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Hey man,



AWSOME sang. the BEST i have EVER seen in my life......has this been covered or how did you make this awsome feat of modelling genius?


Also loving his armour, cheeky i know, but could we get a low-down of the colours you used for your NMM?




Over all and awsome project which i cant wait to see continue to unfold...


[deep narrator voice] in the grim darkness of the far future [/deep narrator voice]




Cpt X

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey folks,


after some projects and tryouts in the non MEQ sector, i'll go on with my beloved LEGIONS.


Did some Melterboys and a Fistsarge (they are fists after all), as well as a Standard bearer that i plan for every of the Legions. :P






The guy on the banner looking like David Bowie is Dorn of course.




Tell me what u think bout the minis, the painting the project - any remarks might be helpful.


Still have some stuff in the pipeline, so better stay tuned. :P




And great thanks again to kikkala from the iron hands, giving me the hint wehre to get nice helmets!


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Wonderful work capt.nuss, on everything you have achieved. Though I have to say Sanguinius is my personal favourite- he's just perfect! And of course, your Imperial Fists are amazing- the colouration fits very nicely.


Is there any chance of pictures for other angles on the Rhino? I'd just like to seehow you are tackling the othe parts of the Leman Russ chassis.


What you have done already is inspiring, and I can't wait to see what you do next.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heres a quick WIP shot of the Morlocks - Iron Hand Termis.


In Game, i'll use them as either Meltertermis, or Kyborgs, both fits em fluffwise.





I had to edit the pics this time, as they are black, and very hard to show by photo - at least for me.


Originally i had planned 1000sons termis for that job, but just as i had figured all those enervating 'psipowered-termi-hands' i remembered that i already have 100 sons - so i swapped over to iron hands.


As you see, the painting is WIP, i'll upload a better shot as soon as i'm done with the brush.

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I cannot believe I've missed this thread. From concept design, to sculpting, and painting the whole thing is simply brilliant. Wonderful job on the Iron hand terminators; why not use them as obliterators?
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Those fists look tremendous, as for the Morlocks, well, I can't help but detect a hint of Ork to the weapons... especially the buzz saw, the claw and the gun which has the look of a big shoota to it
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Bloody hell mate, every single one of the mini's in this thread is superb.


Struggling to think of any better I've ever seen. Sure there are guys on the web who can produce something like this on a one off basis but an armies' worth!?


Your work is a true inspiration, please keep it up.


Sorry theres nothing in the way of constructive criticism haha!

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, on we go with a new tester Model for the next Legion: Ultras.


They where cool back in those days, u know. :D





The gold n blue is nearly done, just some touch ups with battle damage and the Metal parts. And to add the white marks, all at the end.


I'm happy for any fluff correction, comment, addition or question.


Stay alert for the squad to come.

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Capt. Nuss-


That Sanguinius, I mean, Most High Lord and Father, the Great Protector, the Angel of the Imperium, Sanguinius-










SPAZ OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


THRILLER DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






It's Beautiful. Seriously.












SPAZ OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


THRILLER DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






You are the most high lord of awesomeness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


NICE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







New Report Card





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As the reception for the Ultra was not quote what i wanted, i thought i'd go for a more popular approach:


The Emp Child is built for coolness - Katana, strong and full hair in california dreamboy style suit.






I'd opt to make most of them without helmets, to show some love and beauty, so that its clear who gets the post foreign-planet-ladies right after the Imp himself.


Well, tell me what u think.


And as i just had them on my desk- ere is a group shot:




The colours match much much better in real light than on that pic... reminds me of the power rangers, i fear.

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Does that mean everyone will want (to be) the green/white marine then? Both the UM and the Emperor's Children marines look great. How'd you do the katana? Also, are the metal areas on the UM finished?



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