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@ CompanyOfTheFallen


Dunno if i come, and if i come i dunno if i wanna play. The orga didn't accept my Custodes as puritan Deamonhunters.... ;) i must admit i'm a bit pissed.

And all proportions in my army are exactly like i want them to be.


@ Dionesiist


I'm Planning on a Fulgrim anyway, so let's see, but... at least a Lucius is sure.


@ NemFX


Right in the ornate thing, i'll keep the painting at bay. But after all he's a primarch & i want him to stand out.

But where is a source describing him als bald? if you can give me one that would be awesome, i would change the mini then; i only found him to be 'copperskinned'

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From Lexicanium's article on Alpha Legion


For the Primarch put into place a directive that, as far as possible, all Alpha Legion marines had to attempt to look alike; and the visage they patterned themselves on was that of Alpharius and Omegon. As a result, all Alpha Legionaries were at the very least shaven headed, with many going so far as to have cosmetic surgical alteration


Other than that, he looks amazing. Keep up the good work.

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Dunno if i come, and if i come i dunno if i wanna play. The orga didn't accept my Custodes as puritan Deamonhunters.... :D i must admit i'm a bit pissed.

And all proportions in my army are exactly like i want them to be.


This sucks. I've never seen the orga around at our local GW so I do not know them personally (in that case I would play too), but they already have forbidden some stylish armys of some local players - for no reason. Did they explain why they didn't accept yours? Too cool? Too good painted?

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For the Primarch put into place a directive that, as far as possible, all Alpha Legion marines had to attempt to look alike; and the visage they patterned themselves on was that of Alpharius and Omegon. As a result, all Alpha Legionaries were at the very least shaven headed, with many going so far as to have cosmetic surgical alteration

But i found an artwork:



Damn ugly - but hairy.


@ CompanyOfTheFallen


I need my Inquisitor aka. Malcador with terran Lords, to get the Army up to the points. Thats a step out of being puritan (which is correct; strict, but correct.) I then wanted to play a SM army (the two squads here, with custodian support) but allied are forbidden too.

So i would have to build new models just for Dresden, or live with getting no list combo points. But i just think playing pure DH as theme army is kind of a handycap anyway, and whole lot of other armies with a theme even get free bonuses. (pure DG, pure Sons, aso.) It's not totally about points for me, i usually never win anywhere, but i want fair games, and an orga that lets me play my way. Its not the worst, i'm sure.

So all in all, i'm just unsure if i wanna drive 500km twice for no use. But as i'm the appointed driver already, it might happen i come by but don't play.... we'll see.


@ tagsta


Gnä.... fulgrim is months to come, if ever.


But a full set of Primarchs would be mighty fine....

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I'll change Alpharius to give him a harder face and bald head; i experienced that he'S more commonly known bald.


Today i did the 100 sons squad to a piont where they are cleaned:




This means the Details on the legs and Pads will be added. Then the battledamage of course, up tot a level of the tester marine i did some posts before.


Gimme some comments - i can only improve.

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Sons done. Now they have the battle damage and details on the legs und pads. Some touchups are still needed, not i need to do something else now...


The poses already include the thought about the future bases.











Guess i'll go on with painting alpharius, then i'm finally ready to play.

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I truly love to see theme type armies like this. I love the Thousands Sons and the DG has grown on me after looking through the thread. I especially like the use of the non-space marine helmets.


If I had the level of talent you have I would do units from each section of the space marine codex in the various chapters.


Keep posting pictures please.

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You make me post here after more than one year of silent lurking! :huh:

This a titanic feat and the work is very good.

Love all these real size space marines and I'd like to see a tutorial to do it your way if there's one.

Personally I got back to B&C to find some inspiration for my incoming pre heresy Alpha Legion after too much years of xeno friendship. :(

That's why I found your Alpharius absolutely relevant!

I'm not completely sure of the look of him after reading LEGION and foreviewing it in my fantasy, but I've also noted someone already told you bout the head or other details.

I'd wish to point out that maybe he'd need a gladius, a romanic style short sword, some king of long dagger (dagga: as daga in latin for the typical roman empire shortsword)

Please keep us up to date and once more many compliments.


p.s. any alpha legionaire incoming soon? :lol:

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First go in painting the guy.... i dunno what i dont like, but something is wrong. WIP of course, n perhaps i'm just not too used to cold colors.


I shortend the sword to get the gladius thing, and i havend swaped the head yet, i first waana get a new one that fits. Weekend perhaps, but i'll get a bald one with a more "brutal" face.




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All I can think to say is wow. Your army is looking great!!


The paint jobs are very fitting for the style of your sculpts. It would be great to see a shot of some of your marines next to a standard marine.


Do you have any WIP shots of the greens of any of your marines. It's always helpful to see what's going on before the painting.


I am going to echo the request for a step by step on how you sculpted these and it would also be great to get a list of colors that you used on the different marines.


Again WOW these look great solid work.





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The paint jobs are very fitting for the style of your sculpts. It would be great to see a shot of some of your marines next to a standard marine.

No prob:



Do you have any WIP shots of the greens of any of your marines. It's always helpful to see what's going on before the painting.

Yeah, and even in parts:



From left to right we have here:

arm, backpack ant thighs quite as standard usually,

a WE head and a TS head

a lower leg of DG as well a torso of DG in two parts

and a DG shoulder pad.



The thing I don't like is that Alpharius is meant to be bald.

I don't think anything is clearly known about his appearance except being copperskinned. I assume you are refering to 'Legion'. I personally think he changes his outer appearance.

But because the common imagination of Alpharius is to be bald, i'll change the haed.

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Next Primarch - Mortarion









Take him as 70% finished at this state. As you see, there are still many things to clean up, and to add details. A tabbard with hood of course too. Oh, and a second foot.


After that he'll receive a painting like the guard on the first pages has, more or less.


Tell me what ya think.


@ Alpharius


Head is bald now, but i'll go on with him later on.

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Phenomenal Work.


Isnt Mortarion known as the Night Stalker? I always pictured him to look more like the Grim Reaper, Hooded and not be able to see his face.


That head on Mortarion could go on Alpharius.


Anyway, love your work. You have inspired me to work with green stuff more. Just from what little experience I have makes me appreciate your work even more.


Great stuff there, keep it coming.

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mmmm thousand sons and a really got mortarion and alpharius too... but alpharius' sword could be a bit bigger.... how did you make your egyptian blades? with plasticard and chainswords or something? also captain forge is correct here is more reference pics to work on him with.




the first two probably will be more useful....

oppss..... i just read the rest of your post..... well hopefully these will still be useful...

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