there a difference between Black Legion and Chaos Undivided


In game terms, the only difference is Abaddon.


i always assume that Black Legion are just normal Chaos Marines that dont really praise the gods kinda like Iron warriors ?? and Undivided praised all the of gods ans so have cult units in their army


It's the other way around -


Abaddon has the Mark of Group Hug and, after "initiation", so does the rest of his army . . .

In fluff terms, the Black isn't really a "Legion" at all in the sense that the Luna Wolves were -

They're a ragtag horde of mercenary misfits - free to worship anything so long as they obey Donny.


The real Legions are either Godfearing Cults (WE/TS/EC/DG) or Disgruntled Former Employees (IW/AL/WB/NL).






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Well, speaking from the fluff, the Cults obviously each worship their respective god and embody that god both in beliefs and in form. The Word Bearers worship Chaos as one entity and believe that each god is an inseparable part of the whole that is Chaos Undivided and therefore shun the worship of any one god above the others as a heresy of sorts. Nobody really knows what the Alpha Legion think or believe. Both the Iron Warriors and Night Lords don't really worship chaos although they are quite willing to use it as a tool to help take revenge on their perceived enemies (which is pretty much everyone). The Black Legion is unique in that they worship all of the gods individually, with certain Black Legionnaires picking specific gods to worship unlike the WB who worship the concept of Chaos as a whole. So yes, BL is the vanilla "undivided" legion and with 5th they are even characterized as a kind of coalition of other legions all fighting for dishonest Abe.
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