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In my codex, the servitors units does not have the extra clause that says they do not take up a slot on the FOC, so they do suck up elite slots, despite being in "the grey box." Is this the same elsewhere, and should we expect a FAQ within 5 years about it?
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C:SM, pg 138 - "You may include one unit of Servitors for every techmarine..."

Reads like they occupy the same slot as the techmarine. If you could take them without a techmarine, why bother to put 'you may' in the description?

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From what I understand you can only take servitors with tech marines and inquisitors (not sure about the WH dex), and the servitors are part of a retinue and as such do not take an extra slot in the FOC.
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Nothing in the rules in the marine codex makes them a retinue or makes them not take a FOC slot. Its different in other codeci (BA/DA and the INQ servitors are part of retinues)
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well every other grey box is an upgrade that doesn't take up a slot in the FOC... i'd go with that trend since that would make more sense than there only being 1 different in the whole darned codex, and EVERY other army they dont use up FOC, the wording is weird but you can still only have them for techs you have in your army...
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the grey boxes are all units or characters that can only be purchased with or as an upgrade to a regular (not in grey box) unit. there's nothing stating that units highlighted in grey do not take up an FOC slot. servitors are only allowed with a techmarine, and are not retinues. 'dems da breaks.


agreed that it seems strange that you may include a unit of servitors for every TM or MotF in the list, as you could have 6 of them, total (3 elite + 3 thunderfire cannon crew techmarines in heavy) but then no elite slots available for servitors. apocalypse may be the answer if you really want a bunch of very expensive less than space marine servitors, unless and until some FAQ comes out (don't hold your breath).

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Right, they are NOT retinues. They (and the techmarine) are free to seperate or join each other, though if they don't, servitors are subject to Mindlock.


I do not go with trends. I go with what is written, and what is written is that servitors are their own unit entry within the codex, taking up one slot. I know it's obviously an oversight, but it's one that will cost us until they release an errata/FAQ. I just wanted to be sure other people's books read the same.

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  • 3 years later...
In the Codex: Eldar 2006, for the Farseer entry it says "Warlocks: For each Farseer in the army, you may include a squad of 3-10 warlocks(see entry below). This unit and the Farseer are a single HQ choice. There's a distinction made in my Codex. Just food for thought.
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Well that's fine but what happens in one Codex doesn't mean it happens or offers a precedence in another - unless we're told it does :D



Lol, yeah, I know... and even then , the same GW employee may have contradicting rulings on things.

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I do not go with trends. I go with what is written, and what is written is that servitors are their own unit entry within the codex, taking up one slot.

But you are completely ignoring the "isolation box" the unit is placed in - which has as much authority as the text itself. There are several of those "isolation boxes" in the army list (and others) - which have a very consistent use - for units that operate outside of the FOC.


The box itself is just as RAW as the text inside of it. If you say that Servitors occupy an Elites slot, then you are ignoring the isolation box and ignoring that box is not RAW - not to mention those lovely lines between each entry in the Codex - which are conspiciously absent between the Techmarine and Servitor entries. They have the same authority as the text encapsulated between them.

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The FAQ covers it page 1 right hand column in the errata section Space Marine FAQ



Page 138 – Servitors.

The first line should be changed at reprint to:

“You may include one unit of Servitors for every

Techmarine or Master of the Forge in your army. These

units do not count against your HQ or Elites


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Holy necromancy, Batman! This thread is 3 years old! Didn't anyone notice that?


But you are completely ignoring the "isolation box" the unit is placed in - which has as much authority as the text itself. There are several of those "isolation boxes" in the army list (and others) - which have a very consistent use - for units that operate outside of the FOC.
And if I was a completely new person to the game, an iso-box means absolutely nothing without a description. For all I know it's just decoration to separate unit entries.
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Holy necromancy, Batman! This thread is 3 years old! Didn't anyone notice that?


:P Yes, I did, but chose to give merak1984 the head to run. Anyway - thanks to an faq this is now resolved. So it can rest in peace - again :tu:.

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Holy necromancy, Batman! This thread is 3 years old! Didn't anyone notice that?


But you are completely ignoring the "isolation box" the unit is placed in - which has as much authority as the text itself. There are several of those "isolation boxes" in the army list (and others) - which have a very consistent use - for units that operate outside of the FOC.
And if I was a completely new person to the game, an iso-box means absolutely nothing without a description. For all I know it's just decoration to separate unit entries.


Nope didn't realize that, I saw a new post thought it was kinda long for a new thread but didn't bother to look at posting dates, it was just something I remember being in the official FAQs so I posted the official FAQ.

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So, continuing on my line of thought before, the dark iso-boxes do not automatically mean "doesn't take up a FOC slot." Many codexes use them for Upgrades (C:T), Upgrade Characters (C:IG), or specifically spell out that the unit doesn't take up a FOC slot through whatever means (C:E, C:DA, C:BA, etc). This was the one, wrongly worded iso-box that truly was screwing over Servitor users. That is, until the FAQ came out to fix it :)


Needless to say, the thread is complete.

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