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First addition to my army


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Along with AOBR my brother gave me an old Razorback/Rhino box(Yay birthdays <_<) which he never got around to using.


I spent all day clipping it, filing away the left overs and glueing it together. Then when my bro' inspected it, it turns out i glued the tracks on backwards :lol:. Well I pulled them off and cleaned off the semi dryed glue and re-glued it.


So what, if any, newbie mistakes did you make with your collections?


P.S My brother lost the instruction booklet or whatever so don't go blaming me

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Well I tried building a preditor (This is going back half my liftime), but I used a sort of gel like glue at the time, needless to say it didnt work. So there the parts lay in my bits box for 8 years. Till last month, I cleand off the bits found some spare track parts, and other things and, whola, a brand new rhino to go with my new hunter team. See I recycle.



of course its still a bit messed up, but I just say its the oldest one in the chpter and its been repaired so meny times from parts scavengend in the feild (Well they do have the repare rule)

I was even trying not to, I swear to god, but I glued the front door of my landraider shut. This wasnt a newbie mistake, it happened about a week ago... I just fail.


Lol, when I was newbie a mistake I made with modeling? I gave a squad of gaurdians a pair of shuriken catapluts each, and the other three lasguns, and then did it again with the next box.... so it was 4/6. This was second edition where I could either have two catapults, or everyone with catapults... I got so much flak from that. Id just figured that way I could decide wich one I wanted to use wich game cause I couldnt afford to get 20 of them for a long long time.

Well, my Predator Annilihator has the rear door glued backwards and shut.


I've stuck the tracks the wrong way round at least times on Rhino hulls and had to pull them off.


My Vindicator's front plate slid down whilst being glued, so now it doesn't quite sit flat...


My Crusader is a bit of mess, but that was second hand so I take no credit.

  Captain Malachi said:
I tried to pull the pred upper body part (no idea what it's called) off the sprue, and basically it snapped, no way to fix it, so that was £25 quid down the drain. :)


How did it break that you couldn't fix it? I've got a Pred and I don't see how you could snap the top hull and not have a possibility of fixing it. Just glue the two pieces together and glue em onto the bottom hull while its drying to hold the right shape. Probably would be a pain but better than wasting such a chunk of change.

  Captain Malachi said:
I did that, but I didn't like having a huge crack down the middle of my tank. :P

The magic of Green stuff will fix that problem lol


When I first started I bought some LotR elves of the last allience becuase I had just watched the films and tried undercoating all 24 models by hand with black because no one told me about spray paints B) what a waste of like 4 hours.


I didn't realise that there was a mould line to scrape off I thought it was ment to be in the model lol I try to get all of them now :P

I got a pred with the lights to low, i'v put the wrong wheels on the front of my Russ so now the tracks are sticking out further on the front than the back, and i'm sure i got more mistakes in my army


But so what, if it works and looks good.

Thinking back on my long time of assembly there is only one instance I would alter. Around 99' I got my first big piece of truely complicated armor: the Leman Russ Exterminator. My mistake was not in the assembly so much as in the desicion to save time and just glue the guns in to frame up the sponsons, front, and turret. Although the lines are all smooth and she looks great painted up, I wish those guns could move. :D

But as experences go it wasn't that bad and it has focused my building of future models with movementable parts.



  Brother Tancred said:
When I first started I bought some LotR elves of the last allience becuase I had just watched the films and tried undercoating all 24 models by hand with black because no one told me about spray paints :lol: what a waste of like 4 hours.


I didn't realise that there was a mould line to scrape off I thought it was ment to be in the model lol I try to get all of them now ;)


Hahaha, I did that too with the Two Towers starter set, painted all the models in thick white paint. Luckily I didn't repeat that mistake with my Tau or later my Marines.

My biggest initial mistake, way back with my bretonnians, was to use the base spray about 3" away from the models. I did just about the entire starter box first, and ended up with models sooooooooo heavily based that I just about erased all detail from them. Didnt stop me from painting them, but they looked like absolute garbate. Keep that can a good distance away!

I don't make mistakes... :D


I'd have to say I've only made one mistake honestly that was the first year I ever played this game (I'm a hobbiest so painting and building comes really easy to me, even without instructions).


I glued on the bolters to my tactical marines without cutting off the "grip" on the bolter.

-This wasn't my mistake but it is too good to not post.


Friend finished painting that Monstrous Creature Special Char dreadnaught from the WH Codex. Spent hours painting it perfectly, everything done just like he wanted it. Then grabbed the base, went outside and sprayed... It wasn't the base... It was black spray paint and he was pretty angry. I got a laugh though. Then when he tried to get his mind off it by finishing putting together his excorsist (Spelling?) tank. Right as he held it up to show me, we all know that thing is all metal and a million parts right?... Tile floor. It hurt so much to watch I couldn't laugh until he picked it up and threw it again....


Bad day for the WH.

I was just about to glue the last piece of a custom WGBL, the glue had been plugged a bit so I had to squeeze the bottle fairly hard to get it to come out, I went to squeeze whatever was pluggin it came out and so did half the bottle all over my nice new model. The modle was mostly plastic and melted all my detail before I could get it off, ruined it.


he is now the sad victim of a plasma gun OH accident.

Eeeek, but the fragility of GS and superglue....


I glued the hurricane bolters of my LRC with GS and superglue...it's the best short term bond that you could possibly hope for. but man, if that thing gets a fluffy bunny covered hammer tap, it's gonna shatter. Goooooooooootta pin that stuff. Thank god for plastic LRC's...

  OnlyInDeath said:
Eeeek, but the fragility of GS and superglue....


I glued the hurricane bolters of my LRC with GS and superglue...it's the best short term bond that you could possibly hope for. but man, if that thing gets a fluffy bunny covered hammer tap, it's gonna shatter. Goooooooooootta pin that stuff. Thank god for plastic LRC's...


No, no, no, GS for posing the models, remove it before super gluing. Plastic stays together with super glue and won't come apart with anything short of a sledgehammer (ok so maybe thats over exagerating). Metal models a small, small bit of green stuff to hold the pieces together while the super glue dries, and the bond is also very strong. The important thing is not to mix the super glue and GS, that just makes a mess. Plastic glue makes a strong bond but damn you let that stuff drip at all and you can say adios to the model's detail.


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