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Well, after a nice 3 months break from uni and london, I'm back for more modelling. With the new marine codex, there are millions of ideas running around, and I've picked raven guard.


I was playing with the idea of truescale marines last year, but they were loosely based on synapses and doghouses ones, and very "beta". This year hopefully I can complete a proper squad, and maybe move on.


Here's the first marine, I'll post some WiP shots aswell, so you can see the steps, I'm hoping the next one will be cleaner, as getting rid of all that miliput on the model took some time :)



Snowman and the panicked imperial guard



Almost there



And viola! a scaleshot



Now lets see if I can make the second one better with more dynamic, C&C are very welcome, thanks for seeing them.

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No, the JP size remains the same. I thought a lot about doing it, but look at the photos from the DoW2 (a great truescale source imo) :




I took this from an ingame screenshot, the jumppack looks about right size right?

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Started the second chap today, he's quite WIP now.




Lets see if I can nail this armour type.


Btw a question for all of you, we discussed with a friend on how the large bases would effect the gameplay, and I had no idea really, considering the enemy would have the same advantage as the player, IF there is any advantage. Do you think that there'll be a problem with large bases? Is it against the rules? I actually have no idea.


Thanks for checking the log, see you soon \o

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Looking good. Am a bit surprised to see you add height to the Termi legs - I would've thought they're long enough already, and alo requires you to remove whatever molded-on decoration there is on the leg (cruxes, etc.). But to each his own. The painted Raven Guard marine is certainly imposing!
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