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Hi Guys,


just wanted to show a first model of an army i thought about. Nothing sure yet, not even if i will do it. As i'm still planning - what takes along time with me usually) i need opinions and postings, to guide my way...


Not as shiny as the other armies i posted (adeptus custodes & tears of medusa), but more, worn & realistic this time. True scale for sure, converted for sure. Each model will be unique, as usual.


I was thinking about a style between DG and WE. Vehicles will be used i guess, but on a russ chassis basis rather than rhino-based... we'll see.

The quality would be no prob through the army, but the pics won't get better. Vets in my Threads know that anyway.















So tell me what u think !

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i like it. DG all the way i say (but then i would lol)

i think you should go nurgle without doubt, but maybe not DG, there are others in the chaos codex and no one i have seen is doing them...i believe one is also white as a colour base, cant for the life of me remember then name though sigh.



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@ Duncs


I still don`t even know if i want them to be loyal, preheresy or chaos. So i´m really not sure about the fluff or a god i could devote them to or sth., i just wanted something old n rusty compared to my other stuff.


The axes are handmade, i have some unpainted weaponry & i´ll take some pics for you when i´m back home. Zerkers axes were too small, my guys use them for cleaning the armor and preparing breakfast.


@ all


ok, i get the thighs-thing. You are right - just wanted to save some time.

I´ll thicken them in the future - no big deal really.


Thanks for that one.


But go on in adding comments - thicker thighs is not enough.

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The pose of the knee is not really important for the scheme tester marine. I try to get the best angle for every marine again, but the stock gw tac marines really have odd poses sometimes too.


Just remember - its not about that particular marine here, its about the marine made into an army. Thicken the thighs is remarked for the future.


A Pic of the back will come with the next bunch of pics by monday or tuesday.

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  • 1 month later...

Little step further & something to show and get opinions on:






Please feel free to comment, but... leave out the legs. I just simply decided to do thean that way, and i like it. I remember the first 3 pages of my Adeptus Custodes Thread was also half way legs-talk, so another approach this time.


So whats the use?


Either i'll call it an own new army. in this case you'll see different ph troops of this kind of course, Vehicles, aso.


Another optio would be to call these here the death guard, and i start a project something like 'the legions' and make a squad of every ph legion i like to form an army together in the end. Sounds weird i know, but is for sure the least boring thing in building, painting and threadwatching terms.

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oh okay i wont talk about the legs, but i was only looking at the pictures and NOT reading, so , do you hand make these? 'cause if you do, they look pretty flippin cool! awesome paint job. maybe they should be a nuetral chapter or something. like their ship lost all power and floated onto an unnkown world!

well that was sort of cheesy but you get the idea. :lol:

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Uh, thats not much response for one day... semms like you like my goldies better. :D


Anyway - slowly but surely i'm heading for the first squad. So here are 2 guys more:






@ Kantor


Yeah, im making those, i do that with all my recent minis. ^_^

For being the first here, i'll name from tthis squad one after you. :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

After i got enough testers for DG now, here is one from another chapter, guess i needn't tell. Not quite finiished yet, but enough to show already. The Desin is out of some pics in the collected Visions.


The green plate was freshly added, it'll get painted soon. Perhaps i'll also change different things also. The 'white' is supposed to be the same like from the other marines yet.


Also nice Bases are to add, as soon as its a full squad.


Now let's see what you think so far.... sorry for the supersize pics 5 times bigger tahn the mini, but my prog refused to resize them today.....










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I really like those. Very nice. I will be watching this thread.


I like the different poses and alternating between chainsword and chain axe, are they only goiing to use those? Or will they have power fists, flamers, etc.


Good work bro.


Captain Kael :(

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I like to use the "Army Painter" portion from Dawn of War to test out color ideas. It's faster and I can get a pretty good feel about what might and might not work quickly. The chain axes can be made with plasticard. Polystyrene in various thickness comes in sheets roughly 5x10 inches. Check HobbyTown or similar for them. Just get or make a template and take your time cutting with a sharp knife. Add putty to build up areas or creat details and *p00f*
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Did some modeling today for the 1000 sons, but still nothing too good to show. Tomorrow is sons day, i guess, and a good one.


But to keep it interesting today, i finished the painting on two more DG:






Guess i'll add Flamers n Stuff, but i'm not too sure about the list in the end yet, so.... we'll see.



Growler described it quite right. I take the chains teeth from the Chainweaponry in CSM boxes though.

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So, here we have the anounced Son. I think he's true to the original und looks quite good, at least i'm satisfied. Got the proportions figured out better now... also, i'm very used to painting a red and gold combination because of my custodes anyway.


i'll add egytian waeponry in the open hand without thumb, and probably change the bolter, as soon as i have decided what will be the job of the unit. He'll also gat a golden belt.







From now on i'll change the Title according to new stuff, and this Thread is now no Test any more, but an army thread.

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Yep the 1000son is a keeper,nothing wrong on that guy.

he is very recognisable to the card artwork(i used to play the 40kCCG's).

the worldeater is fantastic(big fan of preheresy worldeater colors)as mentioned his feet are too small,thats the only standout flaw on him...


Not going to comment much on the nurgle apart from a modelling view in that they are well done,i just find nurgle stuff so very :)

Good luck with the rest of them!


Cheers Mithril

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